Professional killer, one shot to death, never need to replenish a gun.

Gin Jiu turned around and did not turn his head ... The head glanced to the left.

The vodka behind him was immediately on alert.

"Big brother, is there a situation?"

“...... Let's go.

Gin Jiu kept leaving, his brows wrinkled slightly, and there was a trace of impatience revealed in his coldness.

Rabbit Chuan leaned tightly against the container, trying to become one with the container, covering his chest and slowly exhaling.

Gin Jiu shouldn't have seen him just now, right?

Gin Jiu's eyes almost didn't scare his heart away, but fortunately he hid in time!

At the same time that Gin Jiu left, Conan and Morilan also ran over to the sound of gunshots, just in time to see Masami Hirota holding her wound and about to fall.

"Ah——! Miss Masami!

"Miss Masami, cheer up a little!"

Conan's small body caught Masami Hirota's fallen body, and blood from his abdomen continued to flow from the wound.

Conan shouted loudly to Mao Lilan: "Sister Xiaolan, call an ambulance, and call the police!"


Maori Lan immediately ran to look for a phone booth and call for an ambulance.

Conan also notices a pistol not far from Masami Hirota falls, but Miss Masami can never commit suicide.

"No... No thanks, already... It's too late...," Masami Hirota said with difficulty.

Conan shouted to Masami Hirota, "Don't talk first!" Speaking again, the wound will..." Conan

stopped, stunned to look at his blood-stained hands, this hot blood is the continuous flow of life.

This was the first time he felt so powerless about life because he couldn't save Miss Masami.

“...... Who the hell are you? Masami Hirota questioned her soul.

"Edogawa..." Facing

Masami Hirota, whose life is constantly passing, Conan can't bear to lie.

"No, Kudo Shinichi, I'm a detective."

"That high school student? Detective? The

fatal wound in the abdomen left Masami Hirota with no time to think about anything else, and time was running out for her.

"I knew the organization would not let me go..."

"This is a huge organization surrounded by layers of black shadows, and I only know that the color in the organization is black from beginning to end..."

"Yes, everyone in the organization is dressed in black... It's like a crow..." Conan

, that is, Kudo Shinichi, instantly appeared in the mind of two men in black.

Could it be that those two guys are too?!

Are the two guys who made him what he is also from that organization?

Conan took a step back in shock, and just then he saw a black corner behind the container next to him.

Could it be that the people from that organization were still there?

At this time, Conan's mind was blank, for the sake of Miss Yami and for himself, he only wanted to find the group of men in black.

Rabbit River, who was hiding in a corner and secretly observing, finally heard the key news of Masami Hirota to Conan's science popularization organization.

Now this point in time is just right, you can move on to the next step, first lead Conan away... Well?

Rabbit Chuan saw Conan rushing in his direction like a lit rocket.

Rabbit Chuan is full of question marks, there is no time to think, whether he can run or not, run first and then talk.

But why is that? Why did Conan chase him?

Conan ran past a container, just a turn, and did not see the figure of the man in black left and right.

"Abominable! Where the hell did it go?

Then Conan immediately picked a direction and continued to chase over.

Rabbit Chuan, who was standing on top of the container, took off his sunglasses and was relieved to see Conan's departing back.

Fortunately, there was a white crow who took him to the sky in time, otherwise with his legs and feet, he really couldn't run Conan's short legs.

Remembering Masami Hirota's words just now, and looking at Conan's current symptoms, Rabbit Chuan also figured out what was going on.

From this moment on, Conan officially suffered from PTSD syndrome in black, which is manifested in the fact that as long as he sees people in black, he will follow up and investigate regardless of madness.

Alas! It's all clothes that cause trouble!

In two days, and in two days it will be summer, and he will be able to get rid of this black coat.

After Conan and Rabbit River left, only Masami Hirota was left on the scene, no, it was Akemi Miyano's body and doppelganger.

Even with Conan around, the ontology can see its own doppelganger.

"I know... You're me..."

"Help me take care of... Shiho..."

Miyano Akemi" wanted to agree, but no, she was only part of Miyano Akemi, and the sister Shiho wanted must be the complete Miyano Akemi, not a weird stand-in.

"Akemi Miyano" hugged Akemi Miyano and tried to transmit his power to her.

"Akemi, you are not an angel with folded wings, you just lost your wings, and I am your wings."


Akemi Miyano found herself gradually unable to feel pain, temperature, or even almost everything.

But the doppelganger's abilities can't save lives, and she opens the book that Rabbikawa gave her.

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