1196 Blood Knife Club


"Once I break through to the Martial Warrior, I can use 'Wind Movement' and 'Thunder Strike Wood'."

If this spreads out, many people will probably be shocked.

Marrow Cleansing Pill is an elixir for refining the Late Stage of Huang Ji Realm. After taking it, it can not only Temper the Body, but also increase the speed of cultivation.

An extremely pure energy surges in the body, like a river flowing, vast and boundless.

The price of Marrow Cleansing Pill is quite high. Ordinary Huangji Realm Late Stage experts may not be able to afford it. Ye Feng has only entered Yunxiao Academy for half a month and has already obtained two treasures.

"Is this the Martial Warrior realm?" Ye 387 Feng's eyes revealed a burning fighting spirit.

Thunder and lightning are the power of heaven and earth. They can smash all obstacles in the world and have infinite power.

He didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains after entering Fangshi this time.

Ye Feng felt that his body was becoming more and more in line with the rules of heaven and earth. There was huge power in his every move, and he seemed to be able to easily tear apart the void.

"With this Marrow Cleansing Pill, I will soon be able to enter the Huangji Realm Late Stage." A hint of excitement appeared on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

Ye Feng sat down cross-legged, took out the Marrow Cleansing Pill, and swallowed it without hesitation.

Ye Feng gritted his teeth and persisted.

Ye Feng rummaged around for a while, found a jade bottle, pulled out the stopper, and a clear medicinal fragrance wafted out.

"Wind Movement Technique can transform into a gust of wind, with a speed comparable to that of a Martial Warrior. It combines offense and defense, which is quite extraordinary; and Lightning Strike Wood is an excellent material for artifact refining...

Ye Feng looked carefully and found that the jade bottle contained a green pill the size of a longan. 08

Ye Feng trembled all over, feeling as if he was in a sea of ​​fire.

There are various spiritual herbs and ores piled inside the storage ring. In addition, there are also some weird things.

Ye Feng returned to his residence, closed the door, and then entered the storage ring.

There was nothing they could do. After all, the Blood Sword would be powerful and difficult to offend, so they had to postpone it for a while.

"As expected of the elixir used in the Body Refining Realm world, an ordinary Body Refining Martial Master would definitely not be able to withstand such power.

Not only did I get Lingxi Nails, but I also got a Marrow Cleansing Pill, which was such great luck.

The majestic heat wave washed over his body, and the pain was unbearable. It seemed that he might be unable to bear it at any time and explode to death.

However, doing so is tantamount to enmity with the entire Blood Sword Society. He has no plans to stay in Yunxiao Academy. As long as he breaks through to the Huangji Late Stage, he is ready to escape from the Yunxiao Kingdom.

Ye Feng murmured.

Ye Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Although Ye Feng's Dark Iron Heavy Sword is of good quality, it is too clumsy after all. If it were replaced with Thunder Strike Wood, the attack power would definitely be increased a bit. .

Lightning strike wood is a rare top material for refining thunder attribute weapons.

"It's so comfortable." Ye Feng stretched his muscles for a long time, his body was filled with infinite power, and he felt that his whole body was full of vitality. "My strength has increased several times compared to when I first entered the cave. Now, even if I don't activate my vitality, I can The strength also reaches about one thousand kilograms."

"Haha, I made a lot of money this time.

"Hush~~" Ye Feng took a deep breath and exhaled ten strands of air.

“Marrow Cleansing Pill!”

"Moreover, my physical body has become much more condensed, with a vague appearance of skin glowing, and the surface of the skin membrane is smoother.

After a full two hours, Ye Feng finally opened his eyes with difficulty, with an expression of joy on his face.

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