that's all.

After waiting for Ehuang for an hour.

Strong mental fluctuations suddenly came from Ehuang's body.

next moment.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and a powerful mental force rushed out.

It seems that it should have been mentioned.

Seeing this, Li Yuntian's eyes lit up: "Ehuang, congratulations on your improved spirit.

"Whoa!" Ehuang moved and stood up.

At this moment, her face was filled with an excited and happy smile.

"Yuntian, I have raised the Jiugong Mind Technique to the level of great achievement."

"The current mental power is no weaker than that of the middle stage of Heaven and Human.

"I have a feeling that I am not far from the middle stage of heavenly being."

Ehuang showed a strong look of confidence.

This was not a delusion or error of judgment on her part.

But a real feeling!

Don't look at it, she has only broken through to heaven for about a month.

But in this month.

Her other aspects have been improved in various ways.

For example, the qualifications are raised to the level of monster.

Compared with mental power, it has already met the conditions for cultivation promotion.

For example, the water god technique that is compatible with her has been cultivated to perfection.

These various situations are all promoted after the heavenly beings.

Therefore, the blessings on her body have caused her current cultivation to skyrocket, and she even feels that the middle stage of heaven is not far away.

When Li Yuntian heard this, his eyes flashed and he asked: "Ehuang, how long do you think it will take to break through the middle stage of heaven and human beings?||?"

Ehuang thought for a while, then opened her jade lips slightly: "A conservative estimate, it will take about two months.

"Two months?" Li Yuntian raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, this is very fast."

Li Yuntian was pleasantly surprised by this.

It only takes about two months, and there will be a strong middle-level celestial being among his women.

Of course he was very happy.

But soon, Yuntian's eyes moved.

"I don't know how long it will take for Concubine Yan to ascend to the Heavenly Late Stage?"

"If it is within a month, then the Heavenly Pearl will be given to Emperor E for cultivation.

"Maybe the time can be shortened by half, one month is enough."

When Li Yuntian and E Huang left the Yin Yang family, Concubine Yan had already gone into seclusion to practice.

Counting now, it has been almost half a month.

I don’t know her situation, has she made a breakthrough?

If she breaks through, she won't need help from Heavenly Pearl.

After returning home, you can bring it to Emperor E for practice.

This way.

With Ehuang's cultivation, he can break through to the middle stage of heaven and human faster.

"It seems that Concubine Yan said that after she breaks through, she will be used by Da Siming?"

"However, Da Siming is only at the limit level of the land. In addition, he already has the qualifications of a monster. If he uses the Heavenly Pearl, he can break through to the heavenly level in at most half a month.

"In general, there is still time for Ehuang to use it, so that Ehuang can shorten some improvement time."

Thoughts quickly flashed through Li Yuntian's mind.

"Yuntian, what's wrong?"

Ehuang asked with doubts.

Li Yuntian recovered, smiled slightly and said: "I'm thinking that if you have the Heavenly Pearl to assist you in your cultivation, your improvement speed will definitely be much faster."

"Tong Heavenly Pearl?" Ehuang's beautiful eyes lit up.

But then he shook his head and said, "The Heavenly Pearl is far away at Yin Yang's house now, but Concubine Yan is using it.

"We are here, and we conservatively estimate it will be half a month or even longer."

"Perhaps at that time, I can break through to the middle stage of Heavenly Being by myself without having to use Heavenly Pearl.

The effects of Heavenly Pearl are indeed powerful.

But now it's far away, and Concubine Yan is also using it.

Therefore, Ehuang did not pray for the help of Heavenly Pearl to practice.


Even if she didn't pass Heavenly Pearl, it would only take a month or two longer for her to break through.

It was only a month or two, (Wang Nuohao) she could afford to wait.

Li Yuntian nodded and said with a smile: "This is a deletion."

"Let's see how we deal with the Yingui faction's affairs before we make our next plans and plans."

After saying that.

Li Yuntian's eyes moved and landed on Ehuang.


He walked forward, approached Ehuang and said, "Ehuang, your body looks dirty."

"Come, my husband will take you to the bathroom and wash your clothes properly."


Li Yuntian moved his hands and took Ehuang away.

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