Valley Zero has been busy lately.

Belmode's sudden return disrupted Zero Zero's original plan, and he finally found a swallowing Shigehiko, who knew that in the end it would be a failure!

Zero originally planned to take over the task of assassinating Swallow Shigehiko by himself, but in fact, he would secretly transfer Swallow Shigehiko to the public security side, which was a trick to hide the world.

As a result, as soon as Belmode returned, the organization handed over the assassination of Shigehiko Swallow to her and Pisco, while Bourbon was responsible for dealing with Shigehiko Swallow's affairs.

Zero was very suspicious of the purpose of Belmode's return, why didn't he get close to Pisco and Swallow Shigehiko, could it be that the organization was suspicious of him?

That night, as soon as Zero had secretly settled his family, he received orders from Rum to immediately deal with Pisco's affairs.

Only then did he know that Pisco turned out to be Kenzo Toyoyama, who was directly arrested on the spot by the Metropolitan Police Department and committed suicide in fear of crime.

Zero heartache! When he heard that the Metropolitan Police Department had almost grabbed a bottle of wine, his heart was filled with incredulity and ecstasy.

It is said that Pisco is a veteran cadre of the organization, you can imagine how much of the organization's big material he has in his hands, and Gu Zero never dreamed that this bottle of old wine would fall into the hands of colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department so simply.

But in the next second, the heart of Valley Zero instantly fell from heaven to hell.

How did he die! That's Pisco! What a waste!

This big ups and downs, thanks to the valley zero has a strong heart, in the organization undercover for many years he has not seen any winds and waves... He almost caught a bottle of old wine, he hadn't experienced it!

Forget it, it's useless to talk more!

Valley Zero knew that Belmode was also at the scene at that time, even if Pisco did not kill himself, the police successfully arrested Pisco, and she could not appear in the Metropolitan Police Department alive in Pisco, she would definitely execute Pisco halfway.

But people have to have dreams, what if they come true!

Bourbon looked at the file of Pisco's murder in his hand, and was a little surprised to see a familiar figure here.


detective..." Bourbon stared at the information in the file about the detective who had helped solve the case.

Detective Rabbit River, isn't this the kid that Rum asked him to investigate before?

Bourbon summed up in his heart, so he ordered Yuya Kazami to search for a lesson and secretly retrieve the file of this Rabbit River detective.

Pisco, Belmode, Rabbit River... Wait, this kid lost one of his right eyes in a car accident, is this Rum's new identity?

No, it can't be, Rum is not that short.

After Bourbon read the relevant files, his mood could not be calmed for a long time.

It turned out that not only Pisco, the previous case of Tequila was also solved by this little detective, and the previous Shinkansen explosion, when the person who pointed out the bomb was still this little detective.

This little detective inadvertently sabotaged the organization three operations, the little detective and the organization are really related!

Unfortunately, although the police were involved, the Metropolitan Police Department did not know about the organization, and their police picked up some leftovers after the end every time, and did not even drink hot soup.

Bourbon suddenly had an idea, if he mixed up with this little detective, he might be able to eat a bite of meat while it was hot!

"I can come up with this," Bourbon pasted the file in his face, "I'm really incurable!" "


opens his phone and sees that it is a message from Rum, ordering him to go to Osaka to deal with the defection of Numabuchi Ichiro.

Bourbon's expression was deep, Numabuchi Ichiro was just a peripheral member of the organization, and there was no need to worry at all, so why did Rum send him to Osaka at this time to deal with Numabuchi Ichiro, or did Rum's real purpose was to transfer him out of Tokyo?

Bourbon rubbed his face and showed an expression that belonged to Bourbon, no matter what Rum's purpose was, this robber murderer appeared at the right time, it was time for him to show his loyalty to the organization!

Over the weekend, Rabbitakawa and the Maori family are getting ready to board a shinkansen train bound for Osaka.

Yes, the Maori family of three, uncle, Miss Xiaolan and Conan, there is no new brother.

"Hey, where's the new brother?" Rabbit Chuan began to talk nonsense with his eyes open.

Maori Lan: "Shinichi?

Conan: "Shinichi?!"

"Black Chicken, uh, I mean Brother Heiji, he said that the new brother will also come with him." Rabbit Chuan looked around on the platform, "Why didn't I see him?" "

Is Shinichi back?" Mao Lilan was surprised and delighted, and followed Rabbit River to find someone, "Where?" Haven't arrived yet? Or we'll wait for him! "

Conan sweated coldly, it must be Hattori Heiji who leaked his mouth again, Osaka Black Chicken, you are not shallow!"

"Sister Xiaolan! Brother Rabbitchuan! Conan dragged the two people towards the carriage, "Hurry up and get on the train, hurry up and get on the train, if you don't take the train, you will leave!"

Morilan said worriedly, "But

Shinichi..." Morilan was convinced of Rabbawa's words, because when Hattori Heiji called, he first said that he was inviting Shinichi to Osaka, and then changed his words to invite them.

"The new brother must have something temporary and can't come." Conan read expressionlessly, "Like encountering a serial murder incident or something, hey!

"Blah blah! Raven mouth! Rabbit Chuan poked Conan's head, "Fairy tales! "

How can there be someone who curses himself so much, although Rabbit Chuan knows that Conan and Hattori Heiji must be a serial murder incident between the two, but he is here for vacation this time, not to deliver experience packs!"

Rabbit Chuan fell asleep as soon as he got on the train, and he has been busy lately.

The hell of a flower-faced fox dares to fool him! And he also broke through the realm of Hanako-kun, and came directly to the house to fool him!

What does the change in history have to do with his God of wisdom!

There is still some relationship, such as Rabbit Chuan's homework and grades, but other than that, there is no dollar relationship to the real world he is in!

Oh, when he's stupid!

The so-called Kogaku world is a world that extends from the birth of Kudo Shinichi with Conan as the center.

The so-called history of the Ke Xue world is just a reflection of the main world, a history imagined by human beings living in the present through the written records of books!

Therefore, Rabbit Chuan said before that the history exam is the most troublesome, and as long as the records in the book change, the answer will also change.

Alas, even the gods are numb to this thing!

What real history do they have here, and they are not old covers, what kind of pan-human history, not in line with the pan-human history through death and death!

"But what if the books disappeared?" Kitsunosuke cried and shouted while pulling at Rabbitakawa pants, "Time marching does not talk about martial arts!" They joined forces with the eroders to attack modern history, and our government of time can only travel to the end of the curtain, and cannot control modern history at all!

Rabbikawa knew that the flower-faced fox was not lying, because after the fall of the shogunate, Meiji issued the famous "Decree of the Abolition of Swords", and from then on the name sword was nothing more than a decorative ornament.

And only items that place a strong thought on the owner can give birth to Fu Fu Shen, coupled with the exhaustion of modern spiritual energy, so since the fall of the shogunate, there has been no sword Fu Fu God born.

"Hmm." Rabbit Chuan nodded, this matter has nothing to do with him, it's a big deal that they change the main world... Well?

Rabbit Chuan picked up the flower-faced fox, stared at it and asked, "What did you say in the first sentence?"

Kitsunosuke trembled and said, "What if the books disappeared?"

"Whose book disappeared?"

"That, Ryunosuke Wasagawa..."

Rabbit River breathed a sigh of relief, it's good, it's not that Edogawa is walking randomly, and... No need to write this week's reading notes!

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