With less than 30 seconds left before the explosion, the scene was in chaos.

Akai Shu, who deliberately stayed behind, had time to glance around the car with his eyes, and after confirming that there was no one in the car, he picked up a child with limited mobility and rushed out of the car.

Akai Shuichi is worthy of being a professionally trained ace agent, carrying Rabbit River on his shoulder and still coming up, surpassing everyone in front of him in one breath, and being the first to reach the safe range.

Genta and Mitsuhiko ran hard, and Conan pulled Ayumi, who was a little unable to keep up.

In a trance, Ayumi found that Haibara-san was not around, and Genta and Mitsuhiko immediately looked left and right, and did not see Little Red Riding Hood Haihara-san.

Conan looked back at the bus, and had a bad premonition in his heart, could it be that ...

Rabbit River landed safely under Shuichi Akai's escort, and after a while, Dr. Agasa and the three little ones ran to his side panting.

Rabbit Chuan didn't ask them where Conan was, Conan had just told Judy-sensei in the car that he didn't know the girl, and now Shuichi Akai was by his side, if he asked, the children would leak their mouths.

Rabbit Chuan is also not worried that what he just said will make Akai Shu suspicious, because Akai Shuichi knows that Miyano Shiho is the sister of his girlfriend, where does he know that he also has a cousin.

After all, it is the Akai family of four people and five groups, the eldest brother and the second brother are in a group, and they hide from their mother and sister that the eldest brother is dead; The mother and sister are in a group, and do not tell the brothers that the mother is still alive.

Akai's mother, Marie Akai, formerly known as Marie Shira, and Elena Shira, that is, Elena Miyano is a biological sister, an intelligence officer of the Eagle Family MI6, and her husband Takeshi Akai gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

Akai's eldest brother Akai Shuichi doesn't need to say more, in order to find out the truth of the death of his father Akai Wutake, the mother with MI6 behind his back secretly joined the FBI, and then dumped the FBI's ex-girlfriend, hooked up with his cousin and mixed into the distillery, and now undercover returns.

The second brother of the Akai family is called Hideyoshi Haneda, why is the second brother's surname Haneda?

Because Akai's father's friend Haneda Yasuharu's son Hiroshi Haneda died in a foreign land, this father gave his second son Hideyoshi to the Haneda family, and asked Haneda Hideyoshi to fulfill his righteous brother's unfinished dream of shogi before his death.

Takeshi Akai: Brother don't cry, my son will be your son in the future!

Yasuharu Haneda: Brother, righteous enough!

The younger sister of the Akai family is Shira Shinjun, Shira is the old surname of her mother Mary before she got married, a female high school detective who came to Yonekacho in order to avenge her dead brother...

It's really messy enough, Akai Shuichi hasn't figured out the broken things of his own family yet, how can he care about the affairs of his cousin's family.

Rabbit Chuan felt that even if Akai's father jumped out of which horn one day in the future and swindled the corpse, he would not feel strange.

At this time, Haihara, who was left alone in the car, also turned a thousand times in his heart.

Haibara felt that this was the best she could think of.

She knew that even if she was successfully rescued, she would have to meet with that person later when she took notes....

If she can disappear, her relationship with the organization and others will disappear with the explosion....

Haibara kept telling herself in her heart not to be afraid, this is the final ending, as long as she dies and everything is over, everyone will be safe....

Haihara unconsciously clenched her fists, with a bleak smile on her face, the heavens and the earth were big but there was no place for her, she should have understood this truth tomorrow morning...

"I'm so stupid, isn't it, sister..." The

sound of shattering glass interrupted Haihara's inner monologue.

Conan rushed back to the bus, kicked the window, grabbed Haihara, and carried her through the window in a scream.

Haibara mournfully rounded her eyes, and there was a rumbling explosion behind her, and at this moment she seemed to break through the shackles of fate.

"Ah——! Whose legs blew up !! "

Rabbit: Mine, thank you!

Rabbit Chuan remembered that Conan originally kicked the glass window with a fire extinguisher, but now it was replaced by his broken leg, doesn't that mean... Can his leg still be salvaged?

Rabbit-Chuan: Brother, it's great!

Conan: You're welcome!

Conan and Haibara fell directly in front of Takagi Wabu's car that had just arrived at the scene, and Takagi Wataru was so frightened that he braked suddenly.

Dr. Agasa and the children also ran over to this side, shouting, "Conan!! "

Conan knows that if Dr. Agasa and the children take notes, they will definitely expose their relationship with Haihara, no!

Just as Takagi opened the car door, got out of the car, looked at Conan blankly, and said, "Ko, Conan, how do you..."

Conan Lingxi shouted to Takagi Wataru as soon as he moved, "This child is injured, hurry up and send her to the hospital with the Doctor and the others!" "

Huh?" Takagi was dumbfounded, what? How? What's the thing?

"Hurry up!" Conan urged, "If you take notes, it's enough to have me alone, go to the hospital quickly!" "

Oh, okay!" Takagi Wataru gave up thinking, picked up Haibara and put it in the car.

"Don't run away, Haibara!" Conan looked into Haibara's mournful eyes and said, "Don't run away from - your own destiny!" "

“Oh,cool kid!" Mr. Judy came over and said, "You break the glass and get the girls out of the car, it's just like James Bond, so cool!"

Conan said shyly: "It should be that the teacher you are more like 007, you just deliberately tripped over the gangster, pretended to apologize to him, and actually waited for the opportunity to activate Tokarev's safety device, didn't you?" "

“Oh,yes!" Teacher Judy gestured excitedly, "It's just like a movie, it went very smoothly!"

Conan laughed awkwardly twice, but when it came to breaking the glass, he seemed to have forgotten something....

By the way, it's his brother's leg!

Conan was in a hurry, kicked and flew his brother's prosthetic leg that fell to the ground, shattered the car window, and if he finds it now, he should be able to put his leg back.

Conan looked left and right, and suddenly someone squeezed his arm.

"Shhhhh Conan looked up at the man and said strangely, "What's wrong, new doctor?" The

new doctor rolled up Conan's sleeve, and blood flowed from the arm under the sleeve.

The new doctor criticized: "I know that you must be injured not lightly, you kid is really messy!"

Conan laughed and said, "Haha, I didn't feel it."

The new doctor heard the horn of the ambulance and said, "The ambulance has arrived, so let's go to the hospital with Rabbitikawa classmates!" Other things, just wait until the wound is treated. An

enthusiastic citizen who called the emergency number: "Ambulance, come quickly!" The child's leg was blown off, and the leg I saw with my own eyes flew out of the car with a whoosh! "

Although he didn't know why he flew out before the explosion, the legs really flew out!!

Rabbit-Chuan: ...???

It's off the beaten track!!

Rabbit Chuan clutched the ambulance door and defended, "Wait a minute! Don't go to the hospital! I'm not hurt!

"My leg was kicked by the bear child, and when I get it back, I can put it back, really!"

Emergency doctor: "... Find the child's leg first, immediately notify the surgeon to prepare for the amputation and replantation operation, and contact colleagues from the cardiology department to consult together.

Rabbit Chuan said angrily: "You, you use your brains! Why can't you explain it! I don't have blood on my body, where is the injury!

"Dr. Agasa! Come and explain it to me! Dr. Agasa? Doctor...... What about people?!! "

Moreover, I don't know what it was when Akai Shuichi disappeared.

Dr. Agasa, who was sitting in Takagi's car, couldn't help but sneeze, who was thinking about him?

Ayumi, who was sitting in the back, exclaimed, "Haihara-san! Your legs are bleeding a lot!

"No, it's not my blood..." a smile appeared at the corner of Haibara's mouth, it was the blood of the idiot who wanted to save me from that place... Now we're leveling, Kudo Shinichi....

In the end, whether it was Haihara, Rabbitagawa and Conan, or the new doctor, Judy-sensei, and even Akai Shuichi, they all managed to escape the transcript this time.

Rabbit Chuan has a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not... Isn't it just a transcript, what a big deal, who is with whom we and the Metropolitan Police Department, if you don't want to do it, you can save it, does this need to be so exciting? Yes?!!

Rabbitakawa : (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻

Conan and Haibara Mourning: ... Teachable!

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