After seeing off Natsume Takashi, the yokai festival continued, and the yokai sat around the blooming cherry blossom trees, drinking and drinking, and even Rabbikawa raised his glass.

"Wait a minute!" Kenji Hagiwara wanted to grab Rabbitakawa by the hand that was about to move, "Underage alcohol is forbidden.

"This is not wine!" Rabbit Chuan ran behind the Mist Tengu and poked his head out and said, "The monk calls wine like a soup, and if it means wisdom, this is a soup of wisdom, why can't I drink it!" "

The god of wisdom drinks wisdom soup, is there anything wrong with this?

The corner of Kenji Hagiwara's mouth twitched, this problem is bigger, because the age of the God of Wisdom is a three-year-old baby!

"That's right, that's right!" The fog dog patted his thigh and said, "Wine is a grain essence, the more you drink, the younger you get!"

Kenji Hagiwara was completely unmoved and said, "No matter how young he is, he will become a little baby!" "

The end result, of course, is ... Rabbit River wins!!

And Rabbit Chuan found that he had a good amount of alcohol, a thousand glasses were not drunk, and ten thousand glasses were not poured.

"Hehe, the sake still wants to pour me, isn't it wisdom soup, I can blow the bottle on the second pot head!"

The Kiritengu, who had returned from drinking, sat next to Kenji Hagiwara, watched the god-sama mumble into the air, and covered his mouth with his hand and whispered, "How much is this drinking?" Kenji

Hagiwara picked up the bottle and shook it, but the Kirito Dog only heard the rumbling inside and half a bottle of wine.

The fog tengu was silent for a moment and said, "Haha, this is also no way, who makes our wisdom god full of wisdom, so he can't hold more wisdom soup." "

Kenji Hagiwara is very speechless when he looks at the Kiri Tengu, why don't you say that the Buddha's path of Prawakayu is not compatible with Shinto!

Fortunately, Rabbit Chuan was drunk and did not toss people, looked more well-behaved than usual, and fell asleep on his own after a while.

Kenji Hagiwara covered him with Haori, forget it, who kid hasn't stolen alcohol, and Conan next door has blown old white dry.

The carnival of the Yokai Festival does not end until dawn, and Rabbit River slowly opens his eyes to find himself buried by cherry blossoms in one place, and the cherry blossoms on the trees have withered overnight.

Rabbit Chuan stroked the trunk of the cherry blossom tree, is this afraid that he will be cold before falling the cherry blossoms?

Really, compared to the cherry blossom tree in his school, this cherry blossom tree is so sensible!

Rabbit River kicks Kenji Hagiwara, who is sleeping on the ground, picks up the white crow who has slept in the past, and gets into the car together to prepare to go home.

On the way back, the car did not go far, and Rabbit Chuan heard a familiar alarm bell.

Rabbit Chuan lifted the curtains of the car, and saw the familiar family of three and brown hats meeting at the gate of the mountain mud temple, and it seemed that the retribution of the host had come.

In other words, today is still a holiday, and the police will be dispatched on the last day of the holiday, and the police department is really hard!

But Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to work overtime today, so he will give this place to the Shinigami elementary school student, he is going home to play games!

The time for holidays is always fleeting, and the next day is time for school.

Rabbikawa and Morilan walk together on the way to school, and Sonoko Suzuki also has to participate in club activities without joining them.

Mao Lilan suddenly asked: "Do boys like to play game consoles?"

"Ask me?" Rabbit Chuan replied, "Of course, the game console here is still quite interesting to play." Even

if he has long been accustomed to online games and mobile games, Rabbit Chuan can still feel the fun brought by game consoles.

Of course, because it's not the Internet era, he has nothing else to play.

"Then do you know Paradise Game Company?"

"You know, it's a very famous video game company, and I have a lot of game cartridges made in heaven."

Rabbit Chuan thought, the name is good, isn't heaven full!

Mao Lilan said excitedly: "Dad was involved in the production of the newly developed game cartridges of Manheaven Game Company, so the game company invited Dad to attend the new game launch in the afternoon, and I heard that you can try out a lot of new games on the spot!" Would you like to come along?

"Okay!" Rabbit Chuan answered, "But I'll go home and change my clothes first." "

The big company really has money and willfulness, even if you dare to ask Maori Kogoro to supervise the game, and dare to invite the Shinigami family to participate in the presentation.

"Okay, we'll come and pick you up later." Mao Lilan waved goodbye to Rabbit River at the intersection, "See you later!"

Rabbit Chuan turned home, walked on the road, and suddenly remembered, the dead person who was full of murders in Paradise Game Company was not the unlucky agave?

It was the real wine that was accidentally killed by passers-by!

When Rabbitagawa and the Maori family arrived at the Rice Flower Hotel, it was raining heavily outside and the temperature had plummeted, which was perfect for the death of an unlucky ghost.

Maori Kogoro leaned against the wall, looking hangover.

"Sister Xiaolan, what kind of game is the game produced by my uncle?" Conan asked curiously.

"The name of the game is 'Mori Kogoro's Detective Reasoning Hall'." Maori Lan leaned over and answered Conan, "The player encounters a murder case in a fan-like villa, and the Maori detective who accidentally appears at the scene will give hints, and then solve the incident step by step."

Rabbit Chuan complained: "Are you sure it's not step by step to get out of the truth?" "

Haha, one, two, three." Mao Lilan smiled reluctantly, albeit a little.

Conan was also secretly speechless, isn't this the same as every time he reasoned!

Rabbit Chuan thought, how can this be the same, you are killing the player on yourself!

But it sounds a bit like a script kill, I don't know if the setting of the game cartridge is fun or not.

No, it should be said that I don't know if the game cartridge will be released on time after the developer of this game is arrested.

Only one less, it should be no problem, fortunately there are unlucky substitute ghosts, otherwise with two less developers, you may not be able to play the new game.

Thinking about it this way, Rabbit Chuan suddenly found that the agave died quite valuablely.

"But is there no problem with Uncle Maori looking?" Rabbit asked, "Uncle Maori will speak as the game producer at the presentation in a moment, right?"

After Rabbit Chuan finished speaking, the three of them looked at Maori Kogoro who was holding the wall and vomiting, as if he was not very good.

Maori Lan walked up to Maori Kogoro and complained: "Really, what to say to celebrate in advance, I think I am looking for an excuse to drink, and I am drunk like mud!"

"I'm not drunk! That's just five or six cups. Maori Kogoro counted on his fingers, "Hmm... Gin with vodka and bourbon ... Vomit!

Maori Lan quickly patted Maori Kogoro on the back and asked worriedly, "Dad, are you really okay?"

Conan's face changed, gin and vodka, how could he forget these two names.

Rabbit River was also a little surprised, there was actually bourbon, and Uncle Maori drank it quite wild last night!

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