At this moment, looking at the speeding motorcycle, the child pointed, and he felt that he should go to sleep at this moment.

  Hallucinations may have occurred.

  "How could there be a motorcycle in the sky... FUCK!!!"

  It doesn't matter if it doesn't look at it, although it passes by in a flash, this is really a motorcycle. it an illusion?


  I actually fell into an illusion.

  I didn't expect that there are motorcycles here, I must have not woken up.

  "What's the noise, why don't you let people sleep, how can there be motorcycles in the sky!"

  On the plane, some people were also taken aback by the mother's shouting.

  Dude, is this taking them for fools?

  How can there be motorcycles in the sky.

  Do not joke!


  "It just seemed like we passed a plane."

  Shokuhou Caoqi was excited for a while, but he never thought about it.

  He will drive a motorcycle all over the world in the air.

  "How does it feel? Do you like it?"


  Never had it before.

  Her heart was beating fast.

  This person doesn't seem to be annoying at all, and even she looks a little pleasing to the eye.

  Until the next day during the day, Shokuhou Caoqi felt that his whole body was floating.

  At the beginning, they drove this motorcycle, but because it stopped once, the speed needed to be added up.

  Bai Ye directly used the power of space to take her around the world.

  I went to a lot of places in one night.

  If it weren't for the fact that he didn't seem to be ready to play, Shokuhou Misaki would still want to continue.

  "That... thank you, sorry I misunderstood you before."

  A hint of embarrassment flashed across Shokuhou Caoqi's face.

  There was a bit of a misunderstanding between myself and Bai Ye.

  But now that she gets along, she feels that Bai Ye seems to be a good person.

  "It's okay, come to me next time if you have any unhappy things, and this stone is for you. As long as you are in danger, you can find me if you crush it."

  After speaking, Bai Ye waved his hand and left.

  Leaving Shokuhou Misaki, who was holding the stone in contemplation.

  But in the next second, she immediately reacted, as if she didn't have contact information yet.

  How can I get in touch with him.

  "Wait...that's just one night, how could I become like this."

  "Will the memory be erased?"

  A tangle flashed in Shokuhou Caoqi's eyes.

  According to what she thought before she met Bai Ye yesterday, she must erase this memory.

  But not necessarily now.

  Forget it.

  There's no need, just like what he said, I will ask him to complain when I meet him in the future.

  Then let him take him to travel around the world.


  This time, there are still many places I haven't been to.

  This is what he said to find him by himself. In short, if you encounter it in the future, go there.

  It wasn't that she had to rely on Bai Ye for being stubborn, but he told himself that he wanted to go find someone by himself.

  So, this doesn't count!


  Come back home.

  Bai Ye looked out the door, Thor, who was carefully examining the smell on his body, with his arms crossed.

  There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

  What is this for?

  "Master Bai Ye has no smell, maybe he came back after clearing the smell!"


  It's not good to have a smell on yourself, and it's not good to have no smell.

  Guys, does this mean Thor has already concluded that something is wrong with him.

  "Speaking of Thor, what are you doing..."

  Seeing Thor like this, Bai Ye was also a little hesitant to say anything at this time.

  I don't understand the point of Thor doing this when he just came back.

  "I just want to see where Lord Bai Ye went yesterday, in the service area for a while and not in the service area for a while!"

  Thor had called Bai Ye before.

  It's just that Bai Ye never picked up.

  The above shows that Bai Ye is in the service area for a while, and it is strange that he is not there for a while.

  "Cough, that might be a problem with the phone..."

  A trace of embarrassment flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

  Of course, he knew what was going on, and it had something to do with how erratic he had been yesterday.

  But of course it's a phone issue.

  "Okay, how was your conversation yesterday, Lord Bai Ye?"

  "I decided to pass, but this is my decision time, in exchange for them to give us information."

  "Hey, it's an exchange of information. By the way, did you join that organization, Bai Ye?"

  Lucoa walked out of the door, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

  If that's the case, then that's really surprising.

  Unexpectedly, Bai Ye would choose to join this organization.


  Others could not help but come up at this time.

  Could it be that Bai Ye also signed the sales contract?

  "No, it's just a verbal agreement. As for when to go, it's up to me to have the final say. Even if I go there if I want, let's exchange information."

  "I see."

  Lucia's eyes flashed with understanding.

  If so, that's really pretty good.

  At least Bai Ye is not considered to be added to it.

  "Did something happen?"

  Saitama yawned and walked over from the next door.

  Isn't there breakfast? What are these large groups of people doing around Bai Ye?

  "Is such that......"

  Bai Ye briefly told Saitama about this.

  It's not really that important.

  It's just an information point.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

  For them, the current intelligence is really a weakness.

  Therefore, it is necessary to access some places where the information is relatively good.

  It just so happens that Academy City is one, and he can poach people.

  Bai Ye will naturally not miss this opportunity.

  "So, when do we have breakfast?"

  Saitama didn't care about this at all, he came here for only one purpose, and that was free breakfast.

  Anyway, as long as he wakes up, he will come over for breakfast.

  Usually, by this point Thor will have breakfast ready.

  "I'm making soup, I'll do it later."

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