Because Dr. Agasa, who was able to testify to Rabbitagawa, sent Haibara to the hospital, Rabbikawa was sent to the affiliated hospital of Toto Medical University for examination to be on the safe side.

However, the ambulance here is free of charge, it is a kind of administrative service, that is, the ambulance is paid for its use from taxes.

As soon as Tuchuan got out of the ambulance, he happened to meet the attending physician who returned to school to teach at the Dongdu Medical University Hospital.

Rabbit Chuan was caught by the attending physician this time, blood tests, films, eyes, arms and legs, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all checked, and he stayed in the hospital for three days.

Rabbit Chuan's whole person was tossed and stunned, and finally because of his poor mental state, he was sent to the heart therapy department for a psychological counseling.

During this period, another incident happened, Dr. Yoshimura of this Toto Medical University Hospital fell to his death in his apartment, and happened to be killed by the passing god of death....

Ah, no, it was Maori Kogoro and Conan who were passing by, and walking with Maori Kogoro, and a doctor Ueda who looked like a new doctor bumped into.

If nothing else, this is not an accident, this Dr. Ueda is the murderer of Dr. Yoshimura.

Dr. Ueda and Dr. Yoshimura lived upstairs and downstairs of the same apartment, and Dr. Ueda took Dr. Yoshimura to the sixth floor of his house, drunk people, and then arranged his home to look like Yoshimura's house.

Later, Dr. Ueda asked Maori Kogoro to meet at a café near the apartment, intending to ask Maori Kogoro to give him an alibi.

Dr. Ueda then called to wake up Yoshimura and told Yoshimura that he had seen the debt collector right at his door and told him to run.

Dr. Yoshimura, who had not yet sobered up, saw the arrangement in the room, mistakenly thought that this was his home downstairs, and subconsciously wanted to escape through the window, but fell to his death.

It's just some ghostly tricks, of course, it can't escape the detective's eyes, and Conan only takes one episode to see through everything.

Mori (Conan) Kogoro: Balabala... balabala......

Dr. Ueda completely knelt down and turned on confession mode.

It turned out that Dr. Ueda was tight some time ago, and Dr. Yoshimura introduced Dr. Ueda to the way to resell potassium cyanide, a well-known drug in the hospital.

Dr. Yoshimura: Selling this thing can get money quickly, and it's called a supply outside, understand?

Dr. Ueda: ...?

Rabbit Chuan felt that Dr. Ueda should not understand, otherwise, he would have gone directly to potassium cyanide.

Later, Dr. Ueda had more money and didn't want to do it anymore, but Yoshimura held the handle, threatening him to continue.

Unable to bear it, Dr. Ueda had to kill Yoshimura, the doctor -2 of Toto Medical University Hospital.

Dongdu Medical University is heartbroken!

The talents who have been cultivated with great difficulty will soon be able to stand alone, why did they die again, and enter another one?

Rabbitagawa counted the talents who graduated from Toto Medical University in those years, damn dead, those who should have gone in, and when all of them are gone, they will be at least half peaceful in Yonekacho.

After staying in the hospital for three days, Rabbitikawa was picked up by Dr. Agasa.

Rabbit Chuan came out of the hospital and instantly stood up, even though Rabbit Chuan came out in a wheelchair this time.

Because Rabbitikawa suffered a serious blow to his prosthetic leg, it is currently being repaired.

The parts of the prosthesis are all custom-made, and Dr. Agasa said that if you do the system upgrade, it will take about a week to repair.

Rabbit Chuan can only use the old model prosthetic leg first.

Now, Rabbit Chuan is like sending a smartphone that you are used to playing with to repair, and you can only use Nokia PHS for emergencies, so it is better not to use it and play with a large tablet.

So the question is, why not buy a smartphone anymore?

Answer: Even Conan's Ke Xue skateboard has only one, where did Rabbit Chuan get two Ke Xue intelligent prosthetics?

By the way, this myoelectric prosthetic leg is equivalent to a market price of $80 billion, and it is still in the research stage, referred to as priceless market.

This time, Rabbikawa and the children did not reach the ski resort without making it smoothly, and Dr. Agasa decided to invite them to a new café to eat something delicious in order to compensate them.

What a familiar rhythm, why did they go to the ski resort before, wasn't it because they didn't go camping, did Dr. Agasa compensate them?

Rabbit Chuan also has a bad premonition this time, but it's just a matter of eating something, it should be fine, right?

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, it's not a big deal, he just eats faster, trying to finish before the case happens, or try to stop the murderer.

However, Rabbit Chuan did not expect that he and Dr. Agasa had just entered the café when a tragedy occurred, and this murder weapon could not be stopped by humans.

"Ah——!" This familiar scream, "Someone was hit and killed by a big truck!!" "

Rabbit-Chuan: .

Truck driver: ......

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