"Right, we can only go to Mermaid Island on this boat, right?"

Ye Fei smiled and bent slightly, raised his hand and touched Conan's head.

"also......Haha too."Conan couldn't help but nodded awkwardly.

Ye Fei straightened up and glanced at Hattori Heiji's waist calmly.

"Has Hattori-san recovered from his previous injuries?"There is only concern in Ye Fei's tone.

Hmm......Absolutely, absolutely no schadenfreude

"Already fine." Hattori Heiji's expression was a little stiff.

It can be seen that the previous injury still caused a shadow and blow to Hattori Heiji."583"

After all, probably no man wants to bear such sequelae.

Fortunately, Hattori Heiji is still a detective who is very interested in cases.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would be feeling sorry for himself by now.

"That's good."Ye Fei nodded.

"By the way - are you also going to attend the Mermaid Festival on Mermaid Island?"

"Mermaid Festival?"Mao Lilan and Yuan Shanhe Ye blurted out in shock almost at the same time.

"Um? Don’t you know about the Mermaid Festival on Mermaid Island?"

Ye Fei blinked and looked at a few people curiously.

"I really don’t know this......."Yuan Shan and Ye touched their heads in embarrassment.

"In fact, it is a celebration specially held for the mermaid legend on Mermaid Island."

Ye Fei touched his chin and explained a few words in a gentle tone.

"I also saw the publicity about the Mermaid Festival, so I thought of taking Xiao Ai to play during the public holiday."

"Mermaid legend, I know this!"

Mao Lilan seemed to be very interested and said happily.

"I heard that three years ago on Mermaid Island, there was an old lady who became immortal after eating mermaid meat."

"That's right, actually if I want to come along——"

"In fact, it is just because I want to be like that old lady and want to be young and beautiful all the time."

Toyama and Ye also nodded with a smile, and agreed with some expectation.

Girls may not believe in science, but the temptation of agelessness is still quite tempting for girls!

Of course, whether it is Mao Lilan or Yuanshan and He Ye Du is not particularly materialistic!

"Why? So you came to Mermaid Island because you wanted to see the secret of the mermaid?"

Ye Fei couldn't help but look at Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye Wen with some curiosity.

"Not really. In fact, we came here because of a commission Heiji received."

Toyama and Ye shook their heads slightly and glanced at Hattori Heiji subconsciously.

"What is the commission?"Ye Fei glanced at Hattori Heiji with some curiosity.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and Ye Fei added with some embarrassment.

"If it's not convenient to say it, that's okay"

"There is nothing hard to say about this. The client did not ask for confidentiality."

Hattori Heiji shook his head slightly, and had put aside the previous injury in his mind.

All that was left was the somewhat weird commission he received...

He said thoughtfully:"Actually, the commission letter is a bit weird."

"There are only a few sentences, and it can be seen that they were written in a hurry."

"The content is: The mermaid is about to be killed, please come and save her!"

After he finished speaking, Hattori Heiji deliberately leaned into Conan's ear. He added in a low voice:"Although this letter was sent to me,...."

"But at the beginning of the letter, it said"Hello, Mr. Kudo Shinichi""

"Um?"Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji in confusion.

If he was looking for him, why did he send the letter to Hattori Heiji? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Forehead? Are you saying the mermaid is about to be killed?"

The corners of Mouri Kogoro's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he somewhat suspected that this was a prank.

"There can be no mermaids in this world."Hai Yuan Ai glanced at the dark sea surface with some boredom.

"There probably are no mermaids, but if the mermaid in this letter were replaced by a human, or someone pretending to be a mermaid——"

"So, is it possible that this is a murder that hasn't been carried out yet?"

"And this letter is like a murder notice."

Ye Fei touched his chin and analyzed thoughtfully.

"ah?"Conan and the others couldn't help but glance at Ye Fei in astonishment.

"Although I feel that Teacher Ye’s imagination has become a little richer,......."

"Why do I always feel a bad premonition?"

Conan 4.2 and Hattori Heiji couldn't help but glance at each other, their expressions a bit unsightly.

As for the kind-hearted Maori Lan and Toyama Kazuha, their expressions had begun to worry.

This......Could it be that someone was really going to be killed?

Although Maori Kogoro doesn't believe in the existence of mermaids, he doesn't believe in Ye Fei's analysis either.

But he looked at Hattori Heiji thoughtfully and asked[]

"Hello? Have you contacted the client?"

"Of course I got in touch." Hattori Heiji nodded without hesitation.

Then he frowned slightly and explained...

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