On the weekend, Dr. Agasa wanted to take the children on an outing, but Haibara had a sudden high fever the night before, so he had to call Maori Kogoro to take the children.

Ayumi asked worriedly, "Is Haibara-san sick?" Otherwise, let's stay with Haihara-san!

Mitsuhiko nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, we can wait for Haihara-san to recover from his illness, and then we will go camping together!"

Haibara wore a mask, couldn't help but cough twice, and said in a hoarse voice: "No need, you guys go play, Dr. Agasa has prepared all the food and equipment, if you don't go, it will be wasted." "

And Haihara also wants to take advantage of his fever this time to test the effect of that old Bai gan."

Just send this group of imps away, don't let them make trouble.

Maori Kogoro also complained: "Why do I have to accompany this group of little ghosts to go out and play?"

"What does it matter!" Mao Lilan said happily, "We haven't gone out for an outing for a long time, and Dr. Agasa is ready for camping, dad, you just need to be responsible for driving!" "

Drive?" Maori Kogoro pointed to himself in disbelief, "I'm a detective, I'm busy, maybe a case is calling me now!" When

the belated Rabbit River heard Maori Kogoro's words, he was sure that today's outing would not be possible.

Sure enough, before Maori Kogoro's car left Yonekacho, he received a call from Officer Shiratori, who was attacked by someone while running this morning and is now being treated at Midoritai Police Hospital.

This made the juvenile detective team, which was originally feeling lack of interest because Haibara could not go out to play together, suddenly became interested, and unanimously decided to give up the outing, and then accompanied Uncle Maori to visit the Twilight Police Department who was admitted to the hospital for rescue.

This salvage....

After Tuchuan was silent for a moment, he said bluntly: "The injury of the Twilight Police Department should not be to the point where it needs to be rescued, right?" The

juvenile detective team included Conan: "Uh..." Rabbit Chuan

glanced at Conan, who was sitting on Mao Lilan's lap, which is also a product that fears that the world will not be chaotic!

Moreover, Why is it not little Lori Ayumi sitting on Miss Xiaolan's lap?

Brother, your posture of sitting on your thighs is inevitably too sharp!

If you can't change it after changing back to Kudo Shinichi, hehe!

The three little ones secretly squeezed to the other side, how did they feel that Brother Tuchuan's laughter was a little lewd... Evil?

Rabbit Chuan smiled evilly: "Huh? The

three little ones straightened their chests and raised their heads without squinting.

Maori Kogoro drove all the way to the hospital, got out of the car and immediately ran to the ward of the Twilight Police Department.

Genta looked up at the name plate hanging in front of the ward and said, "Juusan?

Rabbit Chuan corrected, "That's Juuzou."

Mitsuhiko scoffed on the side, "What a shame, Genta!

Ayumi also laughed: "The pronunciation of the numbers in the names is different!" Brother Rabbit Chuan is a lesson in his previous convictions!

Conan pointed out with a smile: "It's a lesson from the past!" Oops!

"Stop grinding, hurry up and get in!" Rabbit Chuan slapped Conan on the back of the head, Conan stumbled into the ward, and Rabbit Chuan followed in.

The police department wore a hat and lay on the hospital bed and said in surprise: "Even Brother Rabbit Chuan is here, I'm really sorry, let you come to visit me specifically!"

Rabbit Chuan politely said, "It's nothing, we were planning to go on an outing, so we came together." Maori

Kogoro nervously leaned over to look at the face of the Twilight Police Department, his face was a little pale, but he felt that his mental state was not bad.

Maori Kogoro looked up and asked Officer Shiratori, who was guarding the hospital bed, "How is the injury of the Twilight Police Department?"

Officer Shiratori replied: "Fortunately, there is no critical injury, there is no danger to life, but the doctor said that it will take some time to be treated in the hospital." "

Huh?" Ayumi noticed something strange, "Twilight Police Department, why do you always wear a hat?"

The police department touched the small hat on his head and smiled embarrassedly: "Well... It's just a hobby, haha. The

three little ones didn't believe it at all, and Yuan Tai muttered secretly: "He must be a bald man!"

Mitsuhiko also guessed: "There may also be a big bag." Rabbit

Chuan knew that under the hat of the Twilight Police Department was not a big bag but a scar, which was a medal of love, witnessing the poignant love story of a righteous young police officer and a bad female high school student who lectured on morality.

Gee, it's really hidden, twilight police department!

While several children were messing around, Maori Kogoro began to ask Officer Shiratori about the case.

Officer Shiratori immediately replied, "The Twilight Police Department was shot in the abdomen with a pistol-style crossbow by a gangster ambushed in the bushes during morning exercise.

"But so far, it's unclear whether the gangsters' purpose was to deliberately target the Twilight Police Department or a randomly selected target."

Mota interjected, "But doesn't the Twilight Police Department have a gun?" Why did you let the prisoners run?

Maori Kogoro roared, "Stupid! Who carries a gun for a morning jog?

The police department smiled and said, "Haha, even if I carry a gun, I don't have as good marksmanship as my Maori brother."

Everyone turned their shocked gazes to Maori Kogoro and said in disbelief, "Really fake?"

The Twilight Police Department said again: "I used to be one of the top sharpshooters in the Metropolitan Police Department!" "

Dad is a sharpshooter?" Even Maori Kogoro's own daughter heard about it for the first time.

Everyone was still digesting this explosive news, but Maori Kogoro, who had always been very happy, uncharacteristically remained silent this time, obviously not wanting to say more.

"By the way, we found a strange thing in the place where the gangsters were ambushed." Officer Shiratori took out an evidence bag containing a paper-folded Western sword.

Conan looked up and always felt that he had seen this thing somewhere, but he just couldn't remember.

At this time, Rabbit Chuan spoke: "This is K of Spades!" "

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