The clerk hurriedly called an ambulance and called the police.

The clerks want to cry, their home is a new store that has just been renovated!

I don't know if the boss has bought home insurance, when the house can be repaired, and whether their salary this month can still be issued?

The patrol officer quickly arrived at the scene, because it looked like a traffic accident, so only Officer Saito from the Traffic Division came, not the Twilight Police Department of the search class that they were familiar with.

Soon, the ambulance also arrived at the scene, and the man was blessed with a big life, and the ambulance immediately carried the person away.

Rabbit River felt that what happened today must have taught the café a painful lesson, that is, do not randomly distribute leaflets in the commercial street of Yonehanamachi, especially not to engage in these lucky draws.

Otherwise, it is likely to provoke the Ou Emperors around the God of Death, come to the store to eat and drink for nothing, and randomly carry away a person by the way.

Officer Saito and the deceased... Oh, not dead yet, to be precise, the wounded, Kazuo Ohara, who was sitting at the same table as Toru Aida, understood what happened.

Kazuo Ohara is the president of the Ohara Planning Company, and Toru Aida is the designer of the Ohara Project, and their company is just above this ramp, so the two of them meet to talk about something at this café near the company.

President Ohara said that he just went to the bathroom, went to the bathroom to find the lost lighter, and when he came back from the bathroom, he found that his good brother and good subordinate were missing?!

Officer Saito sighed, "It's actually so clever? You are really a lucky person! "

Especially on their side, it is generally the president who is killed, and this time the president actually lived, what a blessing!"

"Officer Saito!" The patrolman on the ramp waved to Officer Saito and shouted, "I found the driver of the big truck!"

Officer Saito replied, "Okay, I'll go up!" "

Rabbit Chuan climbed the hill with Officer Saito, he wanted to see, which little cute is this truck driver today?

Conan stared at President Ohara, he felt that it was too coincidental.

Suddenly, Conan saw a strange arc at the corner of President Ohara's mouth.

Conan instantly understood that this was definitely a murder, and the murderer was President Ohara, who had escaped a catastrophe!

Rabbit Chuan and Officer Saito come uphill, and the big truck that caused the accident is actually a delivery car, and the driver of the delivery truck is also a part-time courier.

Rabbit Chuan feels that there is nothing wrong with this statement, the big truck is not a delivery car, the kind that is specially for the brave of the other world.

The driver of the big truck is named Jiro Kobayashi, who is only 25 years old this year and is a very young delivery boy.

Jiro Kobayashi desperately explained: "I usually park my car at the top of the ramp, but today a car occupies my place, and I can only park on the ramp in front of it.

"But I'm pretty sure I actually pulled the handbrake, and for the sake of caution, I pulled the gear lever to the four-wheel lock."

Jiro Kobayashi was excitedly arguing, but the traffic police next to him stood up and said: "Officer Saito, when I rushed to the scene, I immediately went to check the driver's seat, and I didn't pull the handbrake at all.

"It's not!" Kobayashi retorted excitedly, "I really pulled the handbrake!"

President Ohara covered his face and wept, crying bitterly: "Aida, Aida is my important right and left hand, what can I do if I lose him!"

Kobayashi Jiro stepped back in fright and said in horror: "What did you say? Yes, someone died?! How is this possible? "

Before you know it, business plus one?

Kobayashi Jiro immediately shook his head, no, no, could it be said that the big truck was tired of his useless owner and went to create performance himself?

It's pretty good, no, isn't he unemployed?!

Jiro Kobayashi suddenly looked like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

The clerk of Ohara Planning Company came out to his president and shouted, "President, what are you doing, president!" If you don't pay the material side, our business will be yellow!

President Ohara said sadly: "Let's not talk about this, our designer Aida is dead, he died in an accidental car accident."

Conan kept staring at the suspicious President Ohara, and when he saw the president put his finger in his mouth again, it suddenly occurred to him that this person was licking his finger when he first came out of the bathroom.

It's so weird, why would he lick his fingers after going to the toilet?

Doesn't he think it's tasteful?

No, no, did he get hurt in the bathroom?

Conan immediately ran back to the bathroom of the café, pulled the toilet room, looked around for clues, and found blood dripping from the outside on the windowsill of the bathroom.

Conan thought of the first time this President Ohara went to the bathroom, Genta went to the bathroom and knocked on the door and he didn't respond, at that time he was not in the bathroom at all, but ran outside from this window sill.

Conan jumped out of the window, and next to this window was the big truck that caused the accident, and the road outside the window was the ramp where the accident car passed.

Conan followed the road to the bus stop, and he learned from Mitsuhiko that this station was the terminus, and the bus would stay here for ten minutes before departing.

Conan picked up a strange little piece of wood on the road, and then Conan saw a piano wire on the tail of a bus.

Conan understood everything, it turned out to be like this!

Rabbitikawa saw that Kobayashi Jiro was still immersed in his own world, poked him lightly with his cane, and said, "Hey! Wake up, wake up, wake up! 20 points deducted for causing an accident, and if you don't wake up, your driver's license will be gone! "

Driver, driver's license!!" Kobayashi Jiro instantly sobered up, "No! I can't go without a driver's license! I haven't turned positive yet, QAQ..."

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