"Twilight Police Department!" Officer Takagi suddenly shouted, "I found unused cream balls and powdered sugar in Mr. Putian's pocket."

"Unused cream balls and powdered sugar?" The Twilight Police Department was a little surprised, could it be that the coffee was also eight points full, so it was not put out?

"That's because instead of coffee, he drinks Coke." Uzakikawa looked down and said, "I thought that then he would ask me for a drink so that I could explain to him why I wanted to break the contract with him." "

Marriage, marriage contract?" The Twilight Police Department did not expect them to have this relationship.

"I originally planned to get married as soon as I graduated from high school, but I understand now." Saiko Makikawa closed her eyes, but when she opened her eyes again, her whole person changed, "Impure heterosexual intercourse is the beginning of all sin, and those who blaspheme feelings will be judged." Wearing

a black cloak, Uzukawa blended into the group, raised her scythe, and shouted, "Hold high the flame, judge heresy, and destroy all unclean!"

"Judge heresy! Burn! Burn! Burn! The

stadium echoed with the shouts of dozens of people.

Rabbit Chuan covered his ears, and Didan's students had long been accustomed to it.

Where in life is not in the second, did not join, there is still a little careful to move, if you can't beat to join, this is not shameful, anyway, there is a black hood covering the face, a group of people huddled together who can not recognize who ... And a little bit of cool wow, wow, wow!

The Twilight Police Department subconsciously touched the matching gun, uh... Calm, it was taught in the police academy that when you are caught in a cult, you must first not stimulate these brainwashed sect members, and secondly, catch the thief and capture the king first.

The Twilight Police Department looked at Rabbit Chuan's brother, Rabbit Chuan lay innocently on the gun, and said with that innocent face: "This is the setting of our club, well, it's just a student club."

"Are you sure?" The Twilight Police Department asked directly, brother, it's the shore when you turn back!

"Yes, we are a learning club." Rabbit Chuan's words are not vain, students should study hard and do less of those who have not.

The heart of the police department was heavy, when he didn't know, weren't the predecessors of those church groups all mutual aid societies, relief societies, or something?

Rabbit Chuan felt that he still needed to quibble again, and said: "Ahem, let me explain for Senior Sister Uzumaki, Senior Sister Uzumikawa just wants to enter a medical university, and does not want to marry a balding old man 10 years older than herself as soon as she graduates from high school, and her father Dean Uzukawa also agreed, and finally Senior Sister Uzumikawa successfully dissolved the marriage contract, that's all."

What he said was quite reasonable, and the Twilight Police Department was selectively blind, and turned to the party and asked: "Is this really the case?" Makikawa-san... Makikawa-san? Finding

the difference among the dozens of masked men dressed in black who were dressed identically, Twilight felt that it was really difficult for him.

Uzumaki put away her cloak, changed back to her original quiet short-haired glasses girl, and said shyly: "That's right, I want to explain it to Mr. Putian, but he has been avoiding me, so I just replaced his iced coffee." "

Uzukawa Saiko's academic performance is only average, and his dean father only expects her to marry an excellent doctor to inherit the rice flower hospital, and finally chooses this Putian, who is less than thirty years old and can publish his research papers internationally.

However, due to the fact that this semester was too long and the learning atmosphere in the club was strong, Uzukawa Saiko silently focused on studying, and suddenly found that if she worked harder, it seemed that she could also be admitted to the Dongdu Medical College.

Dongdu Medical College is a seven-year master's degree, if Uzukawa Saiko is admitted to university, then she will have 7 more years to choose her husband, so why does she keep the old man of Putian?

Dean Makikawa considered this and agreed to his daughter's dissolution of the marriage contract, seven years is too long, there are so many accidents in Yonehanamachi, there is no next year this year, who knows what will happen in these seven years?

Rabbit Chuan and the director of Yōkawa Hospital are quite familiar, after all, he basically spent the year he first came here in Mihua Hospital, and at that time, Dean Makikawa always smiled and was amiable.

Hongshang Maiyi suddenly realized: "Oh, no wonder, this cup I drank is also Coke, and I almost threw cream balls and powdered sugar into it."

Honggami Mairi pulled out unused cream balls and powdered sugar from her pocket, and in an instant, all three Kudo's eyes fell on her.

Officer Takagi took the seasoning bag of Hongshang Mai's clothes and inspected it and reported: "None of the poison was detected in Mr. Putian's cup or seasoning bag, and so did the other three."

Maori Kogoro whispered in the ear of the Twilight Police Department, "Then it can only be suicide!" The deceased felt humiliated after being dismissed by the little girl, so he committed suicide in front of her to vent his anger.

"That way, maybe you can blame her." When the police department remembered, it seemed that such cases had happened before.

Very good, congratulations to Maori Kogoro for successfully troubleshooting a wrong option.

"That's not right!" The masked black-clad knight, who had been silent, suddenly spoke, "This is not a suicide, but a simple murder!" The

Black Knight knew that this was not possible, he had to stop, now he could not stand on the stage, nor could he appear in the sun, but his soul was trembling, and he could not control his body at all.

Rabbit Chuan noticed that Edogawa's eyes were about to pop out, and it was estimated that she now wanted to eat this black-clothed knight alive.

Rabbit Chuan looked down at his new legs again, alas, eating people's mouths are short, taking people's hands is short, just take people's money and people to eliminate disasters.

The black-clothed knight slowly walked onto the reasoning stage, and said as he walked: "Mr. Putian was poisoned by someone..." Just as the black-clothed knight was

about to take off his mask, Rabbit Chuan walked behind someone and said faintly: "Miss Hongshang, are you nervous?" "

Huh?" Hong Shang Mai was taken aback, "No, why do you say that?"

"But the back of your clothes is soaked!" Tu Chuan smiled and said, "After all, eight points full of ice cubes is very difficult to handle, don't you say, this unknown knight passing by?"

The black-clad knight was a little flustered: "Uh... Yes, yes!

Under Rabbit Chuan's gaze, the black-clad knight felt an inexplicable pressure for Kuro to remove half of his mask and press it back to his face.

Oh mom, brother, the haunted house their class is playing today, it's too scary!

Although the black-clad knight moved quickly, the outline of his side face was still exposed to Mao Lilan's eyes.

Mao Lilan's heart was pounding, and this feeling was... Could it be that he was...?

"Shinichi?" Mao Lilan reached out and grabbed the corner of the black-clad knight's coat and asked eagerly, "Are you Shinichi?" Or a new coser? The

black-clad knight said angrily, "Stupid, what do you say? "

What a hell, where did so many Kudo Shinichi come from today!

Mao Lilan was stunned, this familiar voice and tone, this time it was really Shinichi!

This can't be! Because of the new one, the new one, the ...

The black-clad knight leaned close to Mao Lilan's ear and whispered: "Wait a minute, I have something important to tell you, don't run away!" "

Huh?" Mao Lilan's mind was in chaos, and he looked down at Conan at his feet.

No, what the hell is going on here, and why did Shinichi and Conan appear at the same time?

Could it be that she misunderstood? Then her attitude towards Conan these days... Finished!

Mao Lilanfu sang and cut out a school building under his feet.

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