There is still the concept of male protagonists and female protagonists, which does not mean that men and women are not equal, but just a family division of labor, and housewives are respected professions and even protected by law.

For example, Kudo Yukiko and Concubine Hideri both gave up their future and returned to the family after marriage.

In ordinary families, the male protagonist is responsible for making money to support the family, and the female protagonist is responsible for housework and managing money, and if the husband does not earn enough money to support the family, he may even be kicked out of the house by his wife.

During the bubble economy, many men who owed debt would commit suicide by jumping off buildings, because after the death of the husband, the surviving wife would receive a large amount of compensation and compensation.

The first is to get $1 million in life insurance compensation, and secondly, you can get an annual pension of 70% from your husband's company, in addition to forgiving some debts, such as car loans and housing loans, as well as a series of benefits designed for the undead, such as insurance exemptions and tax exemptions from laws and regulations.

So here, if the husband dies, there is no need to worry that the wife of the housewife will not be able to live, because without the husband, they live well.

On the contrary, if the wife dies, the husband will have no compensation except for the lack of a wife.

Therefore, if there is a life case between husband and wife, the first suspect must be another person!

Far away, but Maori Kogoro's wife did have a better life after separating from him, not only became a famous barrister, people were in good spirits at happy events, successful and confident women became more beautiful, and they had money to raise their daughters.

Otherwise, the income from Maori Kogoro catching cats and finding dogs and the rent of the café alone is not enough for him to drink and bet on horses himself, and how can he have money to buy clothes for his daughter to go shopping.

Mao Lilan also did not work part-time, but the pocket money in her hand was enough for her to go shopping with friends for tea, and even buy gifts for Kudo Shinichi.

Although Suzuki Sonoko and Moriland are not particularly luxurious places to go shopping, I have never been to the stalls, and I usually go to the large shopping malls of Ginza Ikebukuro.

Speaking of gifts, Rabbit Chuan thought of one thing, Xinyi brother and Sister Xiaolan are both Taurus, and their birthdays are both in May, so does Xinyi brother remember to give Miss Xiaolan a birthday gift?

"Is Rabbitikawa-kun writing a novel?"

Akemi Miyano's words pulled Rabbit River's whimsy back to reality.

"No, I'm writing a script."

"The script of the movie? Rabbit-kawa-kun, how awesome!

"No, this is not a script for shooting, it is a script for making games, a script for script killing."

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Script killing is a real reasoning game, players will get their own character scripts to play the role in the script, and players who play the murderer will also hide it, so the rest of the players need to go through on-site evidence and reasoning, and finally find out the murderer hidden among them to win, otherwise the murderer wins."

Akemi Miyano listened with interest and said, "Sounds interesting." "

Yes!" Rabbit said proudly, "I knew this game would be a big hit!" After

seeing the Maori Detective Reasoning Mansion at the game press conference, Rabbit Chuan thought of script killing.

Open a script killing game hall in a world where detectives are supreme, and you will definitely make a lot of money!

Akemi Miyano imagined the game and asked, "If you want to experience detective evidence collection in real life, do you want to set up a large venue?"

"yes, there's more to the problem." Rabbit Chuan sighed.

Although Rabbit Chuan knew that the script killing game would definitely make money, and wrote the script in one go, but... The problem is... This script is so well written!

Rabbit Chuan is afraid that some players will imitate his script to commit crimes, or directly fake the play in the script killing game, then it is better to publish it directly as a mystery novel.

But when he thought of his uncle's demon editor urging the manuscript, he quickly shook his head and forgot it.

Akemi Miyano is still very excited to imagine the game, and seems to really like the game.

Rabbit Chuan thought for a while and said, "Miss Akemi, do you want to come and run the game hall?" "

I'm going to run the game hall?" Akemi Miyano rounded her eyes in surprise, "What game hall?"

Rabbit Chuan waved the script in his hand at her and said, "It's the script killing game hall, just like a haunted house, rent a venue first, and then arrange the venue as a murder scene according to the script, and finally recruit players to play." "

Akemi Miyano was silent for a moment, the idea was good, but she...

"But I have no experience running a game club." Akemi Miyano refused, "I definitely can't."

"I think Miss Akemi must have run a haunted house at school, right?"

"That's just

the school festival..." "Haunted houses, cafes, dramas, this is all the fixed fan of the school festival."

"Oh, it all feels the same!" Tuchuan encouraged: "Don't worry, as long as there are no fatalities, it will be fine!"

Rabbit Chuan thought that on the one hand, it could help Akemi Miyano return to a normal life, on the other hand, Akemi Miyano was a former employee of the brewery, and should be able to stop the murder, which is simply a double slaughter!

If it really doesn't work, just throw a few monsters to the town yard!

But...... Isn't that a haunted house?

However, you can ask a lawyer to draft a player agreement, such as the player is not responsible for man-made injuries to the venue, or buy a personal injury insurance for the player.

Rabbit Chuan's last sentence said: "Women must have their own careers in order to have money to raise their daughters!"

"Haha, where did I get my daughter!" Akemi Miyano was a little encouraged, so she tried to agree, "Okay, I'll try... Wait, what life?

"Uh... It was a murder on TV. Rabbikawa said, pointing to the sleepy Maori Kogoro who reappeared on TV.

"I'll prove the crime to you now, Conan!"

"Leave it to me!"

Rabbit Chuan saw Conan's little face dominating the entire TV screen, and the new brother probably didn't know that this was a national live broadcast, right?

"It's Conan of the Maori detective!" Akemi Miyano also recognized, "Ah, that kid is going to fall!"

Rabbit Chuan explained: "It's okay, he tricked the Twilight Police Department downstairs into sticking his head out of the window so that he could shoot the head of the Twilight Police Department directly below the window on the fourth floor from the seventh floor."

"That's how this case works!"

The truth revealed afterwards is indeed so, Miyano Akemi thought to herself, sure enough, Rabbit-kawa-kun is better!

She must work hard to make the script written by Rabbitikawa Jun kill the opening!

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