"I......"Conan naturally wanted to struggle.

But the public security of Sakura Country is still different from ordinary police, and Conan can't find a chance at all!

In addition, Ye Fei was also there, and Conan was quickly taken back to the car by Ye Fei.

"Ye Fei, are you okay?"

Hai Yuan Ai didn't even look at Conan, but directly looked at Ye Fei worriedly.

"It's okay, it's all over."Ye Fei shook his head slightly.

As if to appease Hui Yuan Ai, Ye Fei raised his hand and rubbed Hui Yuan Ai's head.

Hui Yuan Ai had long been accustomed to Ye Fei's unique gentleness, and even felt a little comfortable....

"But - Mr. James was attacked and died."

"The case seems quite complicated and has been taken over by the police."

"Talk to us.......It should have nothing to do with it anymore."

Ye Fei briefly explained the results, but did not go into details.

After all, Haiyuan Ai is just a"child""!

"That's it."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded thoughtfully, but a hint of darkness flashed across his eyes.

"Then I will send Conan back to the detective agency now, and then go home."

Ye Fei didn't seem to have any thoughts about this issue, but quickly started the car.

"good."Haihara Ai nodded absently.

As for Conan - I don't know where my mind wandered off!

Conan supported his chin with one hand and thought about the events from the moment he met James to just now. all over. always feel.......This time things seemed to have a strangely familiar feel.

After thinking about it, in order to avoid being noticed by Ye Fei, Conan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Haiyuan Ai.

【CONAN: Haiyuan, can you describe your feelings about that James? Do you think he might be from the organization? 】

Although there is no evidence, I think of the previous case of bus hijacking that was also taken over by the public security personnel.

Also, the attack that occurred while chasing Tequila in which Kechaer died.

Conan seriously suspects that this incident may also be related to the black organization........

After all, Sakura Country's public security is mainly responsible for the affairs of these terrorist organizations.

After seeing the new message on her phone, Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but frown deeply and glanced at Conan.

【Haibara Ai: There must be something wrong with that person, but he doesn’t look like someone from the organization. 】

The main reason is——Hai Yuan Ai couldn't imagine that the people in the organization would be stupid enough to be kidnapped by ordinary kidnappers who mistakenly admitted themselves! and.......Based on Haihara Ai’s understanding of the organization.

Unless it involves organizational confidentiality.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the people in the organization to stage such a big battle!

【CONAN: Is that possible?......Is the person who launched this attack a member of the organization? The target is Mr. James?】

【Haibara Ai: Edogawa, please remember one thing. I am now a traitor to the organization! It is impossible to know the mission of the organization】

【However - organizations rarely engage in such large-scale operations. ]

Conan couldn't help but frown, somewhat doubting the authenticity of Haihara Ai's words.

It’s not that I think Haiyuan Ai is untrustworthy or anything, but.......

Thinking carefully about the things related to the organization that he has encountered recently, Conan always feels that the black organization has nothing to do with being low-key!

It's just that - not many people seem to know the existence of that black organization.

After all, after staying at the Maori Detective Agency for so long, Conan has never come across several clues related to the organization.

This means that the people in that organization are not just ruthless. even......He knows how to hide his tail very well.

Even if the action is very noisy, it won't leave many traces!

(Double-standard gin: To others in the organization: actions must be concealed and not to make too much noise; to yourself: as long as you kill all insiders and witnesses, you will not be exposed!)

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After sending Conan back to the Maori Detective Agency, Ye Fei even got a cake made by Mao Lilan.

Judging from Mao Lilan's embarrassed look, she probably felt that Conan was really troublesome to Ye Fei.

Afterwards, Ye Fei took Hui Yuan Ai directly back to Ye Mansion.

".Xiao Ai, do you want a midnight snack?"

Ye Fei turned on the light and put the Maine Coon cat in his arms on the sofa.

Probably because he was in a strange environment.

The Maine Coon cat only stayed on the sofa for a few seconds (Zhao's Okay), and got under the table not far away.

Ye Fei couldn't help but chuckle, not bad, he didn't get directly into the small blind corner!

"Not hungry yet."Hui Yuan Ai shook his head slightly.

Because he didn't feel much about the organization, although there were a lot of things going on today, Hai Yuan Ai didn't develop PTSD. He just petted the cat quietly.

"Then I'll ask the people at the pet store to deliver the things. Let's pack the things for the cats first?"

Ye Fei glanced at the current time. It was around ten o'clock in the evening.

It was actually a bit late........Ye Fei couldn't help but add something

"Forget it, let someone deliver the things tonight, then go and rest, and organize them tomorrow"[]

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