1163 Rank Two King Level

“Bang bang bang!”

At this time, four burly young men rushed over. They were all Rank Two King Level experts, with majestic bodies and bulging muscles like iron towers. They looked at the four corpses on the ground with indignant expressions. Looking at Chen Hui, he shouted angrily: "Boy, you dare to harm the heirs of the Li family. You deserve death. You should die!"


They roar like thunder.

"call out!"

Facing the attacks from the four Rank Two King Level experts, Chen Hui showed no fear and used the Wind and Thunder Steps to dodge. He used his sword skills to activate his sword energy and slashed out with four sword blades. Puff puff puff, and suddenly four heads were struck. Flying up, 78 liquids surged like a spring.

In the blink of an eye, the battle is over.


After packing up the four young men's storage rings, Chen entered the room.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

After a while, the Nine Nether Order rang in his ears, Chen Hui opened his eyes, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Li Yunlong, I have helped you kill four Rank Two Peak King Level experts, and the account has been settled." From now on, you will never owe me anything." After saying that, Chen Hui closed the window.


Suddenly, the window was torn apart by a force and turned into a big hand (ahch) grabbing in.


Under the surprised eyes of everyone, everything returned to calm, Chen Hui was still sitting on the bed, as if nothing had happened.

And that big hand disappeared without a trace.


"what happened?"

Seeing this, the onlookers were extremely surprised and started talking a lot.

Ancient tomb!

Chen Hui bought a map of the ancient cemetery at Xingyun Building and planned to go in and take a look.

It has to be said that this map is very detailed, and the things marked on it are not much different from the map Chen Hui has.

The ancient tomb is located in the desert hundreds of miles north of the Starfall Empire. It is a vast sand dune area that stretches for thousands of miles. It does not see sunlight all year round and is extremely vicious. It is said that countless peerless beasts, Demon Race, and Monster have been buried there. Race, so it is called the place of death.

But this situation has improved a lot in the past two thousand years. Not only the Martial Artists of the Starfall Emperor Dynasty, but also other forces have sent elites into this land of death to gain experience.

There was even a Saint Weapon unearthed in this area, which aroused the covetousness of countless forces. In the end, it was ignored and there was no news. However, this area is still full of dangers. Even the powerful Sky Overlords are unwilling to go deep because This place is so evil. It is said that there are half-Sovereign Level ferocious beasts, which are comparable to half-Monarch Level experts. Once they encounter them, they will definitely die.

Therefore, only those who have reached the Rank Three Monarch Level or are protected by the Heavenly King can only dare to go deep into it.

Moreover, some powerful geniuses will also come to practice.

After all, it was Saint Weapon!

Every time the ancient tomb is opened, thousands of geniuses enter, but very few come out alive. Most people die in it, and only a few become the Heavenly King. But that's it. It cannot be compared with Sovereign Level genius.


Chen Hui left the inn.


As soon as he walked out of the inn, he suddenly noticed a crisis coming from behind. He turned around suddenly and immediately saw five men wearing black robes and holding sharp knives. Their eyes were cold.

His face is cold, and his whole body is filled with evil spirits. He has cultivated death-attribute power, and his strength is not bad. All of them are in the realm of Yuan Martial Master. . I

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