Rabbit Chuan shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work!"

Rabbit Chuan gestured for Akemi Miyano to look at Masami Hirota in front of the hotel.

I saw that after Masami Hirota got into a taxi, Conan and Morilan immediately chased after the hotel.

Conan's little foot ran directly into the next taxi, but was carried down by the people waiting in line, and Mao Lilan, who followed closely, immediately snatched Conan back.

Rabbit, who heard Superman, heard Mao Lilan shouting loudly to the man: "My father was buried alive in the snowy mountains, he is about to die, and now he is waiting for me to save him!"

Rabbit Chuan almost laughed, what a filial piety!

While Morilan and Conan get into the taxi, Rabbitikawa also directs his car to follow Masami Hirota's taxi in front.

Now the order of the cars is as follows: Masami Hirota's taxi - (Rabbit River's ghost car) ———— Morilan and Conan's taxi.

Under normal circumstances, ghost cars can be seen.

It is said that people who encounter such driverless ghost cars will have accidents within the next two or three days.

Because ghost cars only appear late at night, drivers of night cars hang amulets on the front windshield to keep them safe.

But tonight, because of Conan's presence, the ghost car is directly invisible between the two taxis.

And the ghost car is also attached to the front car in the rear, clinging to the rear of the Masami Hirota taxi in front, and I can't wait to be far away from the car behind, as far away as it can.

Rabbit Chuan recalls the plot development in his mind, and if he wants to save Masami Hirota, he must let her go through her own plot.

Just like saving Matsuda Jinpei, Zhufu Keimitsu, and Date Hang, they can only be saved at the end of their plot.

Otherwise, even if she saves Masami Hirota in advance now, at some point in the future, she still needs to complete her own plot.

For example, after more than 100 episodes, go to the bank to grab 1 billion and be killed by gin wine again.

So now Rabbit Chuan is struggling to save her? Figure: Will she generate another 1 billion yuan for the black-clothed organization in the future?

Therefore, Rabbit River has been trying to control the development of the plot these days, so from Conan's point of view, everything is going according to the original world line, and he is about to learn about the existence of the Black-clad Organization.

Arriving at the container logistics center at the port, Masami Hirota and Rabbikawa stopped at the same time.

Masami Hirota got out of the car and walked straight into the aisle of the container.

Rabbit River secretly followed, and Miyano Akemi followed behind Rabbit Chuan with mixed feelings.

She saw that Rabbit Chuan wore a pair of black sunglasses when he got out of the car, black sunglasses covered most of his face, black clothes, black hats and black shawls, and the whole person's temperament became suffocating her.

In this world, glasses have a magical power that allows people to cross their clothes in an instant.

Rabbit Chuan is just afraid of accidentally bumping into Conan, or bumping into Gin Wine, so he wants to wear glasses and change clothes.

He originally took a pair of masks, but when he wore sunglasses, no one loved them, and when he wore a mask, he looked like a pervert.

Entering the container logistics group, Rabbit Chuan did not directly follow behind Masami Hirota, but walked into the aisle next to it.

The white crow flies in the air to guide the way, allowing Rabbit River to keep a certain distance from Masami Hirota in a horizontal position.

Suddenly the crow hovers in the air, and Rabbit River knows that it is now a critical moment in the development of the plot, and now Masami Hirota has converged with Gin Wine.

Rabbit Chuan did not hesitate, turned right directly, crossed the aisle in the middle of the container, and walked towards the scene.

Under the dim moonlight of the crescent moon, two men in black stood opposite Masami Hirota, and the two sides faced each other.

"Where is my sister? You said that if you give the money to you, you will let me and my sister leave the organization.

"That's impossible, unlike you, your sister is a big red person in the organization."

"It turns out that you didn't plan to let us leave from the beginning!"

"No, you're wrong again, I was going to let you go." Gin Jiu raised his pistol, "In our way, let you go forever." "

Bang a gunshot.

Rabbit River saw a bullet flying in front of him, and faster than the bullet was a white figure, and Akemi Miyano who followed behind him took the bullet without hesitation.

The bullet penetrated Akemi Miyano's body and hit Masami Hirota behind her, and blood bloomed like a red lotus.

For a while, the four eyes were facing each other.

Akemi Miyano looked at the red lotus in front of her, touching her gradually healing wound, and at that moment she suddenly remembered Rabbit River's words.

The doppelganger does not die and recovers immediately after injury.

Some doppelgangers mistake themselves for their true beings.

Don't think too badly of the doppelganger, it's the other you in the world.

She also recalled that she was attacked by Masami Hirota at the bank but was not injured.

She will subconsciously seek the help of Lord Rabbitikawa who has only met once.

And when the adult is nearby, the people around her will ignore her presence.

All of this is because...

Akemi Miyano is the doppelganger!

She was born the night before the action by Masami Hirota, the pure white and kind Akemi Miyano who lives like ordinary people in an ordinary world.

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