1197 Monster Skeleton

"Huh? This is..." Suddenly, Ye Feng noticed that there was a gray bead stored in the storage ring.

He picked up the bead and examined it, and found that it was a piece of meteorite the size of a fist. It was the skeleton of the Monster that Ye Feng first encountered.

The crystal core inside Monster's skeleton can forge a sharp sword, which is no less effective than a Takeda weapon.

It's just that there is only a skeleton left of this Monster skeleton, and the energy contained in it has long been exhausted.


Ye Feng sighed, threw the meteorite into the corner of the storage ring, and continued to look for other spiritual herbs.

During this time, he picked three more Sixth Grade spiritual grasses——Red Flame Grass and Blood Lotus.

Red flame grass and blood lotus are both Sixth Grade spiritual grass, and they are urgently needed for Ye Feng at present.

Especially the blood lotus can be used to refine the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill, which can improve the physical qualifications.

After he breaks through the Huangji Realm Late Stage, he can take the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill.

By then, Ye Feng's strength will be improved.

Moreover, Ye Feng discovered that his speed in practicing "Nine Strikes of the Wild" was nearly a hundred times faster than before.

Every time you advance to the First Layer realm, the time consumed is doubled.

As a result, Ye Feng's cultivation level has been advanced at an astonishing speed. According to his prediction, he will be able to break through to the Martial Warrior realm within three years at the latest.

"It's still too slow~" Ye Feng said distressed.

If he wants to break through to the Martial Warrior as soon as possible, he needs a lot of high-level spiritual grass and even precious spiritual stones.

However, Yunxiao City is full of shops and restaurants, and there are all kinds of goods, but Ye Feng doesn't recognize them at all.

Moreover, his cultivation level is still a little short of a breakthrough. It is obviously not cost-effective to buy high-level spiritual grass and spiritual stones now.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Feng decided to give up the idea of ​​buying high-level spiritual grass and spiritual stones for the time being.

Because in his opinion, only improving one's own strength is fundamental.

"Although my strength has improved rapidly, it lacks tempering and experience, and my foundation is still shallow. I need to practice more.

He thought to himself.

Then Ye Feng took out two Qi Gathering stones and held them in his palms, and began to frantically absorb the spiritual energy inside, using them to hammer the Flesh Refining body.

A large tent outside Yunxiao City.

A young man in a green shirt sat quietly on a chair, with his eyes slightly closed and a leisurely expression, as if he was practicing some secret martial arts.

Around him, there were five or six black-robed old men standing, all of whom were martial arts masters.

"Young Master, are we really going to Yunxiao County Prince's Mansion to select our direct disciples?" One of the red-haired old men asked with a frown.

"Of course." The man in green shirt shook his head with a smile and said: "Have you forgotten the mission assigned to us by the family? Only the direct disciples who enter the palaces of the four major princes of the Yunxiao Dynasty can truly enter the family's sight. In the future, we can Enjoy better treatment.”

"Of course." Another old man in blue robes (Hello King Nuo) nodded in agreement, "I heard that the Prince's Mansion has a large supply of spiritual stones, as well as many martial arts techniques and elixirs. If you can practice inside, you will definitely It can rapidly improve our strength.”

"Haha, our Yunxiao royal family is the second most powerful Martial Marquis family in the entire Southern Chu Dynasty. It has a strong foundation. How can it be possible for me to be satisfied with the quota of a mere county prince's palace?"

"Then, young master, you are going to participate in the Prince's Marriage Recruitment Competition..." Everyone was puzzled. .

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