With the points, it is obvious that the Dark Fighting Greymon is already full of confidence.

  This time, if you can draw good things, you will have to get some points.

  At the beginning, when I knew the plot, Dark Fighting Greymon was actually a bit confused.

  What is the meaning of your own existence?

  In other words, I don't know at all what I'm doing now after self-sacrificing myself.

  During this period of time, every day he was either thinking about life or watching other people chatting in his skirt.

  He doesn't speak either, just peeks at the screen silently.

  Card Draw Master: [Refreshing, the deal is for you! 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [I feel that this skirt is somewhat abnormal! 】

  Qiu Zixi: [The newcomers are starting to draw cards one by one. As the owner of the skirt, why are there no points yet! 】

  Kaisha is Bitchi: [There are so many people who draw cards today, making this queen's hands a little itchy. 】

  Since the last time I drew the card, I haven't drawn it again.

  It's been a while since I think about it, why don't you try it today?

  The thought in Morgana's heart just appeared, and she was immediately pressed down.

  No, I have to hold back and have a ten-draw.

  Newbie Village Chief: [I can change the plot soon, wait for me! 】

  Card Draw Master: [Yo, Ninth Uncle, is this a new plot? 】

  The village chief of Novice Village: [Yes, the plot of Uncle Zombie and the plot of Music Zombie seem to be about to start, first of all, Uncle Zombie. 】

  After the ninth uncle has learned about it in many ways, he probably knows the direction of the next plot.

  I thought it was the new Mr. Zombie that was going to start, but this one is still behind.

  After I changed the plot this time, I would have points to find Bai Ye for a lottery.

  Now these few apprentices of my own are much better than before in terms of cultivation.

  After all, it has been remodeled, so Uncle Jiu also thought that there was no need to continue shopping, and (Zhao Hao) might as well take some.

  Card drawing master: [Okay, can you say that the Tyrannosaurus beast is drawn live?This will be good luck. 】

  Although it is not explicitly stated that there is such a point.

  But this is indeed a rule that does not become a skirt.

  Basically, if you mainly draw cards, everyone will draw them live.

  Dark Dragon Fighter: [Well, let’s live stream it. 】

  Since everyone is broadcasting live, he will definitely not hide it.

  At this time, Yakumo Zi, who was silently watching the screen, also fell into deep suspicion at this moment.

  Could it be that I didn't get a good draw because I didn't live stream the draw? In fact, I'm not an African chief at all, and it has something to do with the live broadcast?

  Thinking of this, the idea of ​​Yakumo Zi was even more determined.

  How could he be an African!

  This is absolutely impossible.

  That's right!

  It must be like this, next time you will try it live!

  When the live broadcast was turned on, the figure of the dark battle tyrannosaurus appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

  Card Draw Master: [Domineering! 】

  Who can refuse such a domineering Digimon.

  If it wasn't for the skirt girl, he would have to get it into his office.

  It's darker than it looks in the anime, and it's even more domineering.

  Is this the Dark Fighting Greymon?

  As a jet-black dragon warrior, it fights Greymon, a virus species feared by others.

  Compared with the virus nemesis Fighting Greymon, his creed and doctrine are the opposite, but he exists for his own justice.

  It hates cowardice and despicable tricks, and thinks that vulgar Digimon of the same virus species are not its own companions.

  The genesis of the viralization has always been a mystery.

  Bigger reminder and domineering look than the original.

  I have to say that many people in the skirt are a little emotional. The Digimon is still inside, and the domineering of Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus is really unique.No.

Chapter 208

  Qiu Zixi: [I have to say, it is indeed a popular character in Digimon! 】

  This look is even more domineering than the one in the anime.

  Ninja Dance King: [What role am I? 】

  Uchiha Madara was curious.

  A domineering person like himself should be quite popular.

  Card drawing master: [Ninja Dance King, didn't your name come out, and you also need a good friend from Dazhu...]

  Ninja Dance King: [I'm special! 】

  You shouldn't talk too much yourself.

  Madara Uchiha felt that she had nothing to do with herself.

  As a result, one sentence brought the matter out again.

  He has clarified so many times that he and Dazhu are not like that at all.

  As a result, these people didn't believe it at all.


  Madara Uchiha couldn't explain it.

  He has no choice.

  Dark Dragon Fighter: [Isn't it because I drew cards...]

  Dark Fighting Greymon was somewhat nervous.

  Being stared at and talking about myself by so many people.

  Although some of them are normal, they even praise themselves.

  But he was still somewhat nervous.

  He is not good at communicating with people, and he usually appears less in his skirts.

  Most of the time it's diving and looking at other people's chat logs or what their world is like.

  I never thought that I would have a live broadcast one day.

  And being discussed like this, I was always nervous.

  Card drawing master: [You haven't started drawing yet...]

  I haven't drawn the card yet, so when I look at him, I can't chat.

  Dark Dragon Fighter: [...]

  I don't know what to say, but what Bai Ye said seemed normal.

  Dark Fighting Greymon thought for a while, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  He doesn't like talking much.

  Look at the two cards in your hand.

  The meditation begins.

  [Dark Flame]: Summons the flames of hell to burn everything that can be seen, and can cause damage to the soul.

  [Steel Body]: The body has been further strengthened, and the body of steel can double the defense strength of the body, and increase the recovery speed by [-]%.

  Both are useful, although in Bai Ye's eyes, they are not very powerful abilities.

  But that seems to be enough.

  It's really cool to be able to get this.

  three times.

  In addition to the previous Erza, the probability of something happening today is really high.

  It has to be said that they admitted that they were a little moved.

  Card drawing master: [Hey, look, this is the person who believes in me, the things drawn are so good! 】

  Dark Dragon Fighter: [Very good, after using this ability, I feel that the quality of my body has improved a lot, and Mingyan seems to be very powerful. 】

  Throws a dark flame towards the open space, similar to the Amaterasu in the original book, but it can be controlled by oneself, that is, Amaterasu + Earth Life.

  And it can burn the soul.

  not bad.

  Dark Fighting Greymon is happy with both draws.

  The defense is twice as strong as before, and the recovery ability has been improved by [-]%.

  Be my son: [My dear, if this body of steel is put on Kaido, I'm afraid it won't really be able to move. 】

  It directly doubles the defense.

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