Instead of taking off his mask, Kudo Shinichi borrowed the identity of the Unknown Knight to reason about it.

Everything can be detective in Yonekacho, but an unknown knight passing by is a part-time detective, which is not surprising.

Kudo Shinichi's eyes lit up, a ten-dollar coin fell into his hand, and he looked over and saw Rabbitagawa waving to him.

Sure enough, the old brother guessed everything.

This time Rabbit River did not steal the limelight of Kudo Shinichi, Hattori Heiji is still far from solving the most critical evidence, as for Kuroba Kudo, sorry, this major is not right.

Kudo Shinichi reasoned: "Mr. Puta did not drink poison, but ate poison, and the murderer just used a small habit of Mr. Putian, and ice cubes." "

Ice?!" Hattori Heiji suddenly opened, and the ten-dollar coin, it turned out to be like this!

Kudo Shinichi continued: "The murderer used potassium cyanide, which is not easily soluble in cold water, he hollowed out the ice cubes and put potassium cyanide, then plugged the hollowed-out parts with Xiaoice blocks and froze them, and finally put the ice cubes covered with poison into Mr. Putian's cup.

"And Mr. Putian has the habit of chewing ice cubes, and the murderer used this habit to let Mr. Putian eat the poisonous ice cubes himself, causing the illusion that Mr. Putian committed suicide."

"So it is!" The Twilight Police Department felt that it was expected to leave work early today, "So who poisoned and put the poisonous ice cubes into Mr. Putian's cup?"

Kudo Shinichi turned to look at the suspects and analyzed: "It can't be Mr. Mitani and Miss Noda who handed the cup, and Miss Makikawa changed the drink, waiting for Mr. Puta to change, and she will not poison the drink that may be replaced."

Kudo Shinichi stretched out his finger to the murderer and said, "So Miss Maiko Hongshang, the murderer is you!"

"What are you talking about! How could I be a murderer! Hongshang Mai retorted loudly, "Mr. Putian and I ordered iced coffee, and I gave all the drinks to Sangu, and I don't know which cup he will give Putian, how can it be poisoned!"

Kudo Shinichi said, "It's very simple, as long as you add poisoned ice cubes to both cups of iced coffee, no matter which cup Mr. Puta takes, he will be poisoned."

"How is this possible?" Twilight asked, "But she also drank all the drinks!"

"That's the crux of the matter, as long as he drinks all the drinks before the ice melts!" Then she pretended to eat some ice cubes, but in fact she hid them all somewhere. Kudo

Shinichi flicked out the 10 yuan coin, and Hattori Heiji pulled open the jumpsuit of Hiro's dancer, and the coin landed in the hat.

"Is it really in the hat?" The Twilight Police Department felt a little incredulous.

Kudo Shinichi said, "You can't go wrong because there are so many ice cubes, so the hats are soaked, and..."

Hattori Heiji took out the 10 yuan coin that had fallen in Hongshang's hat, "The rust of the 10 yuan coin has fallen off a little, this is evidence of a redox reaction after copper encounters potassium cyanide!"

Hongshang Maiyi laughed and said, "Hehe, I really didn't expect that Chengye Ice Cubes, Defeat Ice Cubes, there are so many ice cubes in this cup!"

Hongshang Mai originally thought that the hat was a great place to hide ice cubes, just hiding a few ice cubes, but she didn't expect that this year's drink booth was so dark, and this year she actually added so many ice cubes to the cup!

And in order to avoid suspicion, Hongshang Mai deliberately left for a while, she couldn't determine whether the ice cube in the cup had been shaken, and where was the poisonous ice cube?

Rabbit Chuan stood up dissatisfied and said: "It's not our ice cubes, it's the unopened cream balls and powdered sugar in your hands that exposed you!" "

Huh?" Mai Honggami didn't understand what Rabbitikawa was talking about.

Rabbit Chuan picked up his Coke and said, "When you came back from the bathroom, the stage had already begun to perform, sitting in the dark audience, even if you opened the lid, it was difficult to distinguish coffee and Coke for a while, so why didn't you add cream balls and powdered sugar to the drink?"

Hongshang Mai rounded his eyes in horror.

"It's only possible that you've opened the lid before, and you already know what's inside the cup, so you can't add the seasoning packet to your own drink."

After all, cola with cream balls and powdered sugar is basically a dark dish, who drinks it by normal people!

But if you don't drink it, you can't drink it, and if you don't drink poisonous ice cubes, it will melt into a cup, so Hongshang Maiyi can only put away the seasoning bag and drink the normal cola.

Hongshang Mai smiled slightly and said, "I lost the bet, I thought that no one would see through my technique after Kudo Shinichi suspended school, but I still lost." "

Hongshang... Was it really you who killed Putian? "The colleagues in Hongshang Maiyi don't understand, they are alumni and colleagues who have been getting along for many years, and they don't feel that these two have any deep hatred?

"Yes, I poisoned him!" Hongshang Maiyi's eyes were fierce, "He is not worthy of being a doctor at all!" "

Hongshang Maiyi said that in order to make his doctrine valid, Putian deliberately prescribed the wrong medicine to a patient who did not conform to his doctrine, causing that patient's condition to deteriorate and die.

Hongshang Maiyi said fiercely: "Not only does he not regret it, but he also proudly said that he can even dispose of human life at will!" I can't forgive him for being a doctor who cares about human life, so I stole potassium cyanide from his lab, and I'm going to let him eat his own consequences!

"Okay, let's go back to the Metropolitan Police Department for the rest!" The Twilight Police Department signaled that Takagi could arrest someone, "This... Black Knight, you can also go with us to record a confession! "

Kudo Shinichi was at a loss, reasoning was cool for a while, and confessed to the crematorium!

"Ahem, that twilight police department." Rabbit Chuan came over and said, "This black-clad knight is going to save the world today, our stage play is only halfway through, it's better to record a confession together after the school festival!" The

Twilight Police Department nodded, okay, don't worry about more debts, and Brother Rabbit Chuan hasn't recorded a confession for a long time.

Rabbit Chuan had just sent off the Twilight Police Department, and when he turned around, he saw the black-clad knight covering his chest and falling down in pain.

Maori Lan shouted: "Shinichi! "

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