
"Yes, it's me. I was wrong just now. I apologize to you."

Zhao Lei bowed like a gentleman to express his apology, and stretched out his hand to give Wang Xue a cigarette and said: "Have a cigarette to lighten the fire. Don't let this little thing affect your mood. Let's change to a private room to drink, okay?"

As Zhao Lei spoke, he took out two more hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and stuffed them into Wang Xue's pocket.

Wang Xue looked at the banknotes in her hand, a trace of disgust and contempt flashed in her eyes. She did not reject Zhao Lei's proposal and nodded in agreement.

Soon, the two found another box and sat down.

Zhao Lei took the initiative to toast Wang Xue and asked at the same time: "Are you a graduate of Jiangzhou Medical University?"

"Yes." Wang Xue nodded.

Zhao Lei nodded and smiled, and then said: "I heard that the school girl graduated from the First Military Medical University of China? The learning environment there is much better than that of our city's university, and the food in the school cafeteria is also very good, especially the master Her cooking skills are top-notch, how about I treat you tomorrow and you come to my school to try it?"

Wang Xue frowned and said, "Sorry, I still want to stay in District 843 of the city."

"Okay then, I respect the school girl's choice."

After Zhao Lei finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip of red wine, but his eyes secretly looked at Wang Xue's expression.

Wang Xue was not idle either, and was also observing Zhao Lei. Seeing that Zhao Lei was always smiling, he couldn't help but wonder: Didn't this guy recognize me?

No matter, let's establish friendship first. If this guy is really Zhao Lei's friend, or is related to his father, then it will definitely be an opportunity for him.

Thinking of this, Wang Xue took the initiative to chat: "I heard Uncle Zhao talking about you, and I think you should go home early to avoid your mother being anxious."

Zhao Lei was stunned for a moment and said, "How do you know my dad?"

"I...I am your mother's patient, she told me." Wang Xue made up a lie at random.

Zhao Lei stared at Wang Xue suspiciously for a few seconds, and found that she did not seem to be lying. He suddenly realized: "It turns out that (ahce) is my aunt's patient. I'm sorry, I want to toast you."

"Hey, it's nothing. Do you know what the Zhao family is like in Jiangzhou City?" Zhao Lei pretended to be mysterious.

Wang Xue curled her lips with a look of disdain, and there was deep arrogance in her eyes.

Zhao Lei suddenly laughed wildly, tears of laughter came out.

Wang Xue was silent for a moment and said calmly: "My dad used to be a professor at Jiangzhou Medical University. After retirement, he went to Nanhai Province to attend an academic seminar and I met him by chance at a banquet."

"Yes, Zhao family, you must have heard of it, right?"

"Oh, that's right. I didn't expect your dad to be a top student before. No wonder his medical skills are so good.

Seeing this, Zhao Lei didn't bother to pretend anymore, but looked at Wang Xue while sipping red wine.

"Why, are you disappointed to see me like this?"


Thinking of this, Zhao Lei's face was filled with a bright smile, he patted his chest and said: "I can tell you responsibly, as long as I am alive, I will not put you in danger.

"Believe it or not." Zhao Lei shrugged.

Wang Xue shook her head and said: "No, I just feel strange. Since you are the son of the Zhao family, why did you become like this?"

Wang Xue quickly picked up the red wine on the table, and the two drank a glass.

"You're welcome."

"Tch, stop bragging. Do you think I will believe you?"

Wang Xue covered her mouth in surprise and looked at Zhao Lei with disbelief.

"How did you become like this?"

"Thank you for helping my mother's treatment." Zhao Lei put down his wine glass and said with a smile.

Wang Xue was dumbfounded and didn't understand why Zhao Lei was crazy.

"My home? Haha..."

"Zhao family?" Wang Xue frowned. She had indeed never heard of it, but she guessed that the Zhao family mentioned by Zhao Lei should be the Zhao Group where Zhao Lei's father belonged. But what does this matter have to do with Zhao Lei's father? ?

"Then may I venture to ask, how do you know Uncle Zhao?"

"It's not your turn to worry about unsafe conditions. I have been working in Jiangzhou City for three or four years. What kind of dangers have I not seen?"

I have to say that this girl is indeed pretty, even Ye Bingyao is slightly inferior to her.

Zhao Lei felt unhappy. Although he was unwilling to admit it, he knew that what Wang Xue said was true. She had indeed experienced various assassinations and kidnappings before.

Wang Xue is wearing a white short skirt and crystal high heels today. She has a curvy figure and long hair shawl. She exudes a youthful and beautiful atmosphere.

Wang Xue snorted coldly, ignored Zhao Lei, and lowered her head to play with her mobile phone.

"Of course I've heard of it, but I don't know much about your family's situation."

"Who said I am the son of the Zhao family? I am just the adopted son of the Zhao family."

"What, are you Zhao Lei?"

Wang Xue felt uncomfortable being stared at by him, and frowned: "What on earth do you want to say?"

Zhao Lei smiled and praised, and couldn't help but continue: "By the way, school girl, why do you drink on such an occasion? It's not safe, right?"

Zhao Lei waved his hands and said, feeling very depressed. If he didn't change his surname, he might become a waste in the eyes of others, and he would be doomed to do nothing in this life. .

Zhao Lei coughed dryly, turned his gaze to Wang Xue, and said with a smile: "May I take the liberty of asking, are you familiar with my dad?"

After a long time, Zhao Lei stopped laughing wildly, stared at Wang Xue with red eyes and asked, "Have you forgotten me?"

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