1164 Mystery of Death

"Boy, take your life."

The five people shouted loudly, and all swung their knives, slashing at Chen Hui.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

In an instant, five sword lights struck Chen Hui.

"The secret of death?"

Chen Hui was slightly shocked. Although these people were all cultivators of the element of death, they obviously had not yet comprehended the mysteries of death, otherwise they would not have only comprehended one mysteries of death.

The power of death contains destructive power. Once it touches it, you will definitely die. Therefore, the power of the mystery of death is the strongest. Even the immortal power and the mystery of invincibility cultivated by Chen Hui cannot compare with the mystery of death.


Chen Hui frowned. He glanced into the distance and saw a high mountain standing there, as high as ten thousand feet. It was majestic and majestic. It supported the entire world like Optimus Prime, as if the sky had been pierced by him, giving people With a strong visual shock, he asked: "Lao Huan, do you know this mountain?"

"Puff, puff, puff!"

The power of death swept out, drowning the five sword lights.



You know, these men in black are all Yuan Martial Masters. Even an ordinary Rank Eight Dzogchen Martial Master would have a hard time doing this.


"Oh?" Chen Hui said in surprise.

At this time, a look of surprise came into my mind: "Hahaha, this is simply paradise. The blood of these guys is so delicious. If you swallow their blood, my injury will definitely be healed."

The four men in black flew out in response and fell to the ground. Their orifices were bleeding, their vitality was gone, and they seemed to be dead.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The power of death gathered at the wrist, forming a line of death, blooming with dark brilliance, as terrifying as a ghost face. With a sound, Chen Hui pointed out, and the power of death condensed a pillar of death light, which penetrated the void and made four black holes.


"What a strong smell of death."

Without any hesitation, Chen Hui used the Death Soul Knife. If an ordinary Yuan Martial Master was hit by his Death Soul Knife, he would become an idiot at worst, or die at worst. There would be many people outside the ancient tomb. Rank Eight Dzogchen Yuanhe fell under his hands.

Suddenly, tragic sounds were heard. The bodies of these men in black began to fester rapidly, and the shadow of death enveloped their minds.

Chen Hui took a step forward and his figure disappeared.

The next moment, the four men in black felt a chill on their necks, and immediately their eyes showed confusion and horror.

In just one breath, all five people were killed.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

"Hey, isn't this the entrance to the ancient tomb?" Lao Huan said with a smile.


Chen Hui breathed a sigh of relief after killing five people in one move. He didn't expect these people to be so ruthless.



"court death!"


0......Please give me flowers......

In the blink of an eye, Chen Hui killed four people. Then he looked at the remaining men in black, murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and said word by word: "Tell me, who asked you to come?"

Chen Hui snorted coldly, and the secret of death began to circulate, and a long river of death washed over, drowning several people.


The man in black knew he was outmatched, so he rushed forward without fear of death.

"Death Soul Knife, destroy souls!"

Chen Hui was extremely fast, like a ghost, forcing him to kill these men in black.

"If you feel it carefully, the ancient tomb is filled with endless vitality."

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