Māori Detective Agency.

Put on the newly bought dress, fix your hair in front of the mirror, put on a beautiful necklace, pick up your handbag, and quietly leave while your father is still sleeping...

"Where are you going, Sister Xiaolan?" A little clever ghost suddenly appeared.

"Conan?!" Mauriland was taken aback.

"Are you going to the movies? I'm going too! Conan pestered and said.

Mao Lilan quickly signaled Conan to make a small noise and whispered: "Shh! No, I'm going on a date! "


"Yes, it's a date with Shinichi!"

"Haha, it turns out to be dating Xinyi brother!"

"Conan, don't let my dad know, or he won't let me go!" Maori Lan explained, "Bye bye, the family will please you!"

Conan replied, waved happily and said, "I know, Sister Xiaolan, goodbye!" Conan

stood by the window of the second-floor office, looking at Mao Lilan's distant figure, very happy.

"Xiaolan, this guy is dressed up so beautifully, and he specially wears jewelry, it turns out that he wants to date me!"

Wait a minute, who is she going to date?

Shinichi Kudo....

Who is Shinichi Kudo?

"Am I not Kudo Shinichi?!"

Conan thundered with lightning in his head and almost fell out of the window.

Who the hell is it? Who exactly is Xiaolan dating?

Speaking of which, he hasn't called Xiaolan recently... Could it be that she...

Conan snorted and retreated to the couch to lie flat.

Hmph, who Xiaolan is going to date has to do with him, let her go! Damn it!

"Conan, I'm on a date, you go back quickly!" In the café, Maori Lan looked helplessly at the little tail sitting beside him.

"Because I also want to see my new brother!" Conan's little face smiled into a brilliant sunflower, "But the new brother is so slow!" Mao

Lilan saw that the appointed time was coming, and he couldn't drive away this clingy little tail, so he had to tell the truth: "That, Conan actually... I'm not dating Shinichi today. "

Oh? Who's that? Why did you lie when you met him? Conan asked calmly, but his heart was even more panicked, what is going on, say it quickly!


"Huh? Who is that? Tell me! "

Conan has used his life's acting skills to look like a little fart who is curious about his sister's date.

"Well," Maurilan's cheeks were hot with a happy smile, "a person who is important to me, understand?" "

Huh?" Conan was stunned, his glasses reflected a green light, and his voice was a little trembling and asked, "More important than the new brother?"

"Little fool, how can they compare!" Mao Lilan smiled, "Okay, how are you going home." Conan

lay straight back, unable to find out who this person was, he Kudo Shinichi lived here today!

Wait a minute, an acquaintance came, wouldn't it?

"One, two, three? Why is it here?

"I want to call Brother Rabbitchuan." Rabbit Chuan flicked Conan's small braincase and replied, "Because I made an appointment."

"Who, who?"

"Miss Xiaolan..."

Conan's mind went blank, when was he stolen?

"Good noon!"

"Good noon!"

Rabbit Chuan said hello to Mao Lilan, looked down and saw that the little brother's new brother seemed to have lost his dream, and decided not to tease him.

"Is Sister Xiaolan waiting for someone here?"

Mao Lilan said helplessly: "Yes, I am going to go on a date with someone else soon, but this child just won't go back." "

Conan's brain is slowly active, it turns out that it is not the two of them... Conan picked up the dream again.

"Oh, then I..." Rabbit Chuan sat directly across from Mauriland and Conan, "Help you watch this little ghost, I was going to leave, and I'll be fine next." "


Mao Lilan was dumbfounded, Conan was stunned, brother, nice job!

"I'm also curious about Miss Xiaolan's date!" Rabbit Chuan said with a smile, and upon closer inspection, the smiling faces of the two brothers were the same.

Rabbit Chuan is not joking, he does want to meet the barrister Concubine Yingli, anyway, Conan will definitely not leave, and the light bulb is not one more of him!

"Really, you two imps!"

How does Mao Lilan want to coax these two little guys away?

"By the way, you guys like cake, don't you? My sister went to buy you a cake, got the cake and left obediently! After that, Mao Lilan took the bag and left the café.

"I'm not a 6-year-old!" Rabbit Chuan complained, "Waiter sister, get a glass of iced orange juice and a maple muffin."

"Okay, wait a minute."

After a while, the waiter will deliver the meal.

Rabbit Chuan uses a knife to cut the muffin, forks a piece and puts it in his mouth, the taste is relatively average.

Unlike the laid-back Rabbit River, Conan jumps up and down in his seat and is anxious, and he must be able to deduce Xiaolan's date with his keen observation, because there is always only one truth!

At this time, a woman wearing sunglasses came in at the door of the coffee shop, a very irritable eldest sister, it should not be her.

After that, a college student with a beard who came to the café to write a thesis was not this person.

After these two, another aunt came to the café.

Conan lay on the back of the sofa and secretly looked over, what a beautiful aunt!

Concubine Yingli felt a line of sight on her body, and her sharp eyes swept over, it turned out to be a little ghost head!

Conan fell off the sofa in fright, subconsciously quickly hidden, and his heart fluttered.

Oops, will be scolded!

Conan paused for a moment before coming back to his senses and said blankly, "Why should I be afraid of her?"

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but laugh, this is the natural suppression from his mother-in-law.

Long snack, new brother!

Although the relationship between Maori Lan and Kudo Shinichi is relatively close, in fact, the relationship between the Maori family and the Kudo family's parents is just an ordinary alumni relationship, and they will not visit each other's houses at all.

Concubine Eiri did not come to Kudo's house, and during the ten years of separation from Maori Kogoro, she did not return to the Maori detective office.

So in the three years since he came here, Rabbit River has never seen Eiri himself at all, and even Shinichi Kudo has not seen Eiri for ten years.

A housewife ten years ago and a strong career woman ten years later, this can be the same, no wonder Conan didn't recognize it.

Conan didn't know what his brother was laughing at, he always felt like he was laughing at him, forget it, now is not the time to think about it.

After that, a middle-aged strong man came in, with a bandage wrapped around his ring finger, sitting at the bar and telling the store manager that he hit his hand while playing rugby, and his fingers were so swollen that he couldn't even wear a wedding ring.

When Conan heard it, this was a middle-aged man who was married, and it was definitely not him.

The fierce sister who came in at the beginning walked to the bar, asked the store manager for the location of the bathroom, and left.

At this moment, a handsome long-haired man walked in, and Conan suddenly had a sense of crisis.

Could it be him!!

Rabbit Chuan secretly compared a shooting gesture, snap, death is watching you!

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