"What are you talking nonsense? How could I be a murderer! Kayuri denied it, "Don't you see, the murderer is the robber who died in the tunnel, called Yasuji Asama!" Right, Mr. Officer!

"As things stand, Asama is the most suspicious, but..." Officer Nishimura felt that Rabbitakawa reasoning was quite reasonable, but everything must be evidenced, "So, do you have any evidence that can reason what you say?"

"I think the evidence should be on the body of Yasuharu Asama." Rabbit Chuan turned his head and asked the officer next to Officer Nishimura, "Excuse me, is there anything strange about Asama Yasuharu's body?"

The officer thought for a moment and said, "It's strange that there is a fragment of used tape on Asama's belt.

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said, "That's right, this tape is the best evidence." "

Isn't this evidence obvious enough?

Fishing line and tape, this is a golden combination that supports half of the criminal world!

Rabbit Chuan led everyone to Asama Yasuji's carriage, pointed to a position on the inside of the carriage door, and said, "You see there are traces of tape sticking here."

Officer Nishimura looked down, and sure enough, there were traces of tape on the door, and asked, "What is this trace?"

Rabbit River said: "This is the trace of the murderer sticking to the fishing line, and the murderer glued one end of the fishing line to the door, and the other end passed through the hook on the door frame and tied it to the fishing line where Asama Yasuji was hung on it."

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the broken glass window and said: "The murderer passed the fishing line through Asama Yasuji's belt, hung him outside the window, and then pulled both ends of the fishing line to the door and fixed it somewhere."

Rabbit Chuan walked out of the carriage and stood in front of the door and said: "At that time, as long as the murderer leads people over, shoots and pretends to break the glass, and shoots to intimidate Uncle Maori and them, in fact, he took advantage of the chaos to hide in the stairwell next to him."

"At this time, as long as you loosen the head that is tied to the other fishing line connected to the car door, not only will Asama's body fall, but the weight of the corpse will also pull the fishing line on the car door to close the door, as if someone had closed the door from the inside." In the end, the murderer recovered the fishing line from the other end, but unfortunately the tape stuck to the fishing line was stuck on the deceased's belt.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the stairwell next to the carriage next to him and said, "And this upstairs happens to be Mr. Kayut's carriage, and Mr. Kayue also said that he has fishing tools and is fully equipped."

"But, but..." Gayue Li's legs were frightened, and this guess was too accurate!

But Gayueli still wanted to quibble: "But it's really not me, by the way, opposite me is the boss's carriage, he was no one at that time, maybe the murderer was hiding in that carriage!"

"Then search and see!" Rabbit Chuan said unceremoniously, "The biggest loophole in this trick is that you don't have time to deal with disguised clothes, and you must have clothes disguised as Asama Yasuji in your luggage."

"This..." Kayue Ri showed a frightened expression, but wanted to defend two sentences, "Maybe it happened that I just bought it..."

Rabbitikawa interrupted Kaetsu Ritse's slyly argued: "Of course, you can also quibble that it just happens to buy the same clothes as the murderer, but I can guarantee that the police will be able to detect the smoke reaction left after the shooting on your clothes!" So, confess your guilt!

Gayuri completely knelt down, laughed miserably and said, "I thought that if I did it according to the plot of the novel, everything would go smoothly."

Rabbit Chuan complained helplessly: "Reality is not a novel.

"That's no ordinary novel!" Kayue roared, "It's my favorite mystery novelist's unpublished work, it's a masterpiece!"

Rabbit Chuan could only snort: "Then I really thank you for him, it's really a blessing to have fans like you!" "

It's a pity that such fans didn't achieve the lifetime achievement award, and they were almost sent in by their idols themselves.

"Huh?" Kayuori felt that Rabbitakawa sounded like something was wrong, but there seemed to be nothing wrong, "Do you know who I am talking about?" Are you also..." "Kudo Yusaku's book fan?

"Don't say it! Stop! Rabbit Chuan immediately interrupted Kaetsu Ritse's words.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Kudo Yukiko who did not stand up, under this large public, it is better to save some face for the uncle!

Kudo Yukiko noticed Rabbitakawa eyes, she seemed to have been discovered again, is her disguise really so bad?

Gayuri confessed his motive for killing, and he was avenging his girlfriend.

In fact, Kayue Ritsu and his girlfriend and Asama Yasuji are in a group, but Asama Yasuji caused his girlfriend to become addicted to drugs and died.

Kaetsu also discovers that Keitaro Izumo is secretly selling drugs behind his back, and his experience is strikingly similar to the plot of the novel he accidentally stole ten years ago, so he plans the murder according to the novel.

Officer Nishimura of Hokkaido arrested Toshinori Kaetsu, and before leaving, he took a deep look at Rabbitakawa River.

Is this the juvenile detective in Tokyo?

It looks young, but it is much more reliable than the high school detective on their side.

Officer Nishimura suddenly envied his counterparts in Tokyo, there are such reliable detectives who can leave work early, unlike the detectives on their side who know to make a mess for them!

Rabbit River wants to say, that's Maori Kogoro you haven't seen without sleeping!

Rabbikawa remembers that Hokkaido's high school detective representative is Junya Tokizu, the high school student detective who solved the wrong case and wrongly caused the bitter lord to commit suicide, and was finally asked out by the bitter master's detective friend to fight back the killing.

It's really unreliable, one trade-off, no wonder the Hokkaido police are so capable, if they listen to the detectives, how many unjust, false and wrong cases must there be!

Rabbit River is now light and simple, and the little snow rabbit in the incubator was scared away by Conan as early as on the train, anyway, he has arrived in Hokkaido, so he can run wherever he likes.

So, this incubator can be thrown ... Seems a bit of a loser.

Alas, saving is a virtue, or keep it!

"One, two, three!" Morilan stopped Rabbit and asked, "Where are you going next?"

Rabbit Chuan thought for a moment and said, "I haven't planned it yet, so I'm probably going to go shopping in places where there is snow."

Mao Lilan suggested, "Then do you want to go to the ranch with us?"

"Okay!" Rabbit Chuan answered, "But will it cause you trouble?"

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "It's okay, more people are lively!" Mao

Lilan put down her heart, she didn't worry about Rabbit Chuan traveling alone, what if she encountered gangsters on the way?

Rabbit Chuan thought that since he had already encountered a murder on the way here, there should be no accident after that... Right?

Mao Lilan suddenly found that there was one less person beside him, "Huh? What about Conan? "

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