Jiro Kobayashi's brain has now been brushed with a suspended driver's license.

God, the earth, such as Buddha, goddess, goddess, goddess, all the gods are waiting for him to deliver the express, he can't do without a driver's license! ! !

By the way, before the company told him that there was a problem to find the old driver senior, he still has the old driver senior!

Predecessor! Help, senior! Predecessor...... Uh....

Jiro Kobayashi suddenly remembered that his old driver senior had gone in last month.

He remembers that day, the old driver senior drove him in his beloved big truck and gave him practical training.

The senior was driving, and an old man over half a hundred years old suddenly appeared at an intersection, and the senior just wanted to step on the brakes, but a young man who looked like a brave man came out.

The information of this young man flashed on the windshield of the big truck, Takagi Wataru, the chief of the inspection department of the search section of the Metropolitan Police Department, is honest and honest, kind and considerate, and has a sense of responsibility, known as "a criminal police officer who stays outside and is just inside, a gentle man".

That's it, that's him! After waiting so long in this world, I finally waited for a big order.

The old driver's predecessor was called an excited, locked the target, stepped on the accelerator to the end, and tried to attack the police.

Old driver senior: "The kid is optimistic, you senior, I want to show the real technology!" Go and die, Wataru Takagi! However

, at this critical moment, a bear child rushed over and kicked the senior and the car away.

The old driver senior was dying, and before leaving, he grabbed Kobayashi Jiro's hand and said, "The driver's position will be handed over to you... You, you must turn right... And away from rice flowers... Uh..."


Jiro Kobayashi could only watch as the old driver was carried away by an ambulance and was still hospitalized.

"He did it himself." Rabbit Chuan said in a volume that only the two of them could hear, "Your senior's senior was taking your seniors for an internship, because they deliberately attacked the police, your senior, he himself does not have a long memory, no wonder who is it?" "

The police officer who was attacked that year was called Date Airways, but Date Airlines walked out, and the truck driver who drove was directly revoked his license and deducted 20 points, plus three years in prison, and he is still locked up!

If you count further, you should be able to count Sato Masayoshi, but the big truck driver succeeded, because Sato Masayoshi's death is defined as accidental death while chasing a prisoner, which is an accidental death, and there is no proof of death, and the driver of the large truck is not responsible.

Since then, truck drivers in this world have been treating this incident as a case, in order to teach their juniors, sending generations of truck drivers into the bureau.

Rabbit Chuan said to Kobayashi Jiro sincerely: "I sincerely hope that the evil relationship between the truck and the Metropolitan Police Department will come to an end in your generation, otherwise..."

Tuchuan frightened the young man and said, "There is a calamity sooner or later, as the saying goes, if you are early or late, you can enter early." "

Rabbit Chuan just thinks that this truck driver is funny, definitely not because he has a feud with the truck driver.

"No, it's not..." Kobayashi Jiro was shocked, did he still have this choice now?

Jiro Kobayashi has no choice, and countless seniors have fallen into the sand in this world, leaving only him as an intern.

If even he enters, the company will completely abandon this world and close the passage to the other world.

At the same time, it also means that Jiro Kobayashi and the seniors who entered before him will stay in this world forever.

Jiro Kobayashi wants to cry without tears, he is a trainee driver with less money to live more, he can't even feed himself when he earns some money, and he has to take care of so many seniors with case records.

Fortunately, there is also a standard large truck that can earn some extra money as a courier, otherwise he and his predecessors will have to starve to death.

But now his big truck hit and killed people while he was delivering the courier, dead people, dead people ....

It's over, his extra money is gone....

"No, it's a murder!" Dr. Agasa suddenly shouted, "So you can't leave now.

Kobayashi Jiro knelt directly and shouted: "I'm not, I don't, I'm wronged!" I have an eighty-year-old old-timer, a cat for two months, and the whole family depends on me to support the family, I really can't go in!

Everyone looked at Jiro Kobayashi strangely together, what is this, don't you fight yourself?

Rabbit Chuan secretly kicked the indisputable thing and said, "Dr. Agasa is not talking about you, but President Ohara, you are the murderer of Mr. Aida."

Everyone present was stunned, including Dr. Akasa, who stopped President Ohara.

How does Dr. Agasa know who the murderer is, he is playing a double reed with Conan!

However, here in Conan, only Dr. Agasa has this treatment, and everyone else is anesthesia needle service.

"You, what are you talking about!" President Ohara was a little anxious, this is a little ghost who came out of nowhere.

Officer Saito asked, "Who are you?"

Dr. Agasa straightened his waist and said smugly, "Everyone calls me Dr. Agasa."

Rabbit Chuan followed and said, "My name is Rabbit Chuan, and I am just an ordinary high school student.

The patrolman on the side said righteously: "Please do not obstruct the police in the performance of their official duties."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask first!" Officer Saito stopped the young subordinate and cautiously asked Rabbitakawa "Did you say this to find any clues?" "

Officer Saito decided to go back and have a good talk with his subordinates, young people are young and vigorous, as a good police officer, you must learn to humbly listen to the opinions of enthusiastic people, in order to be promoted and raised as soon as possible.

This Officer Saito is very good!

Rabbit Chuan replied: "I already have an inference in my heart now, if my reasoning is correct, the evidence should still be on the tail of the bus by now!"

President Ohara's heart became flustered, his eyes flickered, and he said weakly: "I don't know what you kid is talking about, my company still has something to do, so I won't accompany the child's detective game." "

Ohara-san!" Officer Saito stopped President Ohara, who was trying to flee the scene, "Don't say that, it's not okay to listen to them, right?" President

Ohara saw that Officer Saito had begun to suspect his appearance, and in order not to increase his suspicions, he was considered to be afraid of crime and absconded, and he had to stop.

"Then I'll start with the modus operandi." Rabbit River began, "First of all, President Ohara used his car to occupy the place where the delivery car was often parked, and then asked Mr. Aida to talk about things at the café under the ramp, and then let him sit directly opposite the ramp.

"What are you talking about?" President Ohara said dissatisfied, "The parking space belongs to everyone, I just happened to park there, and the position where Aida sat was also a coincidence."

"Let's not talk about that for now." Rabbit Chuan continued, "I heard from these children that you went to the bathroom once on the way, but you actually climbed out of the bathroom window and sneaked to the truck. "

You put something under the front wheel of the van, block the front wheel of the van, and then tie the other end of the piano wire to this thing beforehand to the hook at the back of the bus waiting to depart."

"Then you turn the gear of the truck to neutral, pull up the handbrake of the truck, and everything is ready."

"Finally, you pretend to be idle and return to the café, just wait in the café for ten minutes, wait for the bus to pull away the things that stand in the way of the wheels, the big truck will automatically slide down the ramp, and your plan is done!"

President Ohara was horrified in his heart, what to do, all said right by this kid, it was like he saw it with his own eyes!

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