"Please, don't scare this girl, okay?"

"But they're all golden eggs!"

After saying this with a smile, Itokaizo also glanced at Ito Kiden warningly.

This change in expression was only seen by Ye Fei and the three of them.

"It seems—there's a secret!"

Sakurai Nu propped his chin and muttered in a low voice.

It's a pity that the time is not right, if you ask Ye Fei now, this guy probably won't say it!

As if sensing Sakurai Nuo's thoughts, Ye Fei just said lightly.

"Don't ask, we'll find out later. "

"I'm not as good as you say. Mao Lilan hurriedly waved his hand awkwardly.

Bad luck was when Maoriran waved his hand.

Just happened to knock his tea cup over Isokaizo's lap.


The tea was not hot, and Isokai Zang simply shouted.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Mao Lilan hurriedly stood up, looked at Isokai and said apologetically.

"It's not 397, you don't have to worry too much, I'll just wipe it with a towel. "

Isokai waved his hand, and took the towel and wiped it on his lap.

He also raised his hand to greet the waiter.

"I'm sorry, can you help me get another pair of chopsticks?"

"Okay. "The waiter's movements are still quite fast.

Soon, he took a new set of tableware and placed it in front of Isokaizo.

As for Maolilan, he subconsciously bent over and walked in front of the teacup that was broken by himself.

Raise your hand to pick it up.

It's just that Mao Lan is a little careless.

As soon as I squatted down, I noticed a wave of dizziness in front of me....


Mao Lilan's movements couldn't help but freeze, and he subconsciously held his head.

Just when Mao Lilan's movements were stiff, a pair of warm big hands suddenly attached to Mao Lilan's forehead.

"When I first met you, I felt that your face was not very good-looking, and it was a little hot. "

"It's a cold, are you okay?" Ye Fei said with concern.

Mao Lilan didn't notice when Ye Fei got up and came over, but just subconsciously shook his head.

"It's okay, it doesn't feel very heavy. "

It's not reckless, but the dizziness of that time did pass quickly.

"You ......."

Isokai turned his head subconsciously, as if he wanted to say something.

Without waiting for Ji Haizang to speak, Ye Fei acted as if he hadn't noticed-

Directly picked up Mao Lilan, and gently proposed.

"Xiaolan, why don't you sit down at our table?"

"It's a little bit better and more comfortable. "

"Okay. "

Mao Lilan didn't think much about it, just nodded subconsciously.

Then, he looked very "well-behaved" and sat down at the next table with Ye Fei.

Conan subconsciously wanted to follow, but was directly held down by Maori Kogoro.

"You little ghost....... Don't mess with your sister. "(cbee)

"I believe that Ye Fei will definitely help take care of Xiaolan. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Maori Kogoro glared at Conan angrily and said casually.

Anyway....... Ye Fei must be much more reliable than this little ghost!

Isokaizo's face couldn't help but become a little ugly, but he couldn't refute it for Mao Lilan.

In the end, he could only silently change to the position closest to Ye Fei's table, so that he could talk to Mao Lilan and the others for a while.

Probably in order to warm up the two, Isohai Haizang pretended to remind enthusiastically.

"If you want to eat, just say—"

"Today the accounts of both tables are on me. "

"Okay, then I'll trouble you. "

Ye Fei nodded with a smile, without the slightest polite thought.

Immediately, Ye Fei also asked the waiter for a menu.

It's not that I don't want to order expensive ones, but I picked up delicious things and brought a few servings.

I also ordered a few desserts for a few ladies by the way.

When the time comes, even if something bad happens—

Something like dessert is also easy to pack.

Probably before inviting Ye Fei and a few people over, he ordered a meal. []

The table of Ikai Kaizo and others quickly served several dishes.

Well...... Ye Fei took a quick look, and it seemed that he was a pure cauliflower.

"Hmm, didn't I just order two dishes, preserved eggs and shrimp balls?

Isohai Zang couldn't help frowning and glanced at the steamed egg that was placed in front of his eyes, and said very dissatisfied.

"Is there a problem?" Kogoro Mori couldn't help but blink in confusion.

This steamed egg looks good, is it wrong?

"To be honest, I'm actually a little allergic to eggs. "

"If you look at these dishes made with eggs, I'm sick to my stomach. "

Isokai couldn't help but sigh and said with disgust.

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