"In fact, the door Xie Shaori who sent the letter had a phone number on the letter for easy contact."

"But the second time I made that call, I couldn’t get through no matter how hard I called."

"And when I contacted you for the first time, even though I got through——"

"But in fact, it was quickly cut off."

As if thinking of something, Hattori Heiji's expression became serious.

He looked solemnly at the sea in the distance and said in a deep tone.

"At that time, I still remember the voice on the other end of the phone quite clearly."

"In addition to the sound of the waves, there is also the sound of women's moans........"

"ah? Could it be that person.......Became a mermaid?"

The pupils of Mao Lilan and Yuan Shanheye couldn't help but shrink, and they hugged each other with some fear.

"How can it be? Mermaids are impossible creatures!"

Hui Yuan Ai raised his eyebrows and complained casually.

"Yes, none of the children in Haiyuan believe in the existence of mermaids."

"Sister Xiaolan and Sister Heye, then why do you believe this?"

Conan couldn't help but reveal his half-moon eyes and said helplessly.

"What, Conan, aren't you a child?"

Being lectured by a child, Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help but stamp their feet.

"It feels like Conan often behaves like a child."Ye Fei smiled and touched Conan's head.

"ah? In fact, I just believe in science haha."Conan said haha.

Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Hmm........To tell a joke, Conan, who lives in science, believes in science!

"However, the combination of waves and moans can easily make people think of drowning."

Ye Fei couldn't help but touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"ah? No......No way?"Mouri Kogoro and Hattori Heiji looked at Ye Fei in surprise several times at the same time.

Although they didn't want to believe that the person who sent the commission letter might have drowned, they had to admit that this might really happen, and it didn't seem to be the case. Not small!

"I think we should go to the island quickly and have a look. I always have a bad feeling."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said with some worry.

Mainly because of Ye Fei's interpretation of this commission letter - although it sounded alarmist, in fact.......It makes sense


After the cruise ship docked, Ye Fei and others went directly to the reception area near the pier.

After finding a vacant counter staff, Hattori Heiji immediately couldn't wait to ask about the situation of Menkyo's yarn weaving.

"Hello, can I ask if there is a shop called Men Xie Sha Weaving on your island?"

Hattori Heiji put his hands on the table directly, his tone was a little urgent.

"Yarn weaving? Of course! but——"

"What do you want from Shazhi?"The staff looked at Ye Fei and the others suspiciously.

"In fact, I received a letter of commission from Menxie Yarn."

Hattori Heiji explained quickly.

"That's it."

The staff member nodded thoughtfully, not doubting anything.

"But in fact, Shaori has been missing for several days"

"What? Are you saying that Miss Menxie Saori has been missing for several days?"

Moori Kogoro couldn't help but stare, blurting out in disbelief.

"Yes, since three days ago——"The staff nodded thoughtfully

"Menxie Shaori never went to her workplace again." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Three days ago—it seems to be just the right time for that letter to be sent to me."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"But in fact, we didn't pay much attention to it and speculated that Menxie Shaori might have taken a boat to play in the mainland."

The staff didn't pay too much attention, and their tone was a bit casual.

He seemed to be a arrogant person, or Menxie Shaori's usual image was very unreliable!

After all, a person had been missing for three whole years. Oh my god.

Even if you are an adult - I'm afraid 363 will be in danger!

"Mr. Kobayashi, it's time for us to go."

Not far away, the voice of another staff member urging this staff member was suddenly heard.

The man quickly turned around and responded with a smile.

"Okay, it'll be ready soon!"

"Sorry, I have to go to the island to prepare for the upcoming celebration!"

"Is it a dugong celebration?"Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yes, are you here specifically for the celebration?"

Mr. Xiaolin nodded with a smile and asked subconsciously.[]

"That's right."Ye Fei nodded.

But Hattori Heiji couldn't help but add.

"but.......In fact, we still have something important to do and want to find Miss Monkyo Saori."

"That's it, if you want to know more information——"

"Why not just go to the specialty store on the corner and ask, that's where Saori's workplace is!"

Mr. Kobayashi pointed in the direction outside, giving Hattori Heiji and others a hint.

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