There was a hint of curiosity in Bai Ye's eyes, he didn't know why Academy City suddenly invited him over.

  Upon seeing this, Thor also handed the phone to Bai Ye.

  "Hello, is this Mr. Bai Ye?"

  "Yes, you are?"

  "Next is Aleister Crowley, the president of Academy City's governing council. If I made this call, I wanted to invite you over as a guest."

  Aleister Crowley bluntly stated the purpose of finding Bai Ye.

  Looking for Bai Ye is naturally something, otherwise he will come to Bai Ye when he is full.

  "I don't think it's as simple as being a guest, right?"

  A strange smile flashed across Bai Ye's mouth. He didn't believe that Aleister Crowley was just looking for him to chat.

  If so, they don't have to, they don't have much to talk about.

  If I remember correctly.

  Aleister Crowley was a man and a woman, a man and a child, a saint and a prisoner.

  In other words, he originally sealed all kinds of possibilities into the same body.

  It is better to have less contact with such people.

  Don't know if it's male or female.

  "As expected, I can't hide it from you. In fact, I want to invite you to come to Academy City to give a speech. What you did before has also caused a lot of repercussions."

  Aleister Crowley, who was in the Academy City before, also learned about Shiro through the live broadcast.

  Aleister Crowley actually wanted to communicate with Bai Ye with the kind of 18-level card magic.

  In addition, his ability is very strong, in fact, Aleister Crowley's idea is to hire Bai Ye as a special lecturer.

  Just teach your students about their superpowers on a regular basis.

  Or in other words, as long as he comes here to teach occasionally, the school will be chosen by him at will.

  And in name, he is also a person from Academy City, and they want to win over such a person.

  As a force, it is always thinking about how to pull in powerful people.

  So, for the time being, let’s test Bai Ye’s bottom line.

  If he is willing to join Academy City, this is naturally the best, if not, he can teach him well.

  "Let's watch this later. We can leave a contact information. I'm busy recently and may not have time!"

  Bai Ye thought for a moment in his heart, and immediately had the answer.

  It is obviously no problem to invite yourself to the past, and the academy city is not very far from your side.

  Besides, since it is Academy City, it means that there are a lot of points to earn.

  In this case, how could Bai Ye not pass.

  This was Aleister Crowley's initiative to invite herself over.

  Points, here he comes!

  "Okay, if that's the case, then leave this number. This is my personal number. If you have time in the future, Mr. Bai Ye, please tell me first, I can arrange it!"

  Aleister Crowley couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  At least it seems to be a good attitude for now.

  No matter how you look at it, it's good that he didn't directly refuse.

  There should be room for further discussion.

  After hanging up the phone, Bai Ye also put the phone in Thor's hand. At this moment, she was also a little curious and asked, "Is Lord Bai Ye ready to go?"

  Listening to the conversation between the two of them, although Bai Ye didn't immediately agree, Thor probably already thought of it.

  Bai Ye will definitely pass in the end, because he did not refuse.

  "Well, if you want to go to Academy City, you can go and have a look."

  "That place is really famous."

  Compared to the firm that they were interested in, the Heroes Association where Fubuki belonged to and Academy City were very famous, after all, they had been established for so many years.

  These foundations are still there.

  "But I only invited Lord Bai Ye, hum!"

  Thor's mouth pouted, and his heart was also very uncomfortable. He only invited Bai Ye to go there, and he didn't mean to invite her at all.

  Doesn't that look down on her?

  Don't you have the qualifications to be a dragon?

  "I guess I watched that live broadcast."

  If Bai Ye remembered correctly, the first time he showed his power in front of the world was in the world created by the book of the creator.

  At that time, Saitama and others did not make a move.

  Only if he did it himself, that is, at that moment, it is estimated that he appeared in their field of vision.

  "All right......"

  With such an explanation, Thor seems to be able to understand.

  After all, they haven't shot yet, so they don't know their own power very well.

  Thinking about it this way, it's not that she looks down on her, but that she doesn't know her.


  This time, I can barely forgive those bastards!

  Next time, you must show your powerful strength, and then let them know the power you are looking down on!

  Ding dong.

  While the two were chatting, a doorbell rang outside the door.

  "Is it Saitama?"

  "No, isn't Saitama here with us?"

  Thor gave Bai Ye a strange look, and Saitama had come with him before.

  Fubuki, Saitama, Genos and the others are also waiting for dinner here.

  Did Bai Ye forget about this?

  "Cough cough, sorry I just thought about something."

  An embarrassment flashed across Bai Ye's face.

  Before, he had been in a world under one person for decades.

  Of course I kind of forgot about it.

  If it's not Saitama, who is it?

  "If we remember correctly, there seems to be no one here, right?"

  If there is no office in this place, no one will come here.

  There's also a no-man's-land around here.

  Originally, it has gained some popularity recently, but it was only because of the online assignment.

  Therefore, many people who used to come here to hand in tasks and post tasks have also done so on the Internet.

  "Go and see."

  Bai Ye thought of this, got up and walked directly to the door.

  Thor followed behind.

  The two went out one after the other, accompanied by the opening of the door of the evil god sauce, and looked at the person at the door.

  Bai Ye was also a little confused.

  How did this girl come?

  "That...May I ask if there is no landlord here..."

  The girl looked at the large group of people, and was actually a little nervous in her heart.

  After I heard that there was no landlord here, the girl who was short of money was ready to move in.

  Just before coming, she decided to ask the aborigines here.

  "Shouldn't I say my name first before asking a question?"

  "Okay, my name is Naive Gabriel White!"


  A flash of clarity flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

  Just as I thought, it looked a bit like her before, but now after hearing her name, Bai Ye can be sure that this is the heroine in Gabriel's Fall.

  That is the fallen angel.

  The chief graduate of the Angel School, who went to the lower world for further cultivation, began to gradually transform into a otaku after coming into contact with human society.

  There is an angel girl with beautiful blond hair, who has won the honor of the chief graduate in the angel school in the heaven.

  Afterwards, he went to the school of human society and started a general study tour.

  After exposure to manga, animation and online games in culture.

  Gabriel, who was originally an honor student, has since fallen and become an otaku girl who is addicted to it.

  Every day I live a life of truancy and living in my apartment, wearing only a sports jacket and playing games on the Internet.

  And when she came here, Bai Ye probably guessed it.

  It is estimated that there is no money for rent. I heard that there is no landlord here, so I can live in vain.

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