Rabbit Chuan turned his wheelchair and came to the other side of the lake with the ghost lamp.

Rabbit Chuan held his chin and asked, "I wonder why Lord Ghost Lantern is here?" Ghost

Lantern was carrying a mace, and his three white eyes without anger and self-esteem looked at Rabbit Chuan and said: "My subordinates will take people, and then..." Rabbit Chuan immediately understood Ghost Lantern's

unfinished words, and then there was no then, the murderer was kicked by him in advance, and people naturally would not be killed.

However, Rabbit Chuan is tired of playing today, and after the excitement has passed, the whole person is dazed, and now he is a little too lazy to speak.

Ghost Lantern looked at Rabbit Chuan's lazy appearance, sighed and said, "If His Highness Rabbit Chuan wants to keep those people..."

Rabbit Chuan finally reacted and answered, "It feels like it's going to be troublesome."

Ghost Lantern explained very seriously: "It's not troublesome, even if it's selling personal favors, hell is a very reasonable place." "

In fact, many gods will seek hell to trust relationships, arrange their favorite humans to their own divine kingdom, or arrange to be reincarnated.

Tu Chuan quickly waved his hand and resolutely refused: "No, owing favors is the most troublesome thing." "

And just those few people who have never known each other are not worth the favor that Rabbit Chuan owes to hell for them."

"Really don't think about it? I'm very reasonable. Ghost Lantern continued to seduce.

"Nope! No! Thank you! Good bye! "Rabbitikawa is very strong-willed.

That's hell's debt, and it's troublesome to hear.

As for Zhufu Jingguang, that was what happened before the ghost lamp took over this world.

Before the ghost lamp came here, naturally the god Rabbit River had the final say, as for the things after that, cough, they have a god of death in the world of Kexue, who dies or not, of course, it depends on where the god of death wants to shoot an episode.

Conan, who was reasoning far away on the luxury passenger ship, sneezed.

"Ah ——!"

"Māori detective?"

Everyone looked at Maori Kogoro, who was as stable as Mount Tai, and sighed in their hearts that he could actually sneeze motionlessly, which is really worthy of a detective's sleeping Kogoro!

"I'm okay, what I want to say is that the murderer is you-Ichiro Kimoto!"

"You have always liked your cousin Qiben Jiangxia, but your grandfather did not agree with you marrying Miss Jiangxia, so you killed your grandfather and then married Miss Jiangxia's husband!"

On the luxury passenger ship over there, the tragedy of family affection and love is also staged.

However, the relationship between cousins and cousins belongs to the four-parent relationship in the neon regulations, and is not within the scope of legal restrictions, so in neon, cousins and cousins can get married, only brothers and sisters cannot!

And this is the case with many royal families, as well as many large families, so generations have declined, and finally they have become extinct.

Nice job!

And here Rabbit River and Ghost Lantern are discussing some questions about the world.

"Onidian-sama, do you know this person Kinda Kazuichi?" Rabbit Chuan asked.

According to the cause and effect of the world, since there is a case of Kanedaichi World, then there must have been a person Kaneda Yiichi in this world, but now that Kaneda Yiyi is in this world, why does this world have Jin Tianyi's case?

There must be something wrong with this, Rabbit Chuan has the answer in his heart, but he doesn't want to think so, because... Things can get very troublesome!

The answer of the ghost lamp that Rabbikawa wants to hear the most now is that Kaneda died prematurely one by one, and this statement proves that the answer he has in mind is wrong.

"Your Highness Rabbitchuan." Ghost Lantern said mercilessly, "Your wisdom, is it cut with your hair today?" "

Rabbit Chuan panicked, stop it, you poisonous tongue beast shaking S!

"I just cut my hair a little shorter today to make me look more like Kudo Shinichi! And my hair will grow back as soon as I sleep!

Then Rabbit Chuan immediately reacted and said, "No! The length of my hair has nothing to do with my intelligence!

"Then why did you ask me about Kindaichi?" Ghost Lantern asked rhetorically, "Your Highness Rabbit River, you are the god of wisdom, don't just put your eyes on the other side, but also look at the world around you." "

The God of wisdom who constantly looks into the distance with one foot and one eye and knows all things in the world.

Rabbit Chuan said: "But ah, the things of the world, not only all things, let alone the things of another world." "

This world of science is incomplete.

The God of Wisdom is the bridge that connects the other side to the other, and it is precisely because of his existence that it can once again connect heaven and hell.

Rabbit Chuan knew about this from the beginning, so he kept trying to work with the world consciousness to make the world line shift in the right direction, but not to collide with the main world.

It's just that this is not enough to make up for the gap in the world, and the lake of sorrow is a fragment of another world absorbed by the Ke Xue world.

Because it is fragments, it is also incomplete, and there are only criminals and cases in this world, and there are no detectives.

"Alas!" Rabbit Chuan sighed, "World, you can grow a little heart, don't eat everything!" "

The next time you encounter the fragments of this world, remember to eat the gold fields one by one.

Rabbit Chuan's ears heard the sound of world consciousness crying, and by the way, he also hiccuped.

Rabbit Chuan is still planning for the world consciousness in his heart, like what a scrap ghost king! What a white MLM boss! What an ugly curse! Godzilla little monsters can't eat anything!!

You can eat something healthy, such as a friend's account! Bald and sunny! What a thing!

All in all, it's the everyday!

World consciousness has a grin on his face, and he sells hemp batches in his heart, some of them are good to eat, pick a fart!

Before the ghost lamp left, he gave Rabbit Chuan a can of snapdragon candy.

Rabbit Chuan holds the sugar jar and waves goodbye to Ghost Lantern, does Ghost Lantern regard him as a snapdragon lover?

Snapdragon, if you think about it, it is indeed delicious, so fragrant!

After the ghost lamp left, Hagiwara Kenji dared to float over, for fear that the ghost lamp master would take him away.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Kenji Hagiwara in front of him, and suddenly thought, he asked: "Hagiwara, do you want to go to the ghost lamp to apply for a jailer?" "

Go and study well, how to improve combat effectiveness!

The question was asked suddenly, and Kenji Hagiwara thought about it carefully, wait, with his merits, shouldn't it be to go to heaven?

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