Comprehensive Martial Arts: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Created The Dragon Magic Skill

287. The Technique Is Perfected And Ready To Be Fused With The Supreme Immortal Law!

the next day.

Li Yuntian went to the back mountain again to practice the last technique - the technique of the God of Fire.

Back mountain area.

In these days, he had already made it into a mess and a piece of ruins.

But Li Yuntian doesn't care about this.

Because after he completes his cultivation, it will not be difficult to restore these areas.

When the time comes, activate the Art of the Earth God and the Art of the Wood God, and you can easily restore the lush jungle.

There is still a fire god technique that has not yet been practiced, so there is no need to rush to repair the surrounding area.


Li Yuntian seemed to have transformed into the god of fire, constantly practicing the art of the god of fire.

There are countless fire-based moves, both original and imitated.

Used by Li Yuntian to improve proficiency.

"Fire Element: The Art of Fireball!"

"Fire Element: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

"Fire Element·Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Fire type·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

"Fire Element: Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Fire type·hard work!"

"Fire element: Explosive Wind Dance!"

"Fire Element: Great Fire Extinguishment 290!"

"Fire type·Fire Dragon Bullet!"

"Fire Element·Dragon Flame Singing Technique!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Fire attacks one after another bombarded the surroundings.

The soil on the ground was blown away, the trees were blown up and burned, and the rocks were smashed into pieces.

The entire area is like a scorched prison.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Under Li Yuntian's crazy training and improvement.

The extremely familiar prompt sound sounded slowly.

[With your in-depth study and practice, your fire ability has been greatly improved. ]

[Your Vulcan Technique has been improved to: Perfection! ]


The prompt sound falls.

Li Yuntian moved his hands and suddenly swung out a 100-meter fire dragon.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The huge fire dragon roared with its big mouth and roared towards the dense forest in the distance.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The bombardment hit the area not far away, with a loud noise and a sudden explosion.

For miles around the square, one can see these ten bursts of flames (ahj) being destroyed.


Li Yuntian stopped, with a look of surprise on his face.

"The art of the God of Fire is done!"

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the five magic arts, and the five peerless skills have all finally reached the level of perfection.

"Finally we can proceed with the next step of the integration plan!"

"Fusing the five techniques to create a supreme technique!"

Li Yuntian's eyes were shining with anticipation.


He didn't fuse right away.

Because his emotions are too excited, it is not conducive to fusion creation.

"View properties!"

Something stirred in Li Yuntian's mind.

Soon, the properties panel appears.

[Name: Li Yuntian]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Force: Yin Yang Family]

[Qualification: Monster]

[Cultivation: Intermediate Land Immortal Stage]

[Heart Method: Yin Yang Tai Xuan Technique]

[Swordsmanship: Sword Control (Dacheng)]

[Spells: Water God's Technique (Perfection), Wood God's Technique (Perfection), Fire God's Technique (Perfection), Earth God's Technique (Perfection), Metal God's Technique (Perfection) ]

[Martial Arts: Immortal Glazed Body (Perfection), Heavenly Demon Technique (Perfection), Shadowless Teleportation Technique (Perfection), Nine Palaces Heart Magic (Perfection) ]


I briefly looked at the panel.

Li Yuntian closed it.

"Go back to the yard first and rest for a day."

"Tomorrow, when you are in the best mental state, you can start the integration again.

Anyway, there are still three or four days before Zhu Yayan and others will come back.

These three or four days should be enough to integrate one skill.


It doesn’t matter if it’s not enough.

Anyway, the attack on Cihang Jingzhai will not be a problem if it is delayed for a few days.

Cihang Jingzhai is right there and cannot be escaped.

Can’t run away either!!

"First restore the surrounding area to almost the original state of the dense forest.

Li Yuntian looked around and his eyes moved.

Seeing this, Li Yuntian nodded with satisfaction.

"Yuntian, are you finished practicing?"

He activated the earth god's technique and quickly smoothed and restored the surrounding areas.

"The next step is to integrate the five arts."

After a few flashes, it appears again.

Already back inside the yard.

At the same time, use the wood god's technique to catalyze the trees.

"Phew!" Ehuang's body flashed and came back again. ,

"But don't worry, I'm going to start tomorrow."

She nodded heavily with a smile on her face: "Yes, my shadowless teleportation method has also been upgraded to the level of Dacheng."

Then his body moved and disappeared.

You can even use your speed to manipulate the mid-level Celestial beings in the palm of your hand.

Shortly after.

"How's it going? The final Vulcan Technique has also been improved to perfection?"


"Coupled with the power of the Water God's Technique, I feel that the frontal and mid-level high-level gestures of Heavenly Man are evenly matched, so it won't be a problem."

And this is still the speed of Dacheng, not the level of perfection.

"My current speed is far inferior to that of even mid-level masters.

"Now all the spells have reached the perfect level."

The surrounding area has restored patches of dense forest.

Seeing this, Li Yuntian's eyes lit up: "At this speed, the shadowless teleportation method is also at a high level.

I happened to meet Ehuang coming out.

Instead, he moved his body and disappeared in the yard the next moment.

Even if he can't beat him, he relies on his tyrannical speed.

Li Yuntian smiled: "Smoothly improved to perfection."

Once the ascension is complete.

Ehuang nodded repeatedly: "Really keep your spirits up before merging."

She can also leave calmly and easily.

Emperor E was delighted and hurried up.


When Emperor E heard this, he smiled charmingly.

Li Yuntian nodded and asked, "Ehuang, have you gained anything in the past two days?"

She didn't answer aloud.

Ehuang felt that his strength had improved a lot again.

Ehuang believed that she could face even the late stage masters.

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