"Ah, is that so?" said Maolilan, undoubtedly.

Although he is not interested in being in the limelight, he has no interest in showing himself in front of so many people.

But - Maolilan also has a hobby of chasing stars.

Moreover, the scope of Maolilan's star-chasing is very broad, and basically famous people in various fields are Maolilan's star-chasing targets!

If only you could really meet so many idols by making movies...... Seems to be something to consider!

"Sister Xiaolan, can you give it a try?" Conan was also interested.

After all, just now there are a few sports stars mentioned by Isohai Zang.

Don't look at Conan's mind is full of cases, but he is also a star-chasing, especially ....... Soccer stars!

"You have to try everything to know if it's right for you!"

Maori Kogoro's mind couldn't help but flash a lot of youthful vitality and ....... of female stars.

If his daughter becomes a big star-

I must be able to follow the light and see a lot of cute female stars, right?!

For example, Ruri Rain City, Terumi Hoshino...

"Is that okay?" Moriran swallowed.

"If you're making a movie, there are a lot of scenes that you need to know in advance. "

Ye Fei knocked on the table with his fingers and said with a smile.

"Moreover, in the film and television industry, it is not easy to become famous. "

Although there was a smile in his words, there was a little coldness in the depths of Ye Fei's eyes.

Of course, Ye Fei also knows that this can't be done!

"This ...... In fact, it also depends on the image, like the words of this young lady—~—"

"It's not hard to get ahead. Isohai Zang couldn't help but snort.

Secretly glared at Ye Fei, this guy is a little difficult!

"However, if you want to act, you have to be mentally prepared in advance. "

Shiro Kawabata, who was sitting opposite Isokaizo, couldn't help but smile sarcastically and said something meaningful.

"That's what I'm saying, who has this movie to make money-"

"I'd rather ignore the original book and put a few more intimate scenes of the plot!"

The original author, Kyogo Kitura, also pouted and nodded, and his tone was very dissatisfied.

Also, as the author of the original book.

My work has been changed at will, especially if I don't like it.

It's strange if Kyogo Kitaura is in a happy mood!

"Hey, screenwriter Beipu, it shouldn't be me what you just said, right?"

Isokaizo couldn't help but squint his eyes, and the smile on his face didn't disappear while pointing at himself.

"Intimate shot?" Mao Lilan's eyes couldn't help but reveal a clear retreat.

If there were intimate shots....... Naturally, it is impossible to go to Maoriland!

"Xiaolan, I think you'd better forget it!" Maori Kogoro also quickly changed his mind.

Those big stars or something are really attractive, but-

In front of his own daughter, everything else has to be in the back row!

Oh yes!

"That's right......" Maolilan nodded.

"If you can't even accept the intimate scene, then don't act at all. "

Assistant director Ito Kichuan couldn't help but pout and said in a deep voice.

It's not that he's scornful of anything, but it just seems to have thought of something not so good.

"Otherwise, if you don't get it right, it's not impossible to lose your life during filming!"

"Huh?" Maolilan couldn't help but be a little confused.

I glanced at Itoki in some astonishment, what do you mean?

"Huh?" Sakurai Nuo turned his head and glanced at Ye Fei. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Do these people have any problems?"

Although I knew that Ye Fei should be seeing these people for the first time, but-

Sakurai Nuo knows one thing very well, that is, Ye Fei's cognition of human nature is really terrifying.

Especially when exploring a stranger who is even meeting for the first time, Ye Fei's acuity is countless times more terrifying than a detective!

"Maybe......" Ye Fei shrugged with a smile.

While pouring himself a cup of tea, he glanced meaningfully at the table next door.

"Hey, don't sell it!" Sakurai Nuo glared at Ye Fei.

This guy ........ Sometimes I really let myself grit my teeth with a bit of mysticism.

"Ye Fei, and Xiaonuo, what are you whispering?"

Judy, who was sitting opposite Ye Fei, couldn't help but smile and glanced at Ye Fei and Sakurai Nuo, and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, but we're actually curious if director Ito has experienced something not very good. "

Ye Fei blinked his eyes and said with an "innocent" expression.

When he said this, Ye Fei didn't lower his voice at all.

Therefore, the words were heard clearly by the next table.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes subconsciously fell on Ito Kiden. []

Knowing that he had just lost his words, a few drops of cold sweat broke out on Ito's forehead.


didn't wait for Itoki to say anything.,But I'm hiding can't sit still.,Directly changed the topic.。。

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