The next morning, Rabbit Chuan sighed silently in his heart to the basket of jam sandwiches on the table, and sure enough, it was still sisters.

Rabbit Chuan sat down and asked, "Miss Akemi, have you eaten it yourself?"

"I've already eaten at home." Akemi Miyano shouted from the kitchen, waiting for her to come over with omelette and sausage before reacting, "Oh, this sandwich accidentally made too much!"

"It's okay." Rabbitagawa took a sip of milk and said, "Miss Akemi, send the extra blueberry jam sandwich to Dr. Agasa's house next door!"

"Okay!" Akemi Miyano, who was still a little worried just now, replied, "I'll send Dr. Agasa over now, he must not have eaten at this time!"

Rabbit River watched Akemi Miyano leave in a frenzy, and he could already imagine the real-time situation next door.

Dr. Agasa opened the door and saw Akemi Miyano outside the door, and he must have felt that she had descended like an angel to save him, a single old man, from fire and water.

He, Dr. Agasa, has been single for 52 years, really hasn't taken care of a child with a fever, and is still a little girl!

Miss Akemi, you came so timely!

Akemi Miyano survived at the cost of sacrificing all causes, and even if she meets the smaller Shiho Miyano, it will only be sisters who meet and don't know each other, so Rabbit River is not worried at all that she will destroy the main line.

When the doorbell rang, it was not Akemi Miyano who went to Dr. Agasa's house next door, but Morilan and Conan.

The three of them and Sonoko Suzuki are going to attend the wedding of Teidan Kokuku Junior High School's music teacher who is also their homeroom teacher in Moriland, the music teacher who can also be rescued by Kudo Shinichi.

When the three arrived at the wedding scene, Sonoko Suzuki and other classmates had already arrived.

Morilan ran to Suzuki Sonoko and said breathlessly, "Sorry, it's been a long wait!"

"Really, you're late every time." Suzuki Sonoko is used to it, and her best friend will always be affected by the plague around her, and then get involved in the case.

Mao Lilan greeted the junior high school classmates around him who had not seen him for a long time, and said excitedly: "It really feels like a junior high school reunion!"

"Of course, after all, it's the head teacher's wedding!" Suzuki Sonoko looked left and right to see if there was one person missing, "Xiaolan, why didn't that guy come?" "

Huh?" Maori Lan has not yet reacted.

"It's that singing in music class is always out of tune..." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly remembered some horrible memories, "No, that's not the guy who can be described as out of tune!"

"You mean Shinichi!" Mao Lilan smiled awkwardly but politely, and she also felt that Yuanzi was right.

At this time, Rabbit Chuan and Conan walked over slowly.

"Sister Yuanzi is good!"

"Sister Yuanzi."

Conan blushed shyly, obviously hearing Suzuki Sonoko's words, and Rabbit River certainly heard it more clearly.

Damn it! This garden actually said that he was a music idiot! His sound is very good!

In fact, it was because he liked this teacher quite a lot back then, so he deliberately pretended to be stupid to attract the teacher's attention, but he didn't expect to be regarded as a thorn in her eye for three whole years!

Rabbitakawa : Is there a possibility....

As a maiden guest, Rabbit Chuan and his party plan to go to the bridal lounge to say hello to the bride first.

With a flawless white wedding dress, a pale pink rose crown, and an idyllic and happy smile, this should have been the happiest June bride in June.

「June bride」Marry in June-Good to the man and happy to the maid.

"Oops, it's Māori-san, Suzuki-san and Rabbit-gawu-san are here!" The amazing bride slowly looked over to this side, "How is it?" Does it look good?

Morilan and Suzuki Sonoko exclaimed excitedly, "Teacher is so beautiful today!"

The bride Matsumoto Sayuri immediately asked, "Huh? Is it only beautiful today?

"Today you are the most beautiful woman in the world." Rabbit Chuan replied for the overwhelmed sisters, so say women!

"Hahaha, I'm kidding, Rabbit-gawa said it so nicely." Matsumoto-sensei burst out laughing, completely throwing away his reserved bride appearance.

"Hahaha!" Several people laughed along with them.

Sure enough, this is the Matsumoto teacher they knew.

At this time, Matsumoto Sayuri found that a child had also come in and asked, "Who is this child?"

Morilan pushed Conan in front of Matsumoto-sensei and introduced, "His name is Edogawa Conan, the first grade of Teidan Elementary School, and he currently lives in my house.


Sayuri Matsumoto stared at Conan's face and suddenly found that this face was so familiar!

Sayuri Matsumoto leaned in to observe and asked, "Huh?" Where have I met you?

"No, it won't?"

Conan panicked, what's going on? Are these two days unfavorable for the flow of years? How always hovering wildly on the edge of exposure.

Rabbit Chuan teased, "Huh? Could it be the first love of Mr. Matsumoto?

"Oops, nasty!" Sayuri Matsumoto exclaimed delicately, "But Rabbit-gawa-san guessed accurately, and he is worthy of being the terminator who sees through the relationship at a glance."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, Rabbit Chuan was speechless, where did this rumor come from?

"Matsumoto-sensei, look over here!" Sonoko Suzuki took out the V8 camera and pointed the lens at Matsumoto-sensei, "With us as the photographer today, we will definitely make the wedding beautiful shot!" "

Rabbit Chuan withdrew from the shooting range of the camera, hehe, the only use of this camera today is to shoot the suspect clearly.

"Sayuri, hot lemon tea!" The first suspect came in.

"Wow! Kazumi, you really understand me so well! Sayuri Matsumoto took the lemon tea, "If I don't drink this, I always feel flustered."

"You can't drink it directly, the lipstick will come off." Kazumi Takenaka quickly took out a straw, "Don't drink too much, otherwise it will be difficult for you to go to the toilet in this outfit." "

Kazumi, thank you, and..." Matsumoto Sayuri became a little depressed, "I'm really sorry about Toshihiko."

Kazumi Takenaka, Matsumoto Sayuri's best friend and also the groom's ex-girlfriend, immediately turned her boyfriend into an ex-boyfriend after learning about the relationship between her girlfriend and her boyfriend.

Kazumi Takenaka cheered up Sayuri Matsumoto without care, just a man, the old lady doesn't care!

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