The next afternoon, on a certain street across from the Tokyo airport.

After confirming the flight time with Hiroki Sawada, Ye Fei arrived here by car with Ash Yuan Ai.

Unfortunately, the news of the delay of the plane was received at the last minute.

It will be more than half an hour before Hiroki Sawada's actual arrival time.

"Xiao Ai, let's go to the dessert shop for a while, shall we?"

Ye Fei raised his hand and pointed to a dessert shop not far away, and proposed with a smile.

"Good. Gray Yuan nodded without any opinion.

Immediately, the two walked directly towards the dessert shop.

The decoration of this dessert shop is quite good.

It looks exquisite, and the spacing between the seats is not too crowded.


The waiter said with a smile, and immediately handed a menu directly to Ye Fei and Gray Yuanai.

It's not a meal now, Ye Fei and Gray Yuan Ai actually don't have any desire to eat.

Thereupon...... The two of them each ordered a cup of coffee in the dessert shop.

After thinking about it, Ye Fei added another small cake wrapped in blueberry jam.

"Let's have a bite to eat first, and if it's night—"

"I booked a restaurant that is very special and said to be quite good. "

Ye Fei handed the menu back to the waiter and said in a gentle tone.

"Good. Of course, Gray Yuan Wai has no opinion.

Well...... There is still some expectation.

After all, Ye Fei rarely eats out, but the restaurants that are generally selected by Ye Fei taste quite good!


The waiter's voice sounded again, and Ye Fei and Gray Yuanai, who were waiting for the meal to be served, subconsciously turned their heads and glanced in the direction of the door.

As a result, I happened to run into a few acquaintances.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, still ..... Conan?"

Ye Fei was a little surprised and said hello to the three people who followed the door.

Hearing the familiar voice, Moriran, Suzuki Sonoko and Conan couldn't help but turn their heads to look over.

"Ye Fei (Teacher Ye)?" the three of them greeted Ye Fei with some surprise.

Immediately, Mao Lilan and the three of them simply walked towards Ye Fei and Gray Yuanai.

"Teacher Ye, do you have an appointment?"

Mao Lilan glanced at the empty seats on Ye Fei and Gray Yuanai's side with some hesitation, as if he was struggling with whether to sit or not.

As for Suzuki Sonoko and Conan's words, they have already sat down habitually.

"There is a younger brother who is coming to Sakura Country, and Xiao Ai and I are going to wait here for a while to pick up the plane. "

Ye Fei explained two sentences simply, and raised his hand to signal Mao Lilan to sit casually.

"But—are you here to pick them up, too?"

After all, it is near the airport, and it is not a commercial street here, and it is relatively remote....

If you don't pick up people, you probably won't come here, right?

"No, I've actually seen the promotion of this store before. "

"I heard that it was delicious, so I brought Xiaolan with me, and this little ghost had to follow. "

Sonoko Suzuki waved her hand and explained with a grin.

Well...... Suzuki Sonoko's attitude towards Conan is, as always, disgusting!

"That's right. Ye Fei nodded thoughtfully.

Later, Suzuki Sonoko also beckoned the waiter to come over and discussed with Mao Lilan and ordered a few desserts.

"Mr. Ye, the younger brother you are talking about is Sawada....... Brother?"

Thinking of the child he had seen at the lighthouse before, Conan couldn't help but ask with some curiosity.

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko glanced at Ye Fei and Conan a little blankly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What's the situation?

Why did Conan know Ye Fei's younger brother, but he didn't know what happened.

Gray Yuan couldn't help but squint his eyes and glanced at Conan thoughtfully.

This guy ....... How did you know about Hiroki Sawada's existence?

And, according to Ye Fei, Hiroki Sawada has always been at the lighthouse, right?

"yes, it seems that Conan still remembers the little tree. "

Ye Fei touched Conan's head with a smile and said meaningfully.

"Xiaoshu will stay in the cherry blossom country for a while, if you have time, you can play with Xiaoshu. "

"Hey, why does Conan know so much?"

Sonoko Suzuki couldn't contain her curiosity and couldn't help but ask.

Although Gray Yuan's expression had not changed, his ears had already been erected.

"Garden, Ye Fei's younger brother Hongshu has actually been living in the lighthouse. "

"When Conan and I went to the lighthouse before, we ran into donkeys. "

"He's a very smart and cute kid!"

Maori (Zhao Nuo's) Lan smiled and added two sentences to Sonoko Suzuki. []

Well....... I couldn't help but add in my heart: Hiroki Sawada is much more well-behaved and sensible than Conan!

can only say - worthy of the gentle Ye Fei brought out the child.

Mao Lilan didn't know Hiroki Sawada's experience, and thought that Hiroki Sawada had been by Ye Fei's side since he was a child.......

"Was it the so-called Dr.Z who kidnapped the world's detectives?"

Sonoko Suzuki couldn't help but glare, and said in shock.

Although Suzuki Sonoko was not at the lighthouse at the time, the news was in an uproar.......

My best friend was also a hostage at the beginning, and Suzuki Sonoko's impression was really impressive!.

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