Conan lowered his head, reflective lenses obscuring his true expression.

How could he forget gin and vodka, which were the code names of the men in black who drugged him to make him smaller.

Damn it! You have to find them quickly, but there is no clue, how to find them!

Conan thought in frustration that if only he could suddenly appear in front of him like the last time he was on the Shinkansen!

But when he thought of the Shinkansen bomb and the terrifying look in Gin Jiu's eyes when he looked at his brother, Conan immediately shook his head, calculated it, or down-to-earth to check the clues, look for evidence, and finally kill the group of men in black.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Conan looking at himself over there for a while and then uplifted for a while, he doubted that the old brother really inherited the acting genes of Aunt Yukiko's famous Hollywood actor?

Rabbit Chuan beckoned and shouted: "Conan, don't be in a daze there, hurry up and come to the queue!"

Conan hurriedly returned to his senses and replied, "Okay, brother Rabbitchuan." "

There was a long line in front of the counter of the hotel's storage office, and Rabbit River was at the end of the line, and when he saw the crowd in front of him, he wanted to give up.

Mao Lilan, who saw the crowd, was very excited and said, "There are many people here today!"

Maori Kogoro yawned boredly and said, "Of course, almost all the celebrities in the video game world are here." "

And because of the rain, the temperature has dropped sharply, and many people are storing raincoats.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the coat on his body, felt that it was not too hot, and planned to store the coat without queuing.

Rabbit Chuan was just about to turn around and leave when he heard someone behind him excitedly shouting, "Ah! Isn't this Mr. Māori! "

Rabbit Chuan stopped leaving, how to say, such a thing as queuing, once there are other people standing behind him, they inexplicably have the power to line up.

"Are you..." Maori Kogoro looked back at a blank look.

But the other party was not embarrassed at all, and continued to step forward and talk: "It's me, Nakajima full of heaven, "Detective Mori Kogoro's Reasoning Mansion" is my project, we met at the game planning meeting before.

Maori Kogoro suddenly realized, seemingly recovering his memory and following the other party's words, and said: "Oh, by the way, we met Mr. Nakajima at the game planning meeting, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"That's right, that's right!" Hideaki Nakajima from the Paradise Game Development Department returned, "Today's game conference at the Reasoning Mansion caused a sensation in the entire game industry, after all, no real detective has appeared in other games.

Rabbit Chuan asked curiously, "How is this game played?"

Nakajima introduced: "The player opens by entering an unfamiliar mansion, encountering the corpse, and then collecting evidence everywhere, as long as he finds useful evidence, the Maori detective will appear and give the player hints, and finally only solve the truth before leaving." "

Rabbit Chuan's interest has plummeted, it feels like an ordinary puzzle game, exchange a bottle of real wine for an ordinary puzzle game, and feel that the winery is a little lost."

Mao Lilan then asked, "What if you can't unravel the truth?"

Nakajima added: "The game has a time limit, and if the truth cannot be solved within a certain period of time, the Maori detective will fall asleep, so that the player can never leave the mansion."

Conan thought speechlessly, but in reality it was the opposite, as soon as Uncle Maori went to sleep, all the puzzles were solved.

Nakajima Hideaki said modestly: "It is a blessing for Detective Tomori that my game has been so successful." "But it's actually a look of pride.

Maori Kogoro also replied politely: "Everywhere, it is your unique vision that will choose me as a detective, hahaha." "

Rabbit Chuan and Conan look at the way these two people come and go, this is the so-called business praise between adults.

"Yes, Nakajima is really good, if this game is really your project." The person behind Hideaki Nakajima suddenly interjected.

"Ueda!" Nakajima Hideaki was shocked and hurriedly called out the other party's name.

Faced with Nakajima Hideaki's forced eyes, Ueda Kōji took a step back and said, "Alas, it's not good to blame me, I shouldn't tell you, I want to add Maori detective to my game plan."

"Who knew what you would have made before me, and in the blink of an eye, this press conference was held again."

Nakajima Hideaki hurriedly stopped Mitsuji Ueda's next words, "How can you say these words here!"

Ueda Kōji said contemptuously: "Hmph, you are really a master of stealing other people's things, whether it is work or women, you like to steal from others, right, Takeshita?" "

Mitsuji Ueda led the war to Yushin Takeshita, who had just come over.

"This... It was all from college, I don't remember it for a long time. Unlike

the arrogant Mitsuji Ueda and the handsome Sven Hideaki Nakajima, Yushin Takeshita wears a pair of rustic black-rimmed glasses, looks down and holds a black briefcase, and the whole person is only promised, looking very honest.

"Hmph! I'm not that nice to talk to. Shōji Ueda clenched his fists at Hideaki Nakajima, satisfied to see the other party's shrinking appearance, released his fists and laughed, "However, for the sake of how you were cornered by the underground bank, I will let you go this time."

Nakajima turned around and lowered his head to hide his resentment.

Rabbit Chuan can see that the murderer, victim and suspect are so consciously dazzling to the mouth of the god of death, what else can this say.

Finally, the line lined up Maori Kogoro, who took off his coat and handed it to the counter.

The counter attendant handed the number plate to Maori Kogoro's mobile phone and smiled politely: "This is your number plate, please put it away."

Maori Kogoro took the number plate and said casually, "It's number 96."

"Oops! Almost late! The honest man Yushin Takeshita rushed to Maori Lan with a black briefcase, "Sorry, let me cut in line!"

"Me too!" Mitsuji Ueda followed suit and threw the black briefcase onto the counter.

"Hey! Don't cut the queue! Nakajima Hideaki shouted to the two.

"You'd better hurry too."

"If you're late, the president will be angry."

"Yes!" Hideaki Nakajima had unknowingly come to the front and put his black briefcase on the counter.

Rabbit Chuan was a little angry, obviously the three people behind him all cut in front of him.

Mao Lilan, who cut in directly in line, said with a good temper: "The briefcases of the three of you are exactly the same!"

Nakajima Hideaki replied a little embarrassed: "This is our company's uniformly equipped briefcase, and our tie clips and watches are also uniformly equipped by the company, and there is also our company's logo on it." "

Even if it is inadvertent, it can be the key to solving the case."

For example, a black briefcase and a bomb are better matched!

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