At this time, Conan and Kudo Yukiko were hiding by the platform not far away.

Kudo Yukiko hid here because she didn't want the Maori father and daughter to find her, while Conan wanted to ask his mother something.

Conan asked his mother, "Mom, do you know that one, two, three's grandfather has come to find him?"

Kudo Yukiko was stunned for a moment and asked, "Huh?" Did the old man find him?

Conan exclaimed, "So you know that One, Two, Three has a grandfather?" Kudo

Yukiko said, "Of course we know that Mr. Rabbawa's lawyer friend told your dad."

Conan asked strangely, "Then why didn't he pick up his grandson back then?"

Kudo Yukiko recalled the incident and said, "The reason is complicated, it seems that it is because your uncle ran away from home, the old man was still angry, and because of the will left by your uncle." "

Will?" It was the first time Conan had heard about it.

Kudo Yukiko said: "Yes, your uncle had notarized a will from the lawyer before his death, and if he and his wife unfortunately die before their son becomes an adult, custody will be transferred to the wife's brother's family, which is our family."

Conan thought to himself, this uncle's relationship with his family is really bad, and he even made such a will.

Kudo Yukiko also said: "Of course, there is also a question of the division of the estate in the will, and there are only one, two, three, and the heirs, but the administrator of the estate is designated as the lawyer, and until 123 adulthood, there is only the right to use the inheritance and other things."

Conan sighed: "My uncle is really careful, by the way, is my uncle really fifty or sixty years old?"

"Who did you listen to?" Kudo Yukiko was taken aback.

Conan said: "One, two, three said today that his grandfather is almost a hundred years old, I think his father should be fifty or sixty years old, right?"

Kudo Yukiko denied, "No! Although I haven't seen him in person, from the photos, he is about the same age as your aunt, maybe it's an old man who is always strong!

Conan looked at his mother's snickering appearance, and rolled his eyes fiercely, he couldn't be serious!

Conan felt a little puzzled and said: "That's a little strange, if my uncle is old and it's normal to make a will, but do young people think of making a will?" And doesn't he have only one only son, is it necessary to make a will? "

Kudo Yukiko doesn't understand either, but the deceased is gone, so this will will not be used.

Kudo Yukiko thought, "By the way, there's actually one more thing that's very strange.

Conan asked, "What else?" Kudo

Yukiko said: "Look, your uncle's family is not surnamed Rabbitagawa, but the fire paint seal on the will is a crow pattern, and your father specially looked for it..."

How did you get here! Morilan suddenly appeared and interrupted Kudo Yukiko's words.

"Sister Xiaolan?" Conan was taken aback, bad, and talked too intently with his mother, forgetting Xiaolan and them.

"Really, you're pestering this young lady again." Morilan said apologetically to Yukiko Kudo, "Miss Wise, I'm sorry to trouble you again." Kudo

Yukiko smiled and said, "Haha, it's okay, I still like this little brother."

Mao Lilan took Conan's hand and said, "Conan, let's go, say goodbye to Miss Wise."

Conan stood beside Mao Lilan, raised a bright smile and said, "Goodbye, Auntie! "

Ah..." Kudo Yukiko barely maintained her ladylike image, "goodbye, goodbye."

Damn it! This stinky boy, wait for her!

In order to avoid arousing Conan's suspicion, Rabbit River did not recognize Kudo Yukiko, but quietly said hello to Kudo Yusaku, who was learning about the case from the police here.

Kudo Yusaku also encouraged... No, encouraged... It's not right, in short, he gently taught his fans, let him rehabilitate and be a person again.

Kudo Yusaku also told Kaetsu Ritsze that at the end of his unfinished novel, the murderer voluntarily turned himself in to the police in order to repent of his crime, but unfortunately he was hit by a car and died on the way.

Kudo Yusaku is a disciplined author, the original manuscript was snatched up by fans, and he did not forget to make up an ending for fans.

Kayue Li was worried, should he be glad that someone changed the script now? Otherwise, he would probably have been hit by a car and died.

Rabbit Chuan quipped: "Uncle, the novel you wrote ten years ago is really full of loopholes." "

Haha!" Kudo Yusaku blinked his eyes slyly, "That's just a trap to deceive readers in the early stage, in fact, I also devised a trick to make the costumes and props disappear, but I haven't had time to write it yet."

Rabbit Chuan pretended to admire and said: "Oh, that's really lucky, otherwise, this murderer will stage a perfect crime!" "

Huh?" Kudo Yusaku was stunned, as if... A little embarrassed, "Hahahaha, with such a smart nephew as you, where can the murderer run away!" In

order not to let Maori Kogoro and Mori Lan notice the abnormality, Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yukiko did not stay in Hokkaido and returned to Los Angeles directly the same day.

Rabbikawa and the Maori family came together to the ranch opened by Keimoto Natsue in Hokkaido.

Blue sky and white clouds, endless meadows and white snow fields in the distance.

Mao Lilan took a deep breath and exclaimed, "The air here is so good!"

Qi Benxia Jiang said with a smile: "That's right, the environment here is clean, away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, breathing the air here, I feel an unprecedented ease."

Mao Lilan said enviously: "It's really good, Miss Xia Jiang can live a simple and happy life with her beloved."

"This is also a blessing for Detective Tomori." Qi Benxia Jiang pointed to the snow field not far away and said, "By the way, over there is my family's snow resort, do you want to go skiing?"

Rabbit Chuan was amazed, sure enough, it was the eldest lady of a rich family, who gave up her family business to open a ranch just to play!

A Maori family of three went skiing from the good stream.

Rabbitagawa has new legs that support skiing, but for safety reasons, this special activity still needs to be supervised by a professional.

Rabbit's brain can ski skills, but just because his brain can slide doesn't mean his legs can too.

After careful consideration, Rabbit Chuan decided that he should still ride the sled, but I don't know if the seven wolf-like sled dogs raised by Qiben Xia Jiang are reliable?

It is worthy of being a rich man, dare to raise seven huskies!

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