In the afternoon of the same day, Rabbit Chuan held Buddha's feet in the Go Club for an afternoon, and recorded the chess scores collected by the Go Club in his mind.

After all, it is representing the school in the National High School Go League, and it seems that the semifinals and finals will be broadcast live on TV.

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, live TV!

He doesn't want to win too dogs, so he still learns more human chess moves and tries to win the game in a way that is acceptable to humans.

Since you decided to participate in the competition, you must not be disgraced!

Moreover, this is only a national high school league, so you should not meet professional chess players, right?

Professional chess players are very busy, and now they must be preparing for the dan ranking tournament, where they have time to participate in the college league without oil and water, at most they will meet the academy students.

The "student" system of the Neon Ki-in is established, and three branches are set up in the Tokyo Main Campus, the Chubu Main Headquarters, and the Kansai Main Headquarters, and only chess players under the age of 17 are admitted.

Each student will play a round-robin tournament every week, and according to the results of the round-robin competition, the higher and lower ranking students in each group will alternate every month.

Group A is the highest-ranking and Group D is the lowest-ranked, but if a student has not become a professional player by the age of 17, he or she must quit the academy.

Every summer and winter is the time to take the professional chess player adoption exam, and the registration age is under 24 years old.

In other words, if you can't become a professional chess player before the age of 24, you are doomed to be a professional chess player in this life.

In the summer exam, only students from Group A of the Chess Academy can participate, and the students with the best overall score ranking can directly become professional chess players.

In the winter exam, some amateur chess players who are not college students can also take the exam as foreign chess players.

10 top-ranked students and 6 pre-selected foreign players, a total of 16 players play a single round-robin match, and the top two can become professional players.

In one year, only nine professional chess players can be born in the three parts of the chess academy, and the road to becoming a professional chess player is a one-way bridge.

And the president of the Go club, who was once defeated by Rabbitchuan, is an academy student, and he is dragged to death, and I don't know if he has become a professional chess player.

The current president used to be a college student, but he has now given up becoming a professional chess player, but he still likes Go.

"It's Rabbit-gawa-san!" A man's warm voice came from behind Rabbit Chuan, "Why are you here?" Rabbit

Chuan looked back and it turned out to be a new doctor, well, and it was a new Zhiming Benming.

Rabbit Chuan said modestly: "I came to learn and learn."

"Well, learn how a normal human plays Go." Kawakami Luko complained, she really felt that this kid's method was really too doggy!

"Yes, Rabbit-kawa-san's method is uncertain... Flexible and very personal, if you can learn systematically, you will definitely be able to go to the next level. "It's still President Yoshino who can speak, and it seems that he is not intimidated by Rabbitakawa chess skills.

Rabbit Chuan sighed in his heart that if he had met President Yoshino in junior high school, perhaps he would not have worked hard to start the club himself.

"How did the new doctor get to the Go club?" Rabbit Chuan asked.

"Because I am a consultant teacher in the Go Club." The new doctor hung up his coat and sat down opposite Rabbit-Chuan, "Rabbit-san, let's talk about a game!" "

Ok... Go for it! "

After a round, the new doctor supported his heavy forehead with his fingers, what to say, this method is really too ...

President Yoshino sighed, "Rabbit-san, this throwing knife is really good, and he accidentally slaughtered the new teacher's dragon!" "

The flying knife in Go refers to the fact that some young chess players have developed new changes on the basis of the formula, and these new changes, new routines, are unique skills that are not familiar to everyone, and are collectively referred to as throwing knives before finding the right way to deal with them.

Therefore, if you encounter unexpected and incomprehensible tricks, you can also call it a throwing knife.

Otherwise, how could Rabbit River say that President Yoshino can speak!

However, although Rabbit Chuan's method is a bit doggy, the new doctor has seen Rabbit Chuan's terrible calculation power and judgment ability, and how terrible such computing power should be if he specializes in throwing knives and sets!

The power of a knife is about to let 4-6 people, and in the state of complex battles, a knife is likely to be a gap of more than 100 eyes, which can directly establish the victory.

Therefore, the advice given by the new doctor is to let Rabbit River specialize in throwing knives, as long as the gap is opened in front, and when it comes to the final battle, he is not afraid of being defeated by the opponent.

The new doctor did not know that his suggestion made Rabbit Chuan Dog reach a new height, and in order to establish the victory, Rabbit Chuan made the point three three style and the Qi's throwing knife born because of the alpha dog, and the knife technique was strange, which simply made the opponent cry bitterly.

In order to cultivate the seed players of this Go club, the new doctor trained Rabbit Chuan in the common sense of Go patterns, so Rabbit Chuan has been in and out of the new monk recently.

It was at this time that Rabbit River discovered that a wave of people were secretly observing the new family, but evacuated shortly after.

Rabbit Chuan narrowed his eyes and said silently: "Belmode..." Alas

, it seems that you have to cherish this new Zhiming Benming in front of you, and you won't have the opportunity to learn Go with the new doctor in the future.

Wait a minute!

Rabbit Chuan suddenly remembered something, when did the National High School Go League end?

Isn't Belmod going to be his Go teacher?

Rabbit Chuan suddenly had a sense of urgency.

No way! He must end the Go battle before Belmod arrives!

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