770 impact

Li Yuntian moved his hand and punched out.

Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms roared out and attacked the enemy.

The man opposite snorted coldly, and with his right hand he held it like a knife and slashed forward fiercely. He collided hard with Li Yuntian's hands. Suddenly, their bodies swayed slightly, and they took a few steps back before stopping. live.

Li Yuntian's eyes were cold as he looked at the enemy opposite him. He knew very well that the person in front of him was definitely not simple. His strength had surpassed that of the Innate Realm.

"I didn't expect you to reach the peak of Innate at such a young age. You are indeed a genius!" The man opposite also looked at Li Yuntian, his tone a little surprised.

Li Yuntian snorted coldly: "It's a pity that you are unlucky to meet me today." As he spoke, his figure suddenly rushed out and rushed towards the opponent as fast as lightning.

"Haha, I've never heard of anyone taking bad luck as an honor!" The man opposite sneered, with a disdainful expression on his lips, and his figure also shot out.

In an instant, the two of them were fighting together again, extremely fiercely.

This is a battle between Innate masters, and the power is very terrifying.

Many people around were attracted and watched the two people fighting from a distance.

At this moment, Li Yuntian's whole body was surging with energy, bursting out like a flood breaking a bank. Every move and every style was extremely sharp and ferocious.

The opponent also used strong internal strength to resist, but was overwhelmed by Li Yuntian's violent offensive and retreated steadily.

"Bang!" Li Yuntian kicked the opponent in the chest and kicked him several meters away. Then he sprinted over again, preparing to pursue the victory.

"Junior is seeking death!" Suddenly, a low voice came from the side, and the opponent he had just fought with jumped up from the ground, with his arms stretched above his head, and slammed down like a hammer.

This attack contained terrifying power. If Li Yuntian had resisted, he would have been crippled even if he died.

But how could Li Yuntian give him this opportunity? The moment the opponent attacked, he bent his legs, used the opponent's strength to rise into the air, and kicked the opponent hard with both feet like a sharp sword, directly kicking the opponent away.

0…Please give me flowers…

"Bang!" A dull loud noise sounded, and the man flew backwards and fell three or four meters away. His face turned pale, and a trace of bright red blood slowly flowed out, dyeing it red.


"What, you actually won?" Everyone stared at Li Yuntian with wide eyes and shock.

You know, the man he fought with was a Martial Artist in the early days of Innate, and now he was easily killed by ten teenagers.


Doesn't that mean that the young man has a cultivation level above the middle stage of Innate?

No wonder he said 'I'm unlucky' just now

At this time, the crowd suddenly gave way, and only a few figures were seen walking towards here. The leader was none other than Elder Wang, and beside him were four other elders in black robes.

"Greetings to Elder Wang!" Seeing Elder Wang approaching, many disciples around him quickly saluted respectfully.

Li Yuntian raised his eyelids and said calmly: "Elder Wang, I won. According to the agreement, you should give me the Xuanyin Grass.

Hearing this, all the disciples' eyes were focused on Elder Wang, and they sighed secretly in their hearts.

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