As for Yakumo Zi, because it has always been a card-drawing trick.

  Therefore, things about her African chieftain are still not well known.

  Card drawing master: [This has nothing to do with me, I'm almost lucky, maybe I'm saving character in the future? 】

  Bai Ye quickly comforted him.

  There must also be clarification.

  I definitely didn't do anything in the dark.

  It's just that his chances are that he will do some things.

  As for other people, it is the same, and there is no way to do it by himself.

  If you could set it yourself, you would have given yourself the best thing.

  Do you still need to prepare some lucky draws for yourself now?

  Fairy Queen: [Is this card good? 】

  The first time she drew a card, in fact, Erza didn't know whether the things she drew were good or not.

  But you can probably tell from their conversations.

  This should be considered a relatively good thing?

  Qiu Zixi: [This is of course a good thing. The additional attributes and the improvement of those attributes are actually very good things. 】

  Generally speaking, this percentage boost thing is definitely one of the best.

  After all, it can still be used later.

  It's a lie to say that I don't envy, I'm really envious.

  Why don't you have such good luck.

  Really pissed off.

  Fairy Queen: [Well, it seems that my luck is good, thank you Bai Ye. 】

  Erza thought about it, and felt that she still had to express her gratitude to Bai Ye.

  After all, if it wasn't for Bai Ye's words, he might not be able to make up his mind to draw cards.

  After being chatted by them like this, she suddenly felt that her two thousand points were worth it.

  Card drawing master: [It's okay, people who believe in me have already drawn good things, but no one has asked me to try their luck with low-level cards! 】

  If Bai Ye meant something, they didn't know where they were.

  However, everyone was hesitant.

  Erza did win some good things in the lottery before.

  But at the moment, I can't be sure.

  Fairy Queen: [How to use this? 】

  Card drawing master: [Just recite and use the enchantment directly to the place you want to use it. 】

  Bai Ye briefly explained,

  Fairy Queen: [Okay, I'll try. 】

  According to Bai Ye's instructions, Erza quickly enchanted this on her cross-dressing magic.

  On the weapon, although the disguise will change every time, the weapon has not changed all the time.

  This seems to be not bad. With the feedback of attributes, Erza feels that she is indeed much stronger than before.

  He picked up the two knives and waved them towards the branches in front of him.

  Purification and corrosion.

  This ability is still only in the initial state of undeveloped.

  Enchanting is really great.

  A hint of surprise flashed in Erza's eyes.

  "Erza what are you doing here~"? "

  Lucy stepped forward and asked curiously.

  I saw that Erza had been gone for a long time.

  So Lucy is also ready to come over and see what's going on.

  As a result, I saw this scene, felling trees here?

  "It's okay, just try this, let's go back."

  Erza put away her weapon and released her disguise state.

  Almost forgot that Lucy was still here.

  Better go back sooner.

  Fairy Queen: [The ability is very powerful, I will close the live broadcast first. 】

  The matter has been resolved, I have finished drawing cards, and my abilities have also been tested.

  This time, Erza was satisfied.

  After closing the live broadcast, everyone exited the live broadcast room and came to the skirt chat interface.

  At this moment, no one came to draw cards for him.

  If Bai Ye doesn't feel like he's forcing them, he'll probably have to hesitate for a long time.

  So I quickly reminded: "Cough, if I don't draw the card, I will leave first, maybe the next time I will not have such a good luck."

  Right in the middle.

  They really have this idea.

  Since Erza can draw good things by drawing cards, why can't she herself?

  And a few people who haven't drawn cards before are a little excited at the moment.

  Among the newcomers, only Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus and Moon Worship Master have not drawn cards yet.

  The old people have already drawn, and they joined it, watching other people draw cards all the time, naturally itching.

  Dark Dragon Fighter: [I don't have points yet, but can I trade digital eggs with you? 】

  Dark Fighting Greymon hasn't changed the plot yet, but has collected a lot of Digimon.

  He knew that he could trade it to Bai Ye.

  He will collect points, but he is not sure whether it will be specific.

  Digimon is the birth egg of Digimon, and like eggs in the real world, Digimon are born by themselves.

  Digimon are magical eggs that fall from the sky.

  The babies born will lie in the cribs turned into digital eggs and be adopted by the same village Digimon.

  Digimon are eggs from which Digimon hatch.

  Digimon are born from the Digimon to the early stages of infancy.

  A mature Digimon can copy its own data and leave a Digimon at the end of its life.

  There are various types of Digimon, each with different appearance characteristics and baby Digimon that are born.

  Card drawing master: [Yes, but I only accept one, and I don't want the rest. 】

  Living things cannot be replicated.

  But he only needs one, and he doesn't need any extras.

  After all, the ability is a bit repetitive.

  Digimon cannot be considered life in the strict sense, but in the presence of this form, they cannot be copied.

  The dark dragon fighter: [Then I need to distinguish, I will trade a few for you first, you can see and give me points. 】

  Dark Battle Greymon also doesn't know the value of the Digimon that he has collected.

  However, Bai Ye has always been honest in transactions, so he also believes in each other.

  Card drawing master: [Okay, you can trade it to me, and I will give you an estimate. 】

  Traded three Digimon from Dark Battle Greymon.

  According to the valuation of the system, the transaction gave the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast [-] points.

  Because it needs to be cultivated by itself, the points are not very high.

  "Speaking of the system, I don't want to watch this egg grow up, right?"

  I don't know how long it will take to grow up, if I really need to watch it myself.

  Bai Ye felt that this was really the end.

  【Ding!Points can be paid in exchange for accelerated growth! 】

  Points again!

  A black line flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

  Although I already knew it would be such a result.

  But every time I think of points, I feel bitter in my heart. Everyone is saying that they are profiteers. Isn't this what the system has cultivated.

  Temporarily threw the eggs into the Shenwei space.

  I don't have time to deal with so much.

  Come back later.

  Maybe it will hatch on its own.

  Didn't you save a lot of points by yourself?

  Dark Dragon Fighter: [Draw a card, I will try to draw two! 】

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