"That is a prosthesis, once the burden is too heavy, the prosthesis will automatically eject, well, it is off, otherwise it is harmful to the body."

Rabbit Chuan explained emotionally: "I was so scared at the time, I kicked him, but he was startled by the prosthetic that triggered the automatic shedding function, and then jumped out by himself.

"So it is."

The criminal brother who took the record nodded and quickly wrote it down, this explanation was very reasonable, and he did not feel anything wrong.

Rabbit Chuan also nodded, as for what liquid nitrogen thrusters after that, what rocket two stages separated, this is how can Ke Yan's secret be casually written in the record.

By the time Yamato Daisuke arrived at the reception room, Rabbitikawa had already skillfully finished taking notes and left the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters with Zhufu Keiguang.

As in the original ending, the police did not find Eiji Tono's body.

Then according to the follow-up to the original ending, when we meet next time, it will be the deep mountain Hikage, who has been reborn after amnesia, the only murderer who was let go by Kanedaichi.

Adhering to the principle of "all comes", Rabbikawa ate a bowl of authentic Nagano soba noodles at the recommendation of Zhufu Keiguang.

Soba is a specialty of Nagano, and the soba noodles here are famous for their fine workmanship and unique taste, making them refreshing when dipped in ice sauce.

When eating noodles, you will also make a "sucking and sucking" sound, which is not an impolite act, but it is saying that the noodles are very delicious.

Rabbit River bought a bunch of souvenirs, and then sat on the shinkansen with Zhufu Keiguang and went back to their respective homes.

Coincidentally, Rabbit River actually met Yosuke Gogi on the Shinkansen.

Alas, Rabbit Chuan really doesn't want to see this person, and always feels that after seeing him, strange cases will increase.

Yosuke Goki took the initiative to come over and say hello, "Hey! What a coincidence, little detective.

"Hello, Mr. Goki." Rabbit Chuan said speechlessly, "But that 'little' word is redundant, and... Never mind. "

Detective is detective, before Kaneda Kazuichi does not appear, the next door set may still rely on him to save the scene."

In this incident, Rabbit River's cousin Kudo Shinzo replaced Miyuki Nanase's cousin, so Rabbit River replaced Miyuki Nanase... There is no problem, there is Miyuki as soon as there is Kaneda, and who is not the same instead?

Yosuke Gogi came over to be close to Rabbitagawa on purpose, because he wrote a novel based on his travel experience, and the name of the novel is "The Murder of the Legend of Lake of Sorrow".

Rabbit Chuan was silent after reading it.

Not only is the name the same as the original case, but even the content is almost exactly the same as the original An, and the world line ends in strange places.

The only difference is the detective, whose name appears here is...

"Yue Ersan?"

Gogi Yosuke said excitedly: "That's right, this is a detective created based on Rabbit-kawa-kun, although it seems to be bad at it, but it is actually a loli detective with explosive combat effectiveness.

Rabbit Chuan slapped his palm on the table and shouted, "Change me to Shota!" Bah! Change to male! "

What about this light novel, what kind of violent loli to write, real men should write traditional literature."

Lured by Rabbitagawa threats, in the end, Gogi Yosuke compromised and changed the protagonist to the tall and handsome Mr. Detective.

Tuchuan smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, when I go back, I will send the manuscript to Uncle Yusaku, let him help you check it, and if it goes well, you can publish it directly."

"Then please!"

Yosuke Goki was moved to the ground, and the devil knew what he had just experienced.

"And I have a little more suggestion." Rabbit Chuan said again.

"What is it?" Yosuke Goki came to the spirit.

"It's the iconic winning line that the detective will say when solving the case."

"I haven't thought about this sentence yet, what do you suggest?"

"Of course, it's the phrase 'gamble in the name of my brother, I must find out the real culprit!'"

"Brother of Yue Ersan?"

Yosuke Goki was a little confused, why did an older brother suddenly appear?

Rabbit River explains, "Otsuki's brother is a famous detective in the Kanto region, and when he and his childhood sweetheart go to an amusement park, he witnesses a crime scene and is brutally murdered. "

Yosuke Goki understands, this is the main line!

While writing, he said excitedly: "In order to avenge his brother, Yue Ersan tried to find the truth, but he discovered an earth-shattering conspiracy!" "

Stop, stop!" Rabbit Chuan called an emergency stop.

Stop it, Great Prophet, prophecy again, the Black-clad Organization will come and stab you tomorrow.

Half a month later, Yosuke Gogi's novel was published, and the poignant love legend and brutal murderous methods, as well as the cute and handsome high school detective, were well received.

"This 'cute' is redundant, right?" Rabbit Chuan huffed and called Kudo Yusaku.

Gogi Yosuke didn't dare to change the setting privately, it must have been changed by Kudo Yusaku, who was his gatekeeper.

Kudo Yusaku laughed and said, "Hahaha, because of the popularity of easy-to-read literature recently, this setting will be more popular with young readers."

Rabbit Chuan complained, "Isn't that a light novel?" "

By the way, how are you and Shinichi doing?" Kudo Yusaku changed the subject, "Shinichi hasn't called us for a long time."

"I'm fine, I went to Nagano Prefecture with my friends before." Rabbit Chuan said.

Although Rabbitagawa mainly went to inspect the new map, he returned in one day.

"As for the new brother..." Rabbit Chuan organized the language, "It's probably a bit of a pleasure to live outside!" "

Ekoda High School, on

the rooftop" Heaven and hell have come again, the barriers of the world are about to be removed, and the white sinners will finally receive divine punishment." Koizumi said mysteriously to Kuroba Kuaidou.

"Huh?" Black Feather Kuaidou listened with a look of confusion, "You specially called me to the rooftop just to say this?"

"You've set your next target on the Night Star in Yonekacho, right, Kidd the thief!"

Black Feather Kuaidou said helplessly: "How many times have I said it, I am not a thief Kidd."

"Oh, be careful, that God... No, the sound of the broken barriers of the world. "


"Oh, yes!"

After that, Koizumi Hongko left with a smile, leaving a confused black feather Kuaidou.

The next day, the pedestrian crossing at the traffic intersection of Shibuya Street passed by each other.

Unaware Black Feather Fight and disbelief...

"Xiaolan, look at the car!" Suzuki Sonoko grabbed Maori Lan, "What are you thinking!" You just almost got hit by a car!

Mao Lilan looked stiffly at the other side and muttered, "That person just now... Is it Shinichi?! "


Far away in the ears of Rabbit Chuan, who was far away in his house, there was a faint sound of shattering.

"Welcome to the world of Koxue, Kidd the Thief!"

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