The night of the Blue Castle has finally come to an end with the rising sun, and this secret that has been hidden in the castle for more than 20 years has finally surfaced.

After knowing the truth, Old Master Man was somewhat disappointed, and at the same time, he was relieved, at least he didn't have to worry about this treasure anymore.

And after seeing the murderer arrested, the noble young master shed tears of excitement and sadness, he gave up going abroad to stay here because he felt that his mother's death four years ago was very suspicious, so he stayed in the castle to investigate secretly.

It's a pity that there is a specialization in the art industry, and the nobleman of the palace, a young master who can only draw, has lived with a false grandmother for four years, and he has no doubts at all.

Although there was no clue at all for four years, the noble man of Mamiya resisted the idea of finding a detective to investigate.

Rabbit Chuan can understand the practice of the nobleman of Mamiya, he has long suspected that his mother's death is related to the treasure of the castle, naturally he does not dare to trust others easily, what if the detective he found is greedy for the treasure and intends to make money and kill him!

Rabbit Chuan yawned, alas, he stayed up all night again, so sleepy!

But these children are really spiritual!

"This castle is so fun!"

"Yes, thrilling and exciting!"

"yes, it feels like a haunted house in an amusement park!"

"You little imps!!" Rabbit Chuan knocked on a small head, even Haihara mourn, the fake child, was treated equally, only Conan, who suffered a head injury, escaped, "Didn't I say that the two of us slept obediently and were not allowed to go out?"

Haibara covered the big bag on his head in a daze, looking dazed, why did even she have to be beaten!

"Thanks to the timely arrival of the police officers this time, otherwise..." Rabbit Chuan frightened the little ghosts and said, "You will definitely be caught by that old woman, and then starve to death in the dark secret passage like the maid who disappeared before!" "


The three little ones cried one after another, obviously frightened by Rabbit Chuan's words, and now they are afraid after knowing it.

The three real little kids haven't reacted yet. I was scared by Rabbit, but Conan and Haibara are not stupid!

Officer Sato clearly said that it was Rabbitagawa who subdued the murderer first, and then the police officer arrived at the castle, and then asked the police officer to look for them in the secret passage... Isn't this really intentional?

Rabbit Chuan shifted his gaze to Haihara Sorrow, who was out of place with the children, as if asking with his eyes why she didn't cry? Don't you little ghost know what's wrong?

Haibara mourning: ......

Who is the imp?

She is not a real child, her real age can make this arrogant little devil call him sister.

But Haibara knows that in the eyes of the unwitting Rabbitchuan, she is a child like Ayumi Yoshida, and she may be a special bear.

So, is she going to pretend to cry now?

Conan covered his mouth and snickered on the side, he didn't expect that Gao Leng Gray Plain Mourning would be deflated under his brother's hands, it was really funny!

Haibara glared at Conan mournfully, waiting for her, frightening Conan to immediately shut up.

Under the threat of Rabbitakawa Iron Fist, the five children shouted in unison: "Sorry!! We know wrong!! "

Yes, this time including Conan, the juvenile detective team will be neat, die together, apologize together, and die together without repentance."

Forget it, there is no salvation, while you can still move, you should eat, drink, play, how long you can live!

After training the bear children, Rabbit Chuan and Dr. Agasa led the children towards the door.

As they passed the garden, the gardener stopped them and said, "Are you leaving?" The noble young master has ordered to prepare your breakfast, eat breakfast before leaving!" Hasn't this child eaten since last night? I should be hungry by now! "

Thank you!" Conan thanked politely, then raised the bag in his hand and said, "But I think this bread is enough!"


The three little ones looked at Conan together, who had just been trained by Rabbit Chuan to look frustrated, and now they were full of emotion.

Rabbit Chuan touched his stomach, and he was indeed hungry after tossing and turning for a night.

"Thank you very much, then it is better to be respectful than to obey!" Rabbit Chuan smiled and walked towards the castle again.

"I'm going to eat too." Haibara mourned and followed Rabbit River with his back to walk inside.

"Me too!" Motata also gave up struggling and ran to the feast.

In the end, only Conan looked helpless.

"Hey... Wait for me! "


asked: What is after the holiday?

A: Of course, it's the start of school!

Sitting in the classroom after a long absence, Rabbit Chuan was lying on the desk, feeling that his body and brain were still a little uncomfortable, which is probably the so-called holiday syndrome!

"Rabbit-kawa-san! Rabbit-gawa-san! Nanako Shichijo shouted for a long time, but Rabbit Chuan was unmoved, and did not react at all.

She slammed the table twice hard, directly shocking Rabbit Chuan lying on the table.

"What's wrong?" Rabbit Chuan looked up and saw that it was indeed Nanajo-san!

Nanako Nanako pointed to the door of the classroom and said, "There are senior seniors looking for you outside the door." "

Senior senior?" Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, "Who?" "

If Miss Koran came to him, Nanajo-san would definitely say that it was Sister Mori looking for him, or Sister Suzuki.

Moreover, Rabbikawa and Nanako Shichijo are still from the same club, so they cannot be seniors in the club.

Rabbit Chuan really couldn't think of who else could come to him.

"Hmm...," Nanako Nanako thought for a moment and said, "It seems to be someone from the Go Club." "

Go Club?" Rabbit Chuan frowned, he didn't have a good impression of this society.

A group of guys who can't afford to lose actually say that he has empty chess skills but no chess soul of his own, and resolutely opposes him joining the Go club.

Rabbit Chuan wanted to say angrily, why doesn't he have a chess soul?

His chess soul is a dog! Belch...... Alpha dog.

In the eyes of Rabbit River, Go is the use of algorithms and logical reasoning, abandoning all human chess scores, as long as you remember the landing points of all chess pieces on the board, predict the results of all feasible falling positions, and then determine the best landing position.

Although the two sides have old grudges, Rabbit River still comes out.

It's good that the other party is a senior in the senior grade, what is the matter of blocking the door of the first grade, they all play Go, and Rabbit Chuan doesn't mind singled out the Go club in the high school again.

Rabbit Chuan walked out of the classroom and saw a senior he didn't know, but Rabbit Chuan still recognized the senior sister who followed behind him, and Kawakami was the deputy head of the Go Club of the Central School at that time.

Rabbit Chuan took the two to the grove and preemptively asked, "This senior, and Senior Sister Chuan, what are you looking for me for?"

The senior and Kawakami looked at each other, bowed to Rabbit River together, and shouted, "Please!" Please save the Go Club! "


Rabbit Chuan listened to Kawakami Rako's explanation and learned that the president of the Go club in the middle of the Didanguo that he defeated did not advance to Didan High School, and many of the other members of the Go club also went to other high schools.

Therefore, now the talent of the high school Go club has withered, and even the lineup to participate in the league cannot be put together.

Kawakami Luko's eyes were a little resentful, and he saw that Rabbit Chuan was a little weak-hearted, as if he was a little bit with him... No, it's obviously the other party's fault!

And the senior who is coming now is the president of the Go club in the high school, Yoshino Hiroyuki in the third grade.

Rabbit Chuan is not familiar with the senior of the third grade, and this senior has only heard from the mouth of the junior high school that Rabbit Chuan singled out the great achievements of the National Middle School Go Club, and had no choice but to turn to Rabbit Chuan.

"Please, Rabbit-kawa-san!" President Yoshino clasped his hands together and bowed, "As long as you sign up for a spot, I will put you in the position of the main general, and I definitely don't need your hand before the semifinals and finals!"

Rabbit Chuan hesitated and said, "Then... Okay! "

He saw that this senior was too pitiful, and he definitely didn't have a weak heart because of Senior Sister Chuan's resentful eyes!

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