Although, in the original anime, Haihara Ai often stayed up late to study antidotes.

However, Haiyuan Ai is now living with Ye Fei!

Under Ye Fei's"supervision", as long as there are no accidents -

Huihara Ai will go back to the room around ten o'clock to prepare to wash up and rest.

But, after taking a look at the cat in his arms.

Hui Yuan Ai could not help but blink his eyes, and looked at Ye Fei with a hint of coquettishness in his tone and said.

"Ye Fei, otherwise, please pack your things tonight."

"Anyway, tomorrow is a public holiday, so you can sleep a little longer."

"ah?"Ye Fei blinked.

After taking a look at the system's calendar and confirming the date, he paused briefly and nodded.

"Well, just this once."

After saying that, Ye Fei also touched Hui Yuan Ai's head.

"good."Hui Yuan Ai nodded obediently.

Yes........If there is one, there are two. If 973 has two, there are three.....

The pet store was probably in a hurry to get off work, so they quickly delivered the items.

There are many things that need to be assembled, such as cat boxes and cat climbing frames.

Ye Fei simply started assembling it himself and let Haihara Ai place other things.

Although it was the first time to make these things, there was an instruction manual, and Ye Fei had a strong learning ability, so he could assemble it very quickly.

So much so that before Haiyuan Ai’s placement was completely finished, Ye Fei had almost assembled it.

"Jingle Bell——"

A rapid ringtone from the cell phone suddenly broke the cooperation between Ye Fei and Haiyuan Ai.


Looking at the caller on the phone screen, Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Xiao Ai, please take care of the light ones first and leave the heavy ones to me later."

"I'll take a call first"

"good."Haihara Ai nodded without any doubt.

Then, Ye Fei took his mobile phone and went directly to the balcony.

When he tilted his head slightly, he could easily see the Kudo residence next door.

Hmm.......There is also Agasa House where the lights are not turned off.

"Gin, what's going on in the middle of the night?"

Swiping the answer button, Ye Fei took the initiative directly.

"Didn't you read the email?"

Probably because the news was ignored, Gin's tone was as cold as winter.

"oh! I was busy just now, I'll go take a look."

Ye Fei subconsciously touched his nose, but there was no change in his tone.

Gin on the other end of the phone couldn't help but let out a cold"Huh", and couldn't help but recall Ye Fei's previous visit to the pet store during the mission.......

Naturally, he didn't believe that Ye Fei was busy.

However - thinking about the actions two hours ago, Gin couldn't help but grind his teeth.

Shuichi Akai!

"Um? New mission, go to Mermaid Island?"

After reading the content of the email, Ye Fei couldn't help but frowned.

"Well, only you can go."Gin's explanation was as brief as ever.

"But if I remember correctly, about the mermaid incident on Mermaid Island——"

"A few years ago, you and Xue (bdea) Li should have been there together." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Even if Shirley is dead, you don't even trust your own judgment, right?"

Ye Fei turned his head invisibly and looked in the direction of the living room.

The balcony doors are all soundproofed, so Ye Fei naturally doesn't need to worry about what Haiyuan Ai will hear.

"I didn’t expect you had seen the mission news about Mermaid Island!"

There was undisguised sarcasm in Gin's tone, not because he doubted Ye Fei. But

- the mission on Mermaid Island was once related to the silver bullet project.

Although it was later confirmed that it was just a joke, the mission information was also recorded It's in the silver bullet project.

And Ye Fei still has the permission to view the silver bullet project.

Even on this item, Ye Fei can see more information than Gin!

"Of course, this is what the boss is most looking forward to, so of course I have to pay attention to it."

Ye Fei's tone was a little fanatical, but his expression didn't change much.

It was just a little more sarcastic.

Ha! An old crow who is crazy about pursuing immortality!

"You better be."Gin was silent for a moment.

"But if I remember correctly, the existence of mermaids is fake, right?"[]

"Why do you need me to go there? Is there something wrong with your memory?"

Ye Fei licked his lips and said with a half-smile.

"It's the boss's request. Recently, there have been some rumors on Mermaid Island."

"It’s in the information, check it out for yourself, it’s best to confirm it as soon as possible!"

Gin probably doesn't believe in this kind of existence, and looks like he doesn't want to say more.


Ye Fei responded, already guessing the reason in his heart.

It's just that Karasuma Renye is obsessed with pursuing immortality.

Even if the silver bullet project has made huge progress, Karasuma Renye still has to pursue other possibilities.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope.......

Because of this, Karasuma Renya can actually put her hope in the illusory mermaid!

Is it really because he is not the one doing the work?

Knowing that he would definitely have to go on such a mission, Ye Fei didn't say much.

Instead, he suddenly changed the topic with great interest..

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