"Well, I want to ride a heavy motorcycle, so just lean on my arms and enjoy this moment with me, but what were you thinking about before? What do you think I want?"

  Bai Ye looked at Shokuhou Caoqi with a smile.

  It always felt like she was thinking a bit dirty before.

  From the very beginning, Bai Ye never thought to use this request to do something.

  He's not that mean yet, and even if he said it, Shokuhou Cao Qi would never agree.

  Even before there were no constraints whatsoever.

  But he felt that it was very simple to want to soak in Shokuhou, there was no need to use such a foolish method to get her.

  "Do you like heavy locomotives?"

  Shokuhou Cao Qixin calmed down, after knowing that the other party was asking for this.

  She was extremely relaxed at the moment.

  It's not enough to say it earlier, and actually let myself keep guessing like this.

  When she came here just now, she was quite frightened.

  Thinking about it this way, the man in front of him doesn't seem to be as hateful as he thought.

  "No, I really like to have a crane with you."


  Is this a confession?

  It should be related to the heavy locomotive, his heartbeat seems to be a little abnormal.

  Shokuhou Misaki felt that he should have been affected by the speed of the heavy locomotive.

  "I'll say it first, I don't accept confessions!"

  Her eyes were a little erratic, although her image of Bai Ye had also changed, but now she had to accept it herself.

  There was absolutely nothing she could do.

  "Don't worry, I just want to ride a heavy motorcycle with you. I haven't confessed to you. Don't make fun of yourself."

  He stroked his forehead, which surprised Shokuhou Misaki.

  "Look ahead, and don't take your hand off the handle!"


  This bastard actually left the handle with both hands, is he preparing to die with himself?

  No, he is a space capable person, and it is no problem to protect himself.

  "Why don't you take control, the modified version of the heavy locomotive, this speed is very high, directly pull the speed to the highest, and enjoy the speed!"



  This man must be crazy.

  But she still managed to put her hand on the locomotive and prepare to control it.

  Seriously, she'd never played like this in all these years.

  However, in the next second, the locomotive stumbled and almost knocked over.

  Fortunately, the night was steady.

  "I do not know."

  "I teach you!"

  She put her hands on Shokuhou Caoqi's hands and pulled the speed to the highest level. The huge roar increased her heartbeat, and there was no room for thinking when her hands were held by others.

  This time, his heartbeat seemed to have reached the maximum at the same speed.

  "By the way, you are a sports idiot. Even if you are a sports idiot, the heavy motorcycle will not be an idiot, right?"

  In the original book, Shokuhou Caoqi is a sports idiot.

  But he didn't expect that he didn't even know a locomotive, so this locomotive shouldn't be considered a sport, right?

  "Not at all!!"

  Shokuhou Caoqi's face was flushed, and his identity as a sports idiot was actually known by this bastard!

  And... how could his hand hold his own! ? .

Chapter 204

  "Your hand... your hand..."

  "I can't hear you!!"

  The sound of the wind whistling around, although the white night can be heard clearly.

  But you can cover it up with this.

  Just hold it.

  Shokuhou Caoqi's face was completely rosy and he couldn't hide it.

  held by him.

  According to his leadership, he followed his rhythm and controlled the heavy locomotive.

  This rapid feeling, the faster her heart beats, the more excited she feels.

  As the eldest lady, she has never played this kind of thing.

  "Be careful, there is a cliff in front of you!!"

  Shokuhou-san prayed to the cliff in front of him, and Bai Ye didn't mean to slow down at all.

  If you fall like this, you might be dead.

  The heartbeat was a little faster.

  The blood in her head was already congested, and she felt like she had never felt this way before.

  Are you going to take her down the cliff?

  "I'll protect you, don't worry."

  Leaning on Bai Ye's chest, listening to his gentle voice.

  For some reason, Shokuhou Misaki really felt relieved.

  Boom boom boom! ! !

  It seems that there is no upper limit, this motorcycle can actually be faster.

  She already felt the wind blew her skin a little.

  "Does your motorcycle have no speed limit?"

  "No, you can open as many blocks as you can."

  This motorcycle is drawn from the system.

  You can drive the motorcycle all the time, and the motorcycle has no acceleration limit.

  That is to say, you can keep accelerating, but when you get to the back, it will become slower and slower, and you cannot stop.

  Once the choice is stopped, the next step is to start over.


  Shokuhou Cao looked at the cliff that was getting closer and closer in front of him, and his heart was already hanging at this moment.

  But the next moment, the motorcycle jumped down from here and landed on the air, and the two of them kept driving in the air.

  "This one can fly in the air?"

  "No, I used the power of space below. Do you want to control it? There is no speed limit, and we can even travel around the world!"

  Bai Ye's words directly moved Shokuhou Caoqi's heart.

  Travel around the world and still drive a motorcycle.

  "Is that still the same as before?"

  "What was it before?"

  Bai Ye glanced at Shokuhou Caoqi with a smile, and he must have been moved by this look.

  But then again, what was it like before?

  He really didn't know.

  "It's...that you hold my hand, and then you control..."

  Shokuhou Caoqi's eyes were a little erratic.

  I want to travel around, but I can't control it.

  She can only let Bai Ye help herself, at least she has a sense of participation.

  "Okay, let's go together."

  Holding Shokuhou Misaki's hand, this time the other party seems to have accepted this.

  Driving the motorcycle all the way, using the space road opened up by Baiye, the two of them rode all the way.

  There is no need to worry about cars on the ground in the air.

  There are also planes, but planes themselves are much less common than cars.

  Just avoid it.

  "Mom, do you think that's a motorcycle?"

  on the plane.

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