Speaking of....

Recently, I had to find a chance for Conan to try the medicine, after all, it was about the holiday of the Black Death.

However, it's not that hard, as long as you make time!

"No, Mr. Ye, I'm here to find you. "

Conan shook his head slightly, his eyes staring at Ye Fei tightly.

"Find me, what are you looking for me?"

Ye Fei blinked his eyes and asked with some curiosity.

It just so happened that Gray Yuan Ai probably heard the movement outside and walked out of the kitchen directly.

Ignoring Conan, who came in with Ye Fei, Gray Yuan Wai looked directly at Ye Fei and asked.

"Ye Fei, have you eaten?"

"Not yet. Ye Fei shook his head slightly.

"That's just right, I'm just getting ready to cook. Gray Yuan nodded slightly.

After a pause, Gray Plains turned 26 and came out with two drinks.

put them in front of Conan and Ye Fei respectively, and they looked very virtuous!

"Then it's a little trouble. Ye Fei nodded with a smile.

After Gray Yuan Wai turned around and re-entered the kitchen, Ye Fei turned his head to look at Conan and asked.

"So—did Conan come to me today, is there something going on?"

Conan blinked, stared at Ye Fei with some curiosity and asked.

"Teacher Ye, did you already know that there was a problem with the Strange Thief Kidd's notice letter?"

When he asked this, Conan's eyes were firmly fixed on Ye Fei.

It looks like he wants to find out.

"Huh?" Ye Fei didn't seem to react.

"That's the date!" Conan raised an eyebrow.

"April 1st, April Fool's Day—"

"Kidd the Monster Thief did show up that day, but he just threw it down and said it was just an April Fool's joke or something. "

"It's just disgusting!"

Thinking of the way the thief Kidd played himself and the police that day, Conan couldn't help but clench his fists.

That hateful thief....... Sooner or later, it will fall into your own hands!

"You said that!" Ye Fei nodded suddenly in realization.

"Of course I don't know the answer, but April Fool's Day—"

"Joking seems like a normal thing, so I'll wonder if Kidd the Thief was just joking. "

"After all, Kidd doesn't look very old, and it's normal to be a little childish. "

Ye Fei blinked and explained with a smile.

"Hmm, Teacher Ye also thinks that Kidd is not very old?"

Conan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Fei thoughtfully.

In fact....... At the last time he was at a gathering of magic enthusiasts, Conan thought that Kidd the Strange Thief should not be very old.

Even in the wee hours of the morning, Conan had seen Kidd the Strange Thief's voice-changing skills.

It has not changed this idea, after all, the real age of a person will be reflected in many places in this person......

"yes, there's no evidence, but Kidd the Thief feels like a high school student. "

"Maybe Kidd the Strange Thief is similar to Kudo-san. "

The corners of Ye Fei's mouth hooked up and said meaningfully.

"How is that possible!" Conan subconsciously retorted.

How can a detective be similar to a strange thief?

This is an insult to the detective!

Ye Fei didn't say much on this topic, but his voice changed-

"So, Mr. Maori and the police were tricked by the blame thief Kidd?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, Kidd the Strange Thief appeared, but he didn't steal the gem at all. "

Instead, he left a new teaser letter. "

Conan nodded and said with a serious expression.

"On April 19th, the real dark star aboard the Sally Bess that sailed from the port of Yokohama, I am going to set the blame thief Kidd. "

This time, Conan didn't take out the teaser letter.

But...... I directly told the content of the notice letter.

"This time, the strange thief Kidd didn't leave a code, but directly pointed out the time and place. "

Ye Fei couldn't help but touch his chin and said thoughtfully.

"But—isn't Kidd the Monster Thief worried about Mr. Suzuki's outright cancellation or change of trip?"

"No, after all, it was a banquet that the Suzuki family had decided to have decided a long time ago. "

900" Moreover, a lot of business celebrities were invited. "

Conan shook his head slightly and explained bluntly.

"By the way, Mr. Ye, do you have time on April 19?"

"Sister Yuanzi asked me to help ask, are you interested in going on the boat together to play at that time. "

"There are still more than ten days, not necessarily without time. "[]

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders slightly, and did not make a decision directly.

"Then we'll talk about it then. Conan didn't have any additional ideas.

After all, if you want to invite Ye Fei, it is Suzuki Sonoko's idea.

But Ye Fei himself is not a detective who wants to catch monsters and thieves, so it doesn't seem to matter if he goes or not?

"Do you want to stay and eat together?" Gray Yuan asked as he suddenly looked at Conan.

Gray Yuan lamented that Conan would be as far away from Ye Fei as possible, but he couldn't stand Ye Fei's presence there.

"No, Sister Xiaolan is still waiting for me. "

Conan shook his head, then got up and left the ........

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