The streets of Yokohama were gradually depressed, and the people of the armed detective agency knew what was going on, and Mr. Random Walk said that it was God's mercy.

Fukuzawa wants to pass on the information to Natsume-sensei, but no matter what he wants to say, or do, or even empty his brain to do unconsciously, his latent brain consciousness will prevent him from doing it.

Is this God's consciousness? I can't resist at all, and I even want to be close, I don't want to resist.

Edogawa scrambled and lay on the table, sure enough, this is the real role of the golden butterfly, consciousness control... However, it should not reach the level of control, only hints and influences.

"President, please use tea." Haruno Kirako brought tea.

Kirako Haruno is a civilian member of the Armed Detective Agency, secretary to the president, non-supernatural, heavy cat control, who will video call the cat when not at home, and the cat is actually Natsume-sensei.

Natsume Soseki, the ability "I am a cat", as the name suggests, can become a cat, other abilities are unknown.

Recently, there has been panic, and the Armed Detective Agency has given three days off to ordinary clerks who are not superpowers.

According to statistics, only Kirako Haruno and Naomi Tanizaki, sister of member Junichiro Tanizaki, remain in Yokohama, and the other clerks have left Yokohama, and even registered a change of household registration.

He said to Akiko Xieno: "Yokohama is still a concession, I really don't know what the people above think, even the household registration can be changed." "

With Akiko Xieno, the imperial doctor of the Martial Detective Society, the special name is "Please don't die", a rare healing power, but it is only effective for dying people, so he usually carries a firewood knife with him to heal people after they are about to die.

Kenji Miyazawa said weakly: "The grandfather who sells beef rice bowls on the street has also returned to the countryside, and I really want to eat beef rice bowls!" "

Kenji Miyazawa is known as "Fearless of Wind and Rain", which exerts strange power and high defense, and physical attacks are ineffective against him.

"Oh, I really want to drink azuki rice cake soup, but the dim sum shop is closed." Edogawa pouted unhappy, "Why about three days later, oh my God, Lord Random Walk may starve to death due to lack of snacks before saving the world." "

Random steps, eat well." Fukuzawa Yukichi couldn't help but sigh, this was the biggest disturbance in Yokohama, but it was fine, at least by now the Psychic Special Service Section should have discovered the abnormality.

In the case of Hong Kong Hei's monopoly, the three-moment idea has long existed in name only, but after all, the Special Agent Alien Energy Section is an official institution, and it has a greater influence than the armed detective agency.

But Fukuzawa Yukichi didn't know that the Psychic Special Service Section was busy and crazy now!

The Special Intelligence Section is the top secret organization in China, and the mission of the Special Intelligence Section is peace.

The chief of the Special Service Section, Tanada, said, "Let a large number of people enjoy the happiness of being a peaceful fool, regardless of the law, if it is for peace, even if it is a good person, we will ask him to die." "

It can be seen from this that the members of the special services section are all hard stubble, absolute nuclear levelers.

In order to protect the citizens of Yokohama, the civil servants of the Special Service Division are fully supporting the Family Registration Division, even the military and police, and it is necessary to complete the transfer of ordinary citizens of Yokohama within three days.

Rabbit Chuan has not gone to work in Hong Kong for the past three days, he definitely does not want to accompany Nakahara Nakaya to work overtime, mainly to hide from Rimbaud and Verlen, he is afraid that Weierlun will meet his younger brother Nakaya, and his brain will be hot and he wants to wash Yokohama in blood.

Soon to go home, Rabbit Chuan does not want to go in hard mode and takes himself into the ditch.

In particular, Rabbit River also found that Poe went to the armed detective agency to find Edogawa to play randomly, Ayatsuji Yuyuki and Kyogoku Natsuhiko played a chase battle, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and the resurrected Shibusawa Tatsuhiko also met in the wreckage plug of Radium Bowl Street... This group of literary heroes is really capable of making trouble!

Finally, when the appointed time came, Rabbit River called Edogawa and said, "The thing I promised you has been done, the past powerhouses have long died, the current powerhouses will all leave, and there will be no more superpowers born in the future."

Edogawa was keenly aware of something and said, "It always feels like you're hiding something?" "

Haha!" Rabbit Chuan laughed, "After we leave, this world will be completely restarted, and the next book will not belong to the Tale of the Psychic, but to the new era of magical girls, Chimi!" "

Magic... What the hell?! Edogawa scrambled and rounded his eyes, "Hello? Feed! Don't hang up the phone if you have the ability! "

After playing Laipi and running, Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone and ran to Hong Kong Hei, and there is one last big drama today."

Osamu Dazai doesn't seem to have found an abnormality, after all, Osamu Dazai's leader's office is not visible, airtight, layers of protective rocket artillery can't attack, and the whole of Minatokuro was hinted at by the golden butterfly of the Rabbit River, subconsciously ignoring the abnormality in Yokohama, naturally no one thought to tell Osamu Dazai about this.

But three days is already the limit, and Dazai's mind is the mind that controls people's hearts, the embodiment of the art of worrying.

Osamu Dazai now knows what is about to happen, but what about for someone who wants to kill himself.

Osamu Dazai stood on the roof of the Kamigagina building, and he saw a dark dwarf standing on the ground.

Osamu Dazai hasn't seen Nakaya's suit for a long time, which was tailored for Nakahara Nakaya when Nakahara Nakaya first entered Hong Kong and Kuroji.

Since Nakahara Nakano has also become the top cadre of Shanghai Hong Kong Black, no, punctually since Ozaki Momiji left Hong Kong Hei, Nakahara Nakahara has also begun to match clothes according to his preferences, such as a green coat, red T-shirt, purple bloomers and Martin boots, dressed like a street bully.

In the end, it was Osamu Dazai who used his identity as a leader to order Nakahara Nakaya, who is the highest cadre in Hong Kong Black, to dress him in formal clothes!!

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