Rabbit Chuan happily played the game console for an hour, and only before going to bed did he make up his mind to think of danger in peace.

Ryunosuke Wasagawa and Edogawa Random Step are literary heroes of the same period, and Wasagawa Ryunosuke is only two years older than Edogawa Random Walk, what if Edogawa Random Step is gone?

Rabbit Chuan doesn't matter if the big writer or the small writer disappears, there are fewer literary heroes, he can still write a few less texts.

But Edogawa can't walk randomly, and there is no Edogawa Conan where Edogawa comes from, this is a big problem that shakes the foundation of the world of Kogaku!

"So why didn't Ryunosuke Wasagawa get it?" Rabbit River took Kitsunosuke out again.

Ryunosuke Wasagawa is a good person, he likes Chinese literature very much, he also visited China, and before his death, he did not forget to publish the short story "Kappa", which sharply mocked the bunist society and its system.

His death has brought a great impact to the literary world, affecting generations of writers, although these people did not study well, only learned bad, and only committed suicide.

Since His Highness Rabbit River asked, Kitsunosuke naturally knew everything and said nothing.

"Because Ryunosuke Wasagawa became Ryunosuke Shinhara, he did not become a great literary hero when he grew up, but inherited his father's dairy farm and became a farmer!"


Rabbit River got stuck, from a great writer to a farmer, this span is indeed a bit large, and the history that changed was when Ryunosuke was adopted by the Wasagawa family.

Ryunosuke Wasagawa was born in Tokyo, his surname was Shinhara, his father ran a dairy business, and 9 months after birth, his mother was insane and had no intention of raising him, so Ryunosuke was adopted by his uncle Wasagawa family as an adopted son.

The Wasagawa family is a clan that lasts for more than ten generations, so no matter how smart Shinhara Ryunosuke is, without the cultivation of the Wasagawa family's clan, Shinhara Ryunosuke has never been able to become the real Ryunosuke Wasagawa.

"But the time march has become smarter this time, don't they only cut people?"

"Because this time with the help of the eroders." Kitsunosuke explains, "The purpose of the Eroders is to destroy books, they originally only destroyed books by destroying the world in the book, but after joining forces with the Time March, they traveled through history and destroyed Bunho before he wrote his article.

Rabbit Chuan said sarcastically: "So after these two joined forces, even the eroders became smarter?" "

It's a lot of progress! If you can't solve the problem, you will solve the person who created the problem!

But Rabbit Chuan doesn't understand ah! How did the two of them join forces? How could the two of them join forces?

The purpose of the time-traveling march is to change history and thus obtain a new world that they want.

The purpose of the eroders is to destroy books and thus the world.

Books are the ladder of human progress, books record the history of mankind, record the knowledge accumulated by ancient and modern generations, are the treasure house of human thought, and are the crystallization of human wisdom.

If there are no books in this world, and there is no mind and wisdom for mankind, then what is the difference between humans and beasts.

"That..." said Kitsunosuke hesitantly, "Actually, Ryunosuke Wasagawa himself wanted to destroy his previous work... This idea was thought up by Ryunosuke Wasagawa himself. "

Rabbit-Chuan: .


Kitsunosuke quickly explained: "I'm not, I don't, you listen to me explain!"

"O Udon, the fox, I don't think you should have come to me." Rabbit Chuan rua looked at Kitsunosuke, "You should go to Gollum, that Ryunosuke Wasagawa is a soul after death, and the matter of pan-human history belongs to them, you know!"

Kitsunosuke stomped his foot lightly and said shyly, "I'm not wrong in the world... Uh, Your Highness Rabbitagawa, I'm Kitsunosuke, not Udon the Fox. "

It thinks that His Highness Rabbit Chuan may want to eat a late-night snack, but he is just a Shikai, and he really has no meat!"

"Okay, I already know the matter, in short, it's not a big problem!" Rabbit River turned the fox nosuke, this god did a good job, the furry one does not smell of foxes, it is ugly.

"Huh?" Before Kitsunosuke could react, he was thrown out the window by Rabbitakawa .

Kitsunosuke grabbed the windowsill and shouted, "Wait, Your Highness Rabbitsukawa, you don't care about Edogawa's random steps?" "

Isn't Edogawa still okay?" Rabbit Chuan unceremoniously picked up Kitsunosuke's tail, his arms accelerated a few times, and then, walk you!

Because Rabbit Chuan remembered that the world of the eroder is the world of Wen Hao and the alchemist, and the alchemist uses alchemy to reincarnate the soul of Wen Hao and fight against the Eroder.

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, isn't it Wen Hao! The imperial library is all over the ground, and when he is free in two days, he will go to the library to catch two and fill the pit!

But it's a pity that Rabbit River has not located the coordinates of the Imperial Library several times, which is a pity!

Literary heroes: good risk! After death, not only to fight against the eroder, but also to fill the pit, what kind of human suffering is this!

Three hours later, the shinkansen arrives safely at Osaka Station, and Rabbikawa Ye wakes up from a dream.

Rabbit Chuan wiped his sweat and scared him to death, he just dreamed, in his dream to go to other worlds to find literary heroes, the result seems to be caught a group of fake literary heroes who can't write books and can only fight, oh mother, it's really scary!

"One, two, three, do you have nightmares?" Mao Lilan saw that Rabbit Chuan was sweating, and immediately took out a handkerchief and gave it to him, "Put your hat on when you get off the bus, and be careful of catching a cold."

Rabbit Chuan took Mao Lilan's handkerchief and said, "I see, Miss Xiaolan." When

Rabbit Chuan got out of the car, he saw Osaka Black Chicken waving at them with a pick-up sign, not wanting to say he knew him.

Rabbitagawa glanced back at the Shinkansen that was about to leave, or he would have gone on vacation somewhere else!

Hattori Heiji greeted them very naturally, "Hey! Kudo! "

Kudo?!" Maori Lan and Maori Kogoro are blinded, and Rabbit River is also cute with him.

Conan jumped to his feet in a hurry, silently gesturing to Hattori Heiji, you!

"Work, ku, gokuro!" Hattori hurried, "I mean hard work!" It's been hard for you guys to ride the train for such a long time, hahaha! "

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