Rabbit Chuan did not expect that the Urashima incident actually fermented so quickly, and in less than a month, the Phantom Serial Killing Incident occurred again.

By the time Rabbikawa realized, Urashima was in storm mode, and a lawyer who had previously sworn in front of him that he would not lose money was now crying.

What a broken hotel this is!

The front four, the back three, the front and back add up to seven people! Where is this value-added option, it is clearly devalued!

Such an evil broken island, let alone 1 billion, even if it is discounted, no one wants it!

The fox lawyer had to come to the door and ask: "Rabbitagawa-sama, do you really not want Kajima?" "Give it away for nothing!

"Don't!" Rabbit Chuan firmly refused.

Before Rabbitchuan thought it was good to have his own island, but when the excitement passed, he remembered that this island was not finished after buying, and he had to pay a bunch of rotten taxes.

For example, on January 1 of the new year, the fixed asset tax of the land must be paid, the tax standard is the acquisition price of the land, the standard tax rate is 1.4%, and the land worth 1 billion yuan, including the tax reduction and fee reduction policy, will also pay 10 million taxes every year.

Although this side has been like a year for more than 20 years, the New Year is really passed every year, and for a broken island that has not lived in a day, it may have to pay more than 200 million taxes!

Rabbitikawa: ... He hasn't had water in his head yet!

"Okay, stop crying!" Rabbit Chuan was buzzed by the dead fox's crying, "You can choose to let Kurosawa and Ma pay back!" "

Pay it back?" The fox lawyer was stunned for a moment, "He is left with himself, where is the money... No, I'm a serious lawyer and don't do illegal trading!

Rabbit Chuan narrowed his eyes, was this thing just thinking about people's waist?

"Kurosawa and Ma did not use the remaining funds, a new theater troupe called Nomad Bee was established, he is also a world-class famous actor, you give him a year, but it is only 1 billion yuan, he will soon earn it back!"

The fox lawyer stood up, yes, when the time comes, he will not only be able to recover 1 billion, but also earn interest, and then roll profit, this will not be sent!

"Wonderful! Worthy of being Lord Rabbitagawa!

Rabbit Chuan lowered his head and smiled slightly, of course, the premise is that this Kurosawa and Ma can live until that time.

But even if he dies, it doesn't matter, with 1 billion yuan of foreign debt there, he doesn't believe that someone will inherit an island with high foreign debt and inheritance taxes.

The final murder of the opera house, Kurosawa and Ma's inheritance heirs gathered Kurosawa and Ma's friends and disciples to perform the last performance at the opera house - Phantom of the Opera in memory of Kurosawa Kazuma, who died unexpectedly.

Rabbit Chuan opened the album in his hand, which was a photo of Kurosawa and Ma eighteen years ago and Yukiko Fujimine when she was unmarried at the Broadway theater, the play was also "Phantom of the Opera", and standing next to them were other actors in the crew, such as Sharon Wynyard.

Rabbit Chuan remembered at this time, the boss of Kurosawa is surnamed Kurosawa, and Gin Wine is also surnamed Kurosawa, these two ... It should be okay, otherwise Boss Kurosawa's revenge would be so difficult, and they all captured the laboratory as guinea pigs!

If these two people really have a relationship, it will be interesting, I wonder if Kurosawa Jin will help to repay this 1 billion yuan of foreign debt?

Or the next time when the fox lawyer comes, let it go to Kurosawajin to ask for a debt?

Rabbit Chuan picked up the newspaper and reviewed the development of the opera's second murder.

After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, faced with an imminent repayment deadline and 1 billion yuan support, Kurosawa and Ma had to implement the performance plan in advance.

And Mika Kurosawa's former lover, Nojo Saburo, finally found the thing after four years of lying down, and he could finally sacrifice his lover with the blood of those gutter rats.

As for why burn down the opera house in the end?

It can only be said that Boss Kurosawa really didn't enter this game in vain!

It is said that the interlacing is like a mountain, and Boss Kurosawa really didn't know that in the eyes of these detectives, seeing a scratch can break the decryption room to kill, and what kind of luminol reagent.

In order to avoid Nojo being arrested by the police before destroying the thing, Boss Kurosawa had to completely destroy the scene with a fire, trying to obstruct the progress of the case.

And during the same period, a big event also happened at the distillery, their genius researcher Shirley Liquor, went on strike !!

Gin wine is angry, the consequences are serious!

Directly complained to the above, but the answer he received made him frightened.

After that, Gin Jiu mercilessly locked up Sherry in the gas chamber, so that Sherry could reflect and recognize reality.

Their huge winery, not bad for this bottle!

And here Kudo's house, after dinner, Rabbikawa and Miyano Akemi discuss the problem of renting a house.

On the night after returning from Ukajima, Rabbikawa sent Hakukawa to deliver the gold bricks of the Ryujin back piece by piece.

In order to avoid Conan's lack of weapons to kick prisoners, Rabbit River also specially prepared fake gold bricks that could be fake and real, wrapped in a layer of cement, and let the white crows send them back one by one.

Although Tuchuan got 1 billion worth of gold bricks, he is not in a hurry to cash out, after all, cash has a real gold feeling, gold, and real gold it retains its value!

If you don't believe it, wait until this year, and then look at it, these gold bricks are worth 1 billion!

Therefore, Rabbitakawa who is still short of cash does not hesitate to choose to rent, and it is best to be a cheap murder house, because where a murder has occurred, a second murder generally does not occur, except for Kajima!

But Akemi Miyano was a little taboo, and said hesitantly: "But will this affect the business?" Guests will be taboo, right?

"No, no, no!" Rabbit Chuan said, "Most of the people who come to play script killing are reasoning enthusiasts, and if you say that there has been a real murder in the game hall, they will find it more exciting." "

Akemi Miyano's smile gradually reluctantly, just kidding, what does reasoning lovers have to do with going to the murderous mansion to find excitement, and the reasoning mansion is not a haunted house.

It doesn't matter, but Rabbit Chuan expects that everyone may have to live in the murderous mansion in the future, so he reasoned where the mansion was opened!

"It turns out it's already this time." Akemi Miyano glanced at her watch, "It's time for me to leave."

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the time and said in surprise: "It's only eight o'clock?" You left so early today!

Akemi Miyano got up and took her bag and said, "Yes, it's eight o'clock, and someone hasn't written their homework yet!"

Rabbit Chuan said justifiably: "Because tomorrow is a holiday!"

Akemi Miyano couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You guys have had a lot of holidays recently.

Rabbit Chuan complained, "But the number of days to go to school has also increased!"

Akemi Miyano put on her shoes, turned back to Rabbitikawa and said, "I'll go, if I don't leave, it's going to rain." "

If it rains... Maybe you will pick up a cute stray cat in the rain~"Cat

?" Akemi Miyano glanced at Rabbit River and sighed, "I don't have time to have a cat right now."

"What does she mean by that?" Rabbit Chuan tilted his head to look at Kenji Hagiwara.

Kenji Hagiwara: We can't pick soft pinches with persimmons!

Rabbitakawa : Hmph! Don't regret it!

In the end, Rabbit River looked at Akemi Miyano's distant back, is it really because there is no fate?

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