Nakahara Nakaya also looked up at Osamu Dazai, who was standing on the edge of the rooftop, his face was embarrassed, and his heart was entangled.

Nakahara Nakaya himself hates Osamu Dazai very much, but protecting the leader is his duty as a Hong Kong black cadre, and no matter what, he cannot let the Hong Kong black leader die in front of him, even if the leader himself wants to die.

Zhongyuan Zhong also wondered, isn't it 007? Who is not 007 from top to bottom! Do you need to make a fuss?!

Besides, whoever does the mafia dares to rest, and is not afraid of being killed, as the leader of the Hong Kong black gang, he will die on the leader's throne! ! !

Rabbit River gave him an idea in Nakahara Nakaya's consciousness, saying, "When Osamu Dazai jumps off, you will cast a magical energy on the ground and reduce Yokohama's gravity coefficient to zero, so that Osamu Dazai floats in the air alone."

"Can it still be like this?!" Zhongyuan Zhong was also stunned, "But I tried, I can only control the objects I touch and my own gravity, not the gravity of the earth."

Rabbitikawa said seriously, "That's because Osamu Dazai is on Earth, and Earth is affected by human disqualification, so you can't control it." While gravity is the Earth's attraction to surface objects, the action of force is mutual... In short, you just try it, try it and it doesn't cost money!"

Nakahara Nakahara also raised his eyes to stare at Osamu Dazai, he tried it without spending money, but the one above may die if he tried it, spending his life!

At this time, the members of the armed detective agency walked out of the Hong Kong black building together with the secretary of the leader of the Hong Kong black bank, Ginkawa Wasagawa.

"Silver?" Nakahara Nakaya stepped forward to block Wasagawa Silver behind him, "How did you get to the Minatoblack Building?"

Kunikita, the leader of the detective agency, was stunned alone and decided to tell the truth: "Our detective agency member Wasagawa is worried about his sister, let's come and see, oh, Wasagawa is Ryunosuke Wasagawa, and his sister is Ginkawa Wasagawa."

Nakahara Nakaya turned back to Wasagawa Silver for confirmation and asked, "Gin, is what he said true?"

Wasagawa nodded in acquiescence.

Zhongyuan Zhong also put down his posture and muttered in his mouth: "If you come to see your sister, look at your sister, what kind of Longtan Tiger Cave is our Hong Kong Hei, is it necessary to stir the crowd so much?" "

The members of the martial arts detective who knew the inside story bowed their heads one after another, and it was really necessary, who let the leader of the Hong Kong black Dazai is the man in black who snatched his only relative, Wasagawa Gin, in front of Ryunosuke Wasagawa.

Ryunosuke Wasagawa lives so hard so that one day he can snatch his sister back from the hated man in black!

But Kunikita alone did not plan to tell Nakahara Nakaya about these things, and when they left, Mr. Chaobu said that now is an extraordinary time, there is no need to make a big move, just go through the process.

Anyway, there are no people left in Hong Kong Hei now, as long as they fool Zhongyuan Zhongye, they can't fight if they want to.

As for Ryunosuke Wasagawa and Atsushi Nakajima, hey, Shinshuanghei partner, hit is affection or love, leave them alone.

So, Ryunosuke Wasagawa and Atsushi Nakajima hit all the way to the rooftop, and the rest of the armed detective agency went downstairs with Ginkawa to find Nakahara Nakaya...

In other words, did Ryunosuke Wasagawa forget that he didn't come to find his sister?

Wasagawa Silver came down to find the Nakahara cadre, and she handed over the last instruction of the leader of Dazai, the "Oracle of Silver", to the Nakahara cadre.

Nakahara Nakahara also opened the oracle of silver, which is not like an oracle, but like a suicide note, Osamu Dazai, in his capacity as the leader of Hong Kong black, ordered that the chief secretary Ginkawa Gin, the black lizard ten-man Nakajima Atsushi and his deputy Izumi Kagami be expelled from Hong Kong, and appointed the supreme cadre Nakahara Nakaya as the next chief, opening the oracle, effective immediately.

"Bastard mackerel!" Zhongyuan Zhong also gritted his teeth and shouted out to play his tongue, "You are sick!" You're all kicked out! Are there still people in our Hong Kong black? Nakahara

Nakahara didn't have time to think about it, Dazai made a leap of faith, and Nakahara Nakahara also eliminated the earth's gravity coefficient in a hurry.

Osamu Dazai was stunned in midair, and Nakahara, who looked down and raised his head on the surface, also widened his eyes.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Rabbit River excitedly jumped out of Nakahara Nakaya's consciousness, turned into a golden butterfly and flew towards the edge of Yokohama, and finally it was time to go home.

Excuse me, how much force does it take to pry a Yokohama with zero gravity?

A: As long as the little wings of Rabbit River are lightly flapped up, the whole of Yokohama can go to the sky.

Before leaving, Rabbikawa retracts the part of consciousness that remained in the brains of those who choose to leave Yokohama, and gives a subconscious hint to everyone who chooses to stay in Yokohama that they are not allowed to move and sleep.

Because it is only a hint that people with perseverance can naturally resist this hypnosis, such as Rimbaud the Beyonder and Verlen.

When Verlen also unfolded his gravitational energy in the Central Plains, his soul sensed that it was a soul as lonely as he had.

Verlen is an artificial alien life form "Black No. 12", which can freely manipulate gravity to nullify all physical attacks, and the second artificial lifeform in the Central Plains is created according to Verlen's data, and only exists in the world.

Rimbaud and Verlen were ordered to destroy the laboratory, which accidentally led to the birth of Nakahara Nakaya, and Rimbaud decided to bring the test back to the European Intelligence Agency.

Verlen saw the newly born Nakahara Nakaya, his soul trembled, this is the only kind of his kind in this world, Verlen who has no human feelings experienced family affection for the first time, and his soul is finally no longer lonely.

Verlen does not want his brother to repeat his old path and become a killing tool in the hands of humans, and he wants to fly away with his brother.

The younger brother who had just taken office had a hot brain, and directly shot his partner who wanted to take his younger brother away.

Rimbaud: ...???

Rimbaud is dying and doesn't understand why this is, they are a personal partner, isn't Verlen's own brother his own brother, why can't you say it directly!

Zhongyuan Zhong also saw Wei Erlun rushing towards him, and was not surprised, it was him who was hiding in the past few days.

Rabbit Chuan has been brainwashing Zhongye in the Central Plains recently, Wei Erlun is a sick and poisonous only extreme brother control, sick is not terrible, poison is not terrible, the terrible thing is that the sick and poisonous only he still has strength, and it is also a ceiling-level strength!

In the heart of the extreme brother, the existence of the younger brother is above all existence, as long as it is for the younger brother, Weierlun can destroy the entire world without hesitation, and he really has this strength.

But in fact, this kind of brother control is very coaxing, as long as the Central Plains also called Wei Erlun a voice: "Brother, help me control the gravity coefficient, I will go up and beat the bastard mackerel!" "

There are small flowers floating behind Verlen, Oudoudou called him Oni-chan, it doesn't matter if the world survives or destroys, he is already the happiest Verlen in all the worlds.

The Central Plains also went to heaven, didn't it mean that the oracle was opened and it took effect immediately?

Then he is now the leader of the Hong Kong black, and the leader of the Hong Kong black beat the gangster traitor, and he deserves to be killed!

Nakahara also had a hunch that if he didn't beat Dazai Osamu with his own hands now, I was afraid that he wouldn't have a chance in the future.

Rabbit River turned into a golden butterfly and flew to the edge of the enchantment, and with a gentle flap of its wings, it was blocked in Yokohama, which was sealed in the golden spherical enchantment, and rushed out of the world of Bunno like a crystal ball.

At the same time, the world is broadcasting the same news, the concession Yokohama fell to the bottom of the sea at XX hours XX minutes XX seconds due to changes in the earth's crust, and the local authorities have resettled the affected people in advance... At this point, the last concession in the world disappeared, and the world was about to enter a new era.

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