Based on the principle of saving as much as possible, Gabriel plans to move here to live.

  In the future, this rent money can also be used to recharge yourself into online games to buy better equipment!

  "Hello, there was no landlord before, but now we have bought this place."

  This white night did not lie.

  Before they had no money, they lived here for nothing, and then they bought it when they had money.

  When the landlord knew that they were going to buy it, he wished he would just come here and sign a transfer jump with them.

  Naturally, when both parties are happy, this building becomes theirs directly.


  If there is a landlord, it seems that it is impossible to live here.

  Maybe it is still the same as before, and continue to rent there.

  After all, she was very familiar there, and she thought it would be better to go back if she had to spend money.

  In comparison, the environment over there will definitely be better than here.


  Bai Ye said and paused for a while, and the next second, Gabriel also paused, and then turned to look at Bai Ye, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

  But what?

  "If you want to live, it's not impossible, you just need to work here!"

  "work to earn a living!?"

  Gabriel was stunned for a moment, she really wanted to find a job recently.

  Because the money is not enough to surf the Internet by yourself.

  In order to maintain his title of game god, Gabriel now needs a lot of money to recharge.

  Of course, if you have no money, you can actually not recharge.

  Just need money for food, right?

  Others also need money, so Gabriel has to face the fact that she has to work part-time to make money.

  "That's right, part-time work! It's not bad if you include food and housing, and the salary is also good."

  "Packed to eat...packed to..."

  There were only these four words left in Gabriel's mind.

  If it is really a package of food and housing, it seems that working here is not a difficult thing to accept.

  In this way, not only do you not need to worry about spending money on food and rent, you must know that this takes up the bulk of consumption.

  After that, all the money can be recharged into the online game except for the one that must be left.

  not bad!

  It's just that Gabriel already has the answer in her heart.

  But she didn't understand.

   "But I don't know anything..."

  Gabriel felt that she had to hide herself first.

  After all, she couldn't just believe what the other party said.

  However, after seeing Bai Ye's smiling eyes, Gabriel actually had some doubts in her heart.

  "Actually, I know you are an angel, otherwise I wouldn't let you come to work, how do you think about it?"

  Bai Ye immediately put the words aside.

  Others may have to coax themselves.

  But Gabriel is different.

  This product has no money, and the conditions she can provide are what she needs most at present.

  Food, shelter, and money are definitely what she needs most at the moment.


  Gabriel lost her calmness at the moment, she didn't expect the other party to see through it so quickly.

  Although she said that, she also had a concern at this time: "I have other things. If the labor union takes up a lot of my time, I'll forget it..."

  I work part-time just to play games.

  If you don't have time to play games because of part-time work.

  It doesn't matter if you don't do this job!

  "If you pay for completing the task, you can do it if you want to, and don't do it if you don't want to. No one will force you. In addition, you can choose the difficulty and time of the task yourself."

  This condition is completely equivalent to sending money.

  Anyway, freedom was given to her. As for whether to work or not, it was up to Gabriel herself.


  Gabriel thought to herself that she could do a part-time job once a week.

  Doing one day and taking six days off is the life Gabriel needs.

  What's more, if you don't have money, you can still do the task and add it once. Anyway, you can arrange the time yourself.

  Most importantly, as long as she lives here, she doesn't need to worry about rent, water, electricity and food.

  It can completely satisfy Gabriel's depraved life.

  If you don't do this kind of good thing, you won't be able to turn yourself in in the future.

  "Well, sign a contract!"

  After hearing that Gabriel promised to come and work here.

  The smile on Bai Ye's face was even worse.

  As expected, Gabriel agreed in the end.

  The few people behind them couldn't help shaking their heads at this time. Looking at Gabriel's innocent appearance, they signed the contract without even thinking about it.

  Cthulhu Sauce feels the same way, but she won't remind her aloud!

  Such a tragic experience for myself, if no one else has the same experience as myself.

  How can she calm down!


  The evil evil god sauce is online! .

Chapter 167

  After writing your name.

  Innocent Gabriel White only knew what a human routine is, and she wants to go back to heaven.

  This is not a special contract.

  In the future, I can only work here for the specified time.

  Although she doesn't think it's a problem.

  But the sad thing is, why didn't I look carefully before?

  Just like when the evil god-chan signed the contract before.

  I still don't know where Bai Ye is, I guess he is about to jump in his mind.

  After all, whoever you are, will be in a good mood when you know that things have developed like this.

  He's actually kind of weird too.

  Don't these people check the contract carefully before signing it?

  As long as they don't remind them, they will write their names directly.

  "You don't think that signing a contract is to go back at any time if you want to go back, right?"

  A quirk flashed in Bai Ye's heart, and then he glanced at Gabriel in surprise.

  It gave him the feeling that those who signed and did not read the contract before seemed to think that they could go back and resign at any time.

  But this contract is the power of law.

  So there is absolutely no regrets after signing.

  That's why the biggest word on the first page is this one.

  Just to remind them that they need to think carefully when signing contracts.

  It's not about thinking how to do it and then doing it.

  This is obviously impossible.


  A look of embarrassment flashed across Gabriel's face.

  I had really thought about this before.

  As an angel, but also an angel without any morals.

  If she calls herself a devil, it is estimated that some people will believe it.

  Based on the idea that she signed it anyway, and the big deal is not to do it at that time, she just ignored this matter.

  It's just that what happened after that directly caught Gabriel a little off guard.

  At this moment, she felt that she was really a fool.

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