Amuro parked his Mazda at the front door, where a Mercedes had been parked before he arrived.

Amuro locked the door and said, "Is it really appropriate for us to park the car in front like this?"

Tuchuan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, this is my home, I love to stop wherever I want." "

Hey, it's not a bomb thing, it's not a bomb!

Rabbit Chuan and Amuro Toru walked to the door of the mansion, and Amuro Toru stepped forward and knocked on the door.

A maid in a maid apron opened the door, she bowed in greeting, "Hello, are you an invited detective?"

Tuchuan smiled at her: "No, no, oh, I am the owner of this mansion." "

Huh?" The maid covered her mouth in surprise, "So you are the owner of this house?"

"If it is fake, I can show you the title book of this dusk mansion." Rabbit Chuan looked left and right, "But let's talk about these things when we go inside."

"I'm so sorry!" The maid was afraid of being fired by her master, lost this high-paying job, and bowed directly at 90 degrees, very craftsmanship.

Rabbit Chuan stepped forward and said, "Don't worry, I won't fire you, after all, your original employer is not me." "

Huh?" The maid Aki Ishihara was a little confused, she didn't understand what was going on?

"But now..." Rabbit Chuan snapped his fingers, and time froze.

Rabbikawa looked into the maid's eyes, printed the Karasuma badge on the corner of the maid's clothes, and said, "With my bloodline, during the contract period, I will grant the status of a maid of the Ishihara Aki Karasuma family and the right not to be killed at the Dusk Mansion."

"Yes, little young master." Now Aki Ishihara is expressionless, like a complete maid who has lost her feelings.

Rabbit Chuan said with satisfaction: "This is an order, but before I take the initiative to appear, I must not mention my existence to others." "

Obey, little young master."

After Ishihara Aki responded, Rabbit River snapped his fingers again, and the frozen time began to flow.

In a trance, Amuro felt that something seemed wrong, but he felt that there was nothing wrong.

The cat box is really convenient, as long as you put the Dusk Mansion into the cat box, Rabbit Chuan can control everything in the Dusk Mansion at will like a control game.

"Ah! Little young master, please come in. Ishihara Aki respectfully invited Rabbit River to enter the door, "Aki is really derelict in his duty, he actually let the little young master wait outside for so long!" Amuro

seemed to know that something was wrong, this maid's attitude changed too quickly, one second she was still doubtful and panicked, and the next second she directly accepted the existence of this little young master Rabbitchuan.

Rabbikawa took Amuro Toru to the clock mechanism, took the clock off and said to Amuro Toru: "This is one of the treasures of the Dusk Mansion, the golden clock." "

Golden clock?" Amuro looked at the unassuming clock in shock, is this really made of gold?

Suddenly, the hour and minute hands of the clock spun rapidly in front of Amuro's eyes, and Amuro heard such a passage in the confusion.

"With my bloodline, I grant the status of deacon of the Ru Karasuma family and allow Ru to use the "furniture" and "infinite" power in the Dusk Mansion."

The power of furniture, that is, the ability to transfer space, can disappear through the wall in an instant.

Infinite power, that is, the power of Rabbit River from the infinite witch, is the power that can "kill people infinitely", can use magic infinitely to bring the dead back to the soul, and kill the same person countless times.

"Next is the order that no one should approach the clock until midnight, and if anyone does, everyone in the museum will be killed!"

"After midnight, anyone can approach the clock, and if someone approaches, everyone in the museum is killed!"

"Before my return, no one is allowed to leave the cat box, and if anyone leaves, everyone in the museum will be killed!"

"Before I wake up, forbid anyone to enter my sleeping room, and if anyone intrudes, everyone in the museum will be killed!"

After explaining the aftermath, Rabbit Chuan walked to the master bedroom on the fourth floor with the cat box.

Oh mother, but tired of him, fortunately Conan they only came at night, otherwise, he really can't stand it!

Rabbit Chuan wanted to give Amuro the right to butler, but unfortunately he was just a little young master and only had the right to appoint a deacon.

I don't know how long those witches' energy can last, Rabbit Chuan only hopes that he can come back before the energy of the cat box runs out, and maybe see the live broadcast of the detectives who organized undercover single killings.

"Mr. Amuro? Mr. Amuro! Aki Ishihara shouted anxiously, "Mr. Amuro, something is wrong!"

"Calm down, Ishihara, what's going on?" Amuro was wearing a black tuxedo, her hair was fixed behind her by hairspray, her forehead exposed, and her waist straightened, just like a butler in a large family.

Amuro remembers that Detective Rabbitagawa discovers that his home has been stolen, and he investigates the theft case with the detective.

But now the little detective Rabbitikawa is not feeling well and is sleeping peacefully in the master bedroom on the fourth floor, so Amuro is pretending to be the housekeeper of this mansion, intending to find the real house thief among today's guests before the little detective wakes up, and then...

Ishihara Aki interrupted Amuro's thoughts, and she said eagerly: "Mr. Amuro, it's not good!" The chef was temporarily ill and can't come over now!

"I see, you go entertain guests and leave the kitchen to me." Amuro took off his gloves and walked to the kitchen, not forgetting that he was a professional food delivery man.

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