A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, followed by a loud bang, and Conan stood in front of the dusk mansion like a demon castle, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

Maori Kogoro shouted tiredly: "Conan, don't rub outside, hurry up and enter the house."

"Oh, good!" Conan trotted all the way into the Dusk Mansion.

Conan didn't go to see the other cars in front of the door, but he knew that there were three other detectives' cars parked there, Porsche, Bruns, and Ferrari.

Hey? Why did he know so well?

Mao Lilan stood in the doorway, twisting and pinching, his expression stoic, looking left and right.

Conan tugged at the corner of Mao Lilan's clothes, Mao Lilan bowed his head, and Conan whispered: "Sister Xiaolan, the bathroom is over there."

"Great, thank you, Conan!" After that, Maori Lan trotted away.

Conan saw Mao Lilan's rash look, showing a helpless smile, this Xiaolan is really...

But the next second, Conan's smile froze on his lips, ah, why do I know the location of the bathroom? I'm obviously here for the first time?

At this time, behind Conan, a pair of eyes were staring at him deadly, could it be said that this little ghost...

"What?! You said the cook was sick and couldn't come over?! A roar interrupted Conan's thoughts, "Did I make a mistake?" I came here specially for dinner! Aki

Ishihara bowed and apologized, "I'm very sorry, Detective Okami, but..." Okami

Shuzen interrupted Aki Ishihara's words and said arrogantly: "Lend me your kitchen, and I'll cook!" In this world, only food and murder are the only treasures that stimulate my brain cells! Haruki

Motegi, a famous detective from Chicago, said: "It turned out to be the gourmet detective Mr. Ogami, but I didn't expect him to come over."

"Guest, please stay." Aki Ishihara stepped forward to stop Ōgami Zhuzen, who was about to do a big job, "But our excellent deacon is preparing an exquisite dinner for you, he specializes in Japanese, Chinese, French and other multinational cuisine, I hope you are satisfied." "

Deacon?" Okami Zhuzen stopped and looked at Ishihara Aki, his eyes sharp, where did the deacon come from?

Aki Ishihara replied, "It was Mr. Deacon who came with the master today to serve the master.

"So what is this master going to do?" Why did you invite four detectives to this deep mountain and old forest? "An old woman stands out, she is the famous easy chair detective Senma descends.

Aki Ishihara turned to Senma and said, "Actually, there are not only 4 detectives, but a total of 6 detectives have been invited to come this time.

"No, you mean there are two more?" Haruki Motegi was a little surprised, "He really played a big game this time!" Aki

Ishihara said, "Yes, there is also a lady and a teenager. "

Junior?" Mao Lilan, who came back from the bathroom, happened to hear this, "Is it a new one?"

Conan said directly: "It's impossible!" "

Because Kudo Shinichi himself is already standing here, and Hattori Heiji can't come because of the midterm exam, the person who came is Hakuba... Huh?

And Ishihara Aki really said that the boy was not Kudo Shinichi, and explained to everyone that he was only a temporary servant.

She had never met the employer who hired her, she just obeyed the master's orders according to the contract, and did not know about the master's affairs.

"Oh, isn't that more interesting?" Senma Shōyo showed a meaningful expression, "I finally feel a little excited!"

Haruki Motegi sighed and said, "When I saw that thing on the gate of the entrance just now, my scalp was already numb. Mao

Lilan looked down and saw that there were indeed some strange black spots on the gate.

"Baby, watch out." Haruki Motegi kindly reminded, "That's blood from a long time ago."

"What?!" Mao Lilan retracted her hand in fear, and she felt more and more like a spooky haunted house.

"It was a shot at an angle of about 45 degrees to the gate, and the blood that flew out."

A woman in a white coat sprayed the solution from the watering can on the handrail of the stairs, which appeared blue-purple fluorescent.

"Not only the gate, but also the walls, the floor, and this house are full of traces of blood, and the owner of these blood stains is not as simple as one or two people!"

"Your analysis is wonderful!" A teenager's voice came from the second floor, "Luminol solution, as long as it is sprayed on the blood, will oxidize with the active oxygen species in the blood, releasing a special blue-violet fluorescence." I didn't expect you to bring this thing here, former prosecutor Miss Yumi Gunda. Yumi

Gunda turned her head, and a furry face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, where did this eagle come from?

"Ah, sorry to scare you, maybe because when I was in England, this little guy used to accompany me to the scene, and now he has become very bloodthirsty." The young man walked down the stairs, and the eagle flew down the back of his hand, "I am White Horse Detective, this is Watson, please advise." "

Detective Baima, the son of the Metropolitan Police Department's police chief's family, also has an eagle who often accompanies him on walks at the murder scene.

Bai Ma Tan sighed: "I did not expect that I would have the privilege of being at the scene of this tragedy that has been deliberately hidden for 40 years and can only be passed on by word of mouth, which really excites me." But I'm here for something else, right, Watson? "

Now there are six detectives gathered in the lobby of the Dusk Mansion, namely the sleeping detective Kogoro Mori, the high school student detective Detective Hakuba, the prosecutor detective Ikumi Gunda, the famous detective Haruki Motegi who wanders in the Chicago mafia, the food detective Shozen Okami, and the easy chair detective Senma who is over 60 years old.

And, of course, the 7th detective hidden in it, Shinichi Kudo!

But today Kudo Shinichi was exceptionally silent, from the moment he entered the Dusk Mansion, no, to be precise, from that thunder, he felt that everything that had happened since then was very wrong, as if he had experienced it before.

This deep sense of immediacy... Wait a minute, has something similar happened before? Could this be the plot of another novel that his dad accidentally lost?

Conan smiled and found time to call his father across the ocean later, and put this matter down... That's impossible!

When the deacon, who had some pale blonde hair, wheat-colored skin, indifferent purple-blue pupils, and meticulous black tuxedos, appeared in front of Conan, a fear carved into his marrow arose.

Conan shuddered, fearful! Unspeakable fear!

Definitely not just fiction! It's something he's personally experienced, something he's forgotten!

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