Rabbit River combines the two pages of a book into one, and the "book" can turn the words written on it into reality, of course, the text content on the book must be logical, and the page that leaves the "book" also has this ability.

Although Rabbit Chuan has the ability to crave this page, unfortunately, this ability is only effective in a world with "books".

Therefore, this page, which has made countless literary heroes crazy, is like waste paper in the hands of Rabbit Chuan.

But this page is part of another world consciousness, with no special abilities and pure energy.

World Awareness: Suck ~ Want to Eat!

Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand and flicked a brain collapse of world consciousness, endure, this small piece of paper is not enough to stuff the teeth, wait for a while, let's go to the big meal!

Mikazuki Munen also took his leave, this time he came to recycle Kitsunosuke and observe the world by the way.

This fox nosuke was sent by the government of time to the Imperial Library to ask for support, but he did not expect to enter the world of Ko Xue by mistake.

Mistaken? Pull it down!

Rabbit Chuan now knows without thinking about which bad world cut off the passage to the Imperial Library and threw this ugly fox here.

However, Kitsunosuke's basic positioning and contact functions are there, and the government of the time locked the Kogaku world at the first time and sent a sword commissioner to recycle Kitsunosuke.

As for why the government of time sent a special commissioner at the first time, but the time between the arrival of Mikazuki Sojin and Kitsunosuke in the Kogaku World was so long?

Kitsunosuke looked dazed and asked, "Huh? For a long time? Isn't that just a few days away? "

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, very good, this illusion of the passage of time, very Ke Xue!

After seeing Mikazuki Sect leave, Rabbit Chuan removed his prosthetic leg and prosthetic eye and went to sleep peacefully.

Getting up the next morning, Rabbit Chuan sorted himself out and went to the living room.

It's morning news, and Rabbikawa wants to see how the Tokyo National Museum's national treasure is doing?

The answer is that no, the news never mentioned the theft of the national treasure of the Tokyo National Museum.

It is impossible for such a big event to be without news reports, it seems that the old man in Mikazuki is not stupid, he should have done something to conceal the Tokyo National Museum.

After breakfast at Hattori's house, the Tokyo Detective Tour's trip to Osaka came to an end.

Hattori Heiji and Kazuha Toyama sent Rabbitagawa and his party on the shinkansen to and from Tokyo.

Hattori Heiji said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I finally invited you to Osaka to play, and I encountered this kind of thing."

"It's okay." Mao Lilan said politely, "We already ate a lot of food yesterday, and it's good to catch the murderer, right, Conan?" "

Hmm!" Conan raised a smile, hehe, solving a crime is much more fun than traveling!

Rabbit Chuan said indifferently: "It's okay, I think Uncle Maori is used to it."

Maori Kogoro cleared his throat and said deeply: "It's the case that is summoning a detective, this is probably the fate of a detective, hahahaha!" The

insiders present were speechless for a while, isn't this the possession of the decaying god!

Hattori Heiji patted Conan's skull and said, "Wait for next time, wait for the next time you come to Osaka, I will definitely treat you well, hiss——! Hattori

rubbed his back and shouted, "Kazuha, why are you pinching me?" Yuanshan

and Ye looked impatient and said, "Don't be slimy here, the train will leave if you grind it down again!"

Mao Lilan smiled sarcastically, this girl was so hostile to her!

After a three-hour drive, the Rabbit River group successfully returned to Tokyo in time for lunch.

Although the train bento looks good, Rabbitikawa still wants to have a hot lunch.

The happy weekend ended again, and while going to school on Monday, Rabbit Chuan met an expected person at school.

Mao Lilan asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Rabbit Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Oh, the new doctor has changed his glasses." "

Yes?" Maori Lan didn't see anything.

Of course there is, this new Zhiming not only changed his glasses, but also changed the core inside the leather.

Rabbit Chuan raised another question: "And didn't the new doctor receive an offer from a large hospital in Aomori before, so he quit his job as a school doctor and planned to go to a large hospital for further study?" "

Well," Morilan thought for a moment, "probably to take care of his elderly grandmother, that's why the new doctor quit his job at Aomori Hospital."

Mao Lilan briefly told Rabbit Chuan about the incident of the new doctor's house.

The new doctor's stepmother is the new doctor's mother's girlfriend, and after the girlfriend's death, in order to take care of her girlfriend's son, she married the new doctor's father and became the new doctor's stepmother.

But when the stepmother got married, she found that the new doctor and his father were not a good thing, looking like a model son-in-law and a good husband, but he was actually a cheating man, and it was this cheating man who killed his girlfriend.

Therefore, the stepmother, who learned the truth, decided to avenge her girlfriend who died in vain and set up a mechanism to kill herself and her girlfriend's husband.

Unfortunately, on the day that the stepmother decided to start, the father of the new doctor invited Maori Kogoro to his home.

In this way, the new Zhiming's father died, and the stepmother was arrested.

Shinide Tomoki then learned that his father had killed his own mother, and his stepmother killed his father in order to avenge his own mother.

Shinide Tomoaki: ......

Is this rice flower?!

No, the rice flower routine is deep, he is going to Aomori!

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but stunned, but it's a pity, how could such a good doctor be targeted by Belmode?

Rabbit Chuan estimates that as long as the black-clad organization does not die for a day, the new doctor will not be able to reach Aomori Hospital in his life.

"I also think that today's new doctor is not the same as the usual new doctor!" Sonoko Suzuki jumped out and said, "I feel more attractive than usual, ahhhhh "

Suzuki Sonoko looks foolish, and the handsome radar is running stably.

"Xiaolan, why do you look absent-minded?" Sonoko Suzuki thought in surprise, "Shouldn't you also empathize with the new doctor?"

"What are you talking about! Garden!! Maori Lan said in annoyance, "I was just thinking about the family dinner the other day."

Mao Lilan clenched his fists and said angrily: "Dad is also true, I finally asked my mother out to eat together, but he messed up again!"

Suzuki Sonoko saw that he was not strange, and put his arm around his girlfriend and comforted: "Oh, failure is success, maybe this is the love of their two couples?" "

Funny?" Maori Lan said he did not understand and put on a dead fish eye.

Rabbit Chuan nodded silently, yes, it's fun!

Well...... Because the nightclub on this side is legal, so legally, finding a drinking girl to drink, or chatting with a cowherd, as long as there is no in-depth communication, these are not cheating.

Maori Kogoro seems to be flowery, but in fact, he is also very careful, always going to nightclubs to drink, but in fact he is a husband with a principled bottom line.

So, who does Maori Kogoro find to spend the passionate night of not returning home every night?

There is also Concubine Yingli, a woman thirty like a wolf and forty like a tiger, this wolf-like age, there is no light bulb in an empty room, and her beloved man visits late at night through wine, and does not hurry up to sleep first.

Gee, isn't this the popular marriage model in the Heian period!

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